Measure an individual's capacity to succeed in a number of careers


George K Bennett, Harold G Seashore and Alexander G Wesman, 1996


Individual or Group - 60 to 90 minutes per battery, Paper & Pencil


The DAT has a history stretching back to 1947 with its original authors being amongst the most prestigious names in the history of psychometric test development. The unrivalled development history of the DATand the accumulated validity data over more than four decades gives this publication unassailable authority.

DAT for Selection builds on previous work carried out by The Psychological Corporation into reliable and valid measures of individual aptitudes and the results have seen the development of a shorter battery of tests with new items and UK norms.

DAT for Selection assesses different types of ability, or aptitude, which can be related to success in different areas of employment. Two separate components are available, the General Abilities Battery and the Technical Abilities Battery, reflecting the different aptitudes required for different areas of employment. Each component assesses an individuals relative strengths and weaknesses across aspects of ability considered key to occupational success.
The General Abilities Battery combines the following tests together:

Verbal Reasoning

  • How well can you understand ideas expressed in words?
  • How clearly can you think and reason with words?

Numerical Reasoning

  • How well can you understand ideas expressed in numbers?
  • How clearly can you think and reason with numbers?

Abstract Reasoning

  • How well can you understand ideas that are not expressed in words or numbers?
  • How well do you think out problems even when there are no words to guide you?

The Technical Abilities Battery combines the following tests together:

Numerical Reasoning

  • How well can you understand ideas expressed in numbers?
  • How clearly can you think and reason with numbers?

Abstract Reasoning

  • How well can you understand ideas that are not expressed in words or numbers?
  • How well do you think out problems even when there are no words to guide you?

Mechanical Reasoning

  • How easily do you grasp the common principles of physics as you see them in everyday life?
  • How well do you understand the laws governing simple machinery, tools and bodies in motion?

Space Relations

  • How well can you visualise, or form mental pictures of, solid objects from looking at flat paper plans?
  • How well can you think in three dimensions?

DAT for Selection has been specifically designed for convenience and simplicity of use. Its high quality format provides for easy administration and enables results to be interpreted quickly and with confidence. In addition, machine-scorable record forms are available to make scoring even quicker and more reliable. You can choose to operate this system or through our Bureau Service.