California Catholic School Superintendents Curriculum Committee


Wednesday, October 1, 2008 – Friday, October 3, 2008

Villa Maria Del Mar, Santa Cruz


Wednesday, October 1, 2008

1:15 p.m. – 3:50 p.m.

Members Present: Gail Sherman (Sacramento); Carol Hoffer (Los Angeles); Annette Zaleski (San Bernardino); Sr. Marianne Viani, SNJM (San Francisco); Kim Pryzbylski (Monterey); Sr. Barbara Bray, SNJM (Oakland); Sally Todd (Orange); Tom Butler (Stockton); Charlene Lemann (San Jose); Sr. Melita Penchalk, OSBM (Phoenix); Sr. Ruthmary Powers (Tucson)..

Members Absent: Pat Bannon (San Diego); Sr. Jean Williams, OP (Fresno); Kitty Bergin (Reno)

Member Roster: Distributed by Sally based upon revisions given at the Spring meeting. Given additional changes occurring since then, members were asked for corrections and Sally will edit and send out a final copy with minutes of this meeting.

Catholic Identity Criteria: Tom distributed copies of the new “Catholic Identity of the School Criteria” that has been approved and adopted by WCEA and introduced as such at the WCEA Elementary Commission Meeting at their Fall meeting. This will be formally incorporated into the Justification Statement with the current eleven Justification Criteria used for school accreditation.

Tom discussed a document he has developed which takes each of the eight indicators and references them into a Catholic Identity Assessment Guide... It was felt that this would give schools additional guidance in relation to Catholic Identity criteria. It was moved by Sally that this instrument be reviewed by the Curriculum Coordinators within their respective dioceses as a draft and members bring input to the April, 2009 Curriculum meeting. As a result of the spring discussion, the possibility may exist that the CCSSCC would make a recommendation of inclusion of this Assessment Guide within the WCEA Self Study process. Charlene seconded this and there was a consensus of the group.

Tom also distributed coordinated draft work with Catholic Identity (Chapter 3A in the new Self Study Templae) that is being done by the WCEA Self Study Re-write Committee (Tom, Gail, Sally) .

In-depth Study: Carol introduced and discussed the work of the In-depth Study Committee (Charlene, Gail, Carol, Sr. Marianne) in the revision of the guide template. The new In-depth begins with a statement of purpose and gives an outcome base. Five specific tasks are stated to assist schools in their in-depth study review:

Task 1: Review diocesan/standards and outcomes for this subject area

Task 2: Review of Data

Task 3: Identify What Students Learn

Task 4: How Students Learn

Task 5: Develop an Action Plan

The concern arose regarding the status of the majority of schools in relation to current use of curriculum mapping. It was explained processes such as this are research based and foundational for curriculum implementation. A school might be identifying this as a goal for the future.

A deeper concern exists in the “piece meal” approach in what we might be asking schools to do. There needs to be a concerted effort to integrate processes so that what we are able to assure schools that what they are doing is meaningful and not overwhelming (e.g.. a goal that comes up in individual in-depth studies could be incorporated as an over-all goal in a school Self-Study Action Plan in improving student learning).

Carol will email the In-depth study draft to committee members with a request for input from committee members. A suggestion of the utilization of a Writeboard was made to facilitate this process.

A question arose regarding the in-depth study curricular cycle. It was been brought up in the past that a subject area might be a two year project. Some dioceses do this. Others coordinate a core subject with one of less weight in the curriculum (e.g. Social Studies with Physical Education). Curricular review cycles will be discussion at the May, 2009 Currciulum Committee meeting.

The subject of diocesan adoption of state standards was brought up. While state standards are still the foundation within most dioceses, Oakland and San Bernardino also pay attention to national standards in relation to their diocesan curriculum. Sacramento uses State Standards but integrates religion throughout. Sacramento’s standards will be forwarded to Curriculum Members.

Recommendation from Sr. Marianne: Kevin Colleary ( contact: Timothy Mullner – (815/332-3245) McMillan/McGraw Hill)– Incorporating Catholic Social Teaching in Content Subjects.

Report Cards: Sr. Marianne would like samples of reports from various dioceses. Please email her your report card. A discussion of Report Cards will be at the April, 2009 meeting.

Meeting was concluded at 3:50 p.m.. Dinner sponsored by Sadlier Publishers (Marilyn MacDonald)—Shadowbrook

Thursday, October 2, 2008

9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.

Members Present: Gail Sherman (Sacramento); Carol Hoffer (Los Angeles); Annette Zaleski (San Bernardino); Sr. Marianne Viani, SNJM (San Francisco); Kim Pryzbylski (Monterey); Sr. Barbara Bray, SNJM (Oakland); Sally Todd (Orange); Tom Butler (Stockton); Charlene Lemann (San Jose); Sr. Melita Penchalk, OSBM (Phoenix); Sr. Ruthmary Powers (Tucson). Sr. Jean Williams, OP (Fresno).

Members Absent: Pat Bannon (San Diego); Kitty Bergin (Reno)

Prayer by Sister Jean: Resource: In Every Age—Janet Sullivan Whitaker from “Land of the Living” copyright 2000 OCP;

Pre-School Education Curriculum: Charlene presented a synopsis of the new document, California Preschool Learning Foundations. This is developed into four domains: Social-Emotional Development; Language and Literacy; English-Language Development; and Mathematics. The Diocese of San Bernardino is developing a broad curriculum for Preschool based upon Foundations that is intended to be general enough to include all preschools within their diocese. Annette distributed Preschool and Pre-kindergarten Guidelines which the Diocese of San Bernardino has developed and discussed its contents. Annette will zip the files in relation to the preschool work of San Bernardino and forward to Sally to send out. Members wished a hard copy of the document. It was agreed that this is an outstanding resource. Charlene and Annette printed the document for members (Kinkos) which they distributed on Friday (cost $30.00).

A main point was made that that if a diocese has a program that accepts a child 4 years 9 months or younger, it must be licensed by the Department of Social Services.

Bearing Witness: Sally gave an overview of Bearing Witness, a program sponsored by the ADL and supported by the USCCB. This program is an outstanding opportunity for educators to experience and become involved in Holocaust education as well as giving a possibility to the same educators to experience a trip to Israel as a follow-up. Sally will be sending out further overview information regarding this program.

Writeboard Demonstration: Tom gave a demonstration on to assist committee members in using this collaborative tool. A referenced, sample writeboard can be found at It has been agreed that this would be a very beneficial in relation to group and committee work.

Book Review: Sr. Marianne distributed the Committee’s reading selection for the year: Failure Is Not an Option by Alan M. Blankstein. At the Spring Meeting, there will be a group discussion. The following chapters of were assigned:

Chapter 1: Carol

Chapter 2: Annette/Charlene

Chapter 3: Sr. Jean

Chapter 4: Sr. Barbara

Chapter 5: Sr. Ruthmary

Chapter 6: Sally

Chapter 7: Sr. Melita

Chapter 8: Tom

Chapter 9: Gail

Chapter 10: Sr. Marianne/Kim

Again, gratitude given to Maureen Huntington, Superintendent of San Francisco, for supporting the annual reading material for the group.

Other good books suggested: Disrupting Class (Michael B. Horn and Curtis W. Johnson ISBN 978-0-07-159206-7); Generation Me; Encore Effect—Mark Sanborn

Superintendents’ Meeting: Sally reported on the joint meeting between the CCSS and CCSSCC last. In summary, it was felt that the meeting was a very positive beginning in developing another avenue of communication between the two groups. It is anticipated that at the Superintendents spring meeting there will be another opportunity for collaboration with the CCSSCC. It was noted that this collaboration can result in additional joint projects. Through the Superintendents’ Conference call on Friday, it has been confirmed that the Spring Superintendents Meeting will be held in Ontario in coordination with the WCEA Commissioners Meeting and that, again, a collaborative meeting between the two groups will take place. Kim brought up that the superintendents were interested in Special Needs within our schools. This, too, is of interest to the CCSSCC and it was recommended that this be a topic of further discussion for our Spring meeting.

Kim will access the recent article in the Journal of Catholic Educational Inquiry in relation to inclusion and put it on the anticipated Wiki space that she will develop. This would be a site for the CCSSCC to post/access resources of our group.

Resources: Annette shared two recently documents published by USCCB:

*Doctrinal Elements of a Curriculum Framework for the Development of Catechetical Materials for Young People of High School Age: This is the Bishops’ direction to publishers to conform with standards. It will also give direction to secondary schools as to their Religious Studies courses.

Video: http://www.harcourtreligion/bishopsframework

*Catechetical Formation in Chaste Living.—Role of catechist, parents, pastors and publishers.

Faithful Citizenship: It was suggested that this resource be used on a consistent basis and not just in an election year.

Sr. Marianne shared two publications published for marketing and support for their schools: Catholic High Schools Information Booklet and Professional Development Opportunities and Meetings 2008-09.

Joyce Maksin—Title 5 (moving into Title 2A):

Joyce distributed a packet of information as an overview. Change in funding structure. Funding for Title 5 and is now switching to Title 2A. This funding will not take away from allocated Title 2A funds. It doesn’t deplete any funds that come through district. It is anticipated that the funding is expected to be consistent with last year. There are some unknowns at this point and especially from 2009 forward in relation to private schools. California Subject Matter Project trainings may be included. More resources may be available than in the past. Statewide Needs Assessment for teachers/teaching staff was explained. Joyce will email the Needs Assessment electronically to Curriculum Coordinator with the information back to her by November 30th. In the future it is anticipated that principal staff development would be included. Supervision, delegation of duties, conflict resolution, professional learning communities and using data effectively would be some topics suggested.

Secondary Literature Curriculum: Sr. Melita has posed the need for information regarding the selection of literature selections . Char will send the policies from their diocese/school

Academic Decathlon: Sally shared the progress being made on the Jr. High Academic Decathlon for the approval of the CCTC.

Background: Spring, 2008—Discussion with the Superintendents—LA no longer able to continue coordinating the event. The Superintendents.supported continuation of Decathlon if it would continue under the CCSSCC. Sally volunteered to spearhead. Executive Committee formed with Gail, Sr. Jean, Sr. Marianne.

Diocesan Participants thus far: Los Angeles, San Francisco, Fresno, Sacramento, San Diego, Orange (per survey in spring and later input)—Sam Bernardino and San Jose indicated possibility.

Developed Study Guide was reviewed and discussed. Social Studies Quiz resource and the level of reading of Bud Not Buddy (too low). It was also felt that the four Councils of the Church in relation to the religion section were too many. The following decisions were made:

ü  Research and identify another resource for Super Quiz Social Studies

ü  Limit the Religion test to focus on only one council, The Second Vatican Council.

Additional considerations discussed:

·  Test Writers—confidentiality/conflict of interest/they will be unknown bodies

·  Deadlines--:Posting: November 1, 2008 (earlier if possible)—Decathlon website (if access could be made). Otherwise, there was a suggestion of developing a Wiki for posting. January 15 – tests completed (into reviewers hands). February 20th tests forwarded to dioceses.

·  Cost per diocese $1000.00

·  State event—San Francisco offered to host the state event

Meeting concluded for the day at 4:00 p.m. Dinner sponsored by Pearson Learning (Bill Quinn) at Bittersweet.

Friday, October 3, 2008

9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.

Members Present: Gail Sherman (Sacramento); Carol Hoffer (Los Angeles); Annette Zaleski (San Bernardino); Sr. Marianne Viani, SNJM (San Francisco); Kim Pryzbylski (Monterey); Sally Todd (Orange); Tom Butler (Stockton); Charlene Lemann (San Jose); Sr. Melita Penchalk, OSBM (Phoenix); Sr. Ruthmary Powers (Tucson). Sr. Jean Williams, OP (Fresno).

Members Absent: Pat Bannon (San Diego); Kitty Bergin (Reno); Sr. Barbara Bray: SNJM (Oakland).

Spring Meeting: April 1-3, 2009 (Dinner evening of the 1st, depart by noon on the 3rd).

Place: Marriott Ontario Airport

Reservations under: Superintendents/Curriculum Committee


$114.00 per night

Dinners: Annette will arrange dinners for evenings of April 1st and 2nd.

Prayer: April 2nd: Sister Marianne

April 3rd: Annette

Future Meetings:

September 30, October 1,2, 2009—Villa Maria Del Mar, Santa Cruz

March 24th -26, 2010: Marriott Ontario Airport

Tuesday, May 5th 1:00 p.m.—Meeting with the Superintendents after the WCEA

Commissioner Meeting.

Additional Topics for Future Meetings (also discussed informally):

*Technology Template—Annette will try to send out a sample school Tech Plan

*Teaching Religion in the Catholic School

High School Religion Curriculum—Sr. Melita/Sr.Ruthmary

Extended Care—Annette

Foreign Language/Fine Arts—Carol

Report Cards/Gradelink (connected with above for Spring discussion)—Annette

Establishing Professional Learning Communities at the school site—Tom

Kim volunteered to develop a Wiki Space for committee members which would include resources for committee members that are discussed at meetings as well as minutes. It was suggested that this Wiki could also be accessed by the Superintendents and also the WCEA Commissioners.