Isaiah’s Dated Oracles in Historical Context

Year B.C. /

Biblical Text


Historical Event

/ Isaiah’s Experience
791 / 2 Kings 14:21; 15:1-2 / Accession of Uzziah [Azariah] in Judah
c. 759 / Birth of Isaiah
752 / 2 Kings 15:27 / Pekah rules in Gilead
750 / 2 Kings 15:30 / Accession of Jotham in Judah [Leprosy of Uzziah]
745 / Tiglath-pileser [Pul] became King in Assyria
743 / 2 Kings 15:19-20
2 Kings 16:1 / Tiglath-pileser [Pul] received tribute from Menahem of Israel
Ahaz became co-regent with Jotham in Judah
740 / 2 Kings 15:25, 27 / Pekah became sole ruler in Israel
739 / Isaiah 6:1 / The death of Uzziah / Isaiah called and inducted into prophetic ministry
735/4 / Isaiah 7:1;
2 Kings 16:5-6 / The alliance of Pekah [Israel] and Rezin [Aram] against Judah / Isaiah predicted the failure of the plot of Pekah and Rezin
732 / 2 Kings 16:9
2 Kings 15:30 / Tiglath-pileser captured Damascus and killed Rezin
Hoshea killed Pekah and became king of Israel
731 / 2 Kings 15:38 / The death of Jotham;
Ahaz became sole ruler in Judah
728 / 2 Kings 18:1 / Hezekiah became co-regent with Ahaz in Judah
722 / 2 Kings 17:5-6; 18:8-12 / The capture of Samaria by Shalmaneser or Sargon and the Exile of Israel
715 / 2 Kings 16:2
Isaiah 14:28-32 / The death of Ahaz Hezekiah became sole ruler in Judah / Isaiah’s Oracle concerning Philistia
705 / Sennacherib became king of Assyria
702/1 / 2 Kings 20:1;
Isaiah 38:1 / The sickness of Hezekiah / Isaiah predicted 15 more years for Hezekiah
701 / 2 Kings 18:13
Isaiah 36:1 / Sennacherib besieged Jerusalem / Isaiah predicted Jerusalem’s deliverance
686 / 2 Kings 20:21 / The death of Hezekiah
681 / Isaiah 37:37-38 / The death of Sennacherib / The death of Isaiah
(c. 680/79 B.C.)


Title / Oracles / Historical Interlude / Oracles
1:1 / Rebels against Yahweh (1:2)
New Moon, Sabbath
City a Harlot (1:21)
None to Quench
1:2 35:10 / 701 B.C.
Faith of
36:1-37:38 / 702/1 B.C.
Folly of
Exile in
38:1 - 39:8 / Rebels against
Yahweh (66:24)
New Moon, Sabbath (66:23)
Rejoicing in Jerusalem (65:18)
Not Be Quenched
40:1 66:24
Background / Babylonian

The Book of Isaiah

introduction: the vision of Isaiah (1:1)

a introductory messages of condemnation, pleading, and future restoration (1:2-12:6)

·  condemnation of empty religious practices (1:12-15), social injustice, wickedness

·  Yahweh’s eyes hidden; He won’t hear their prayers; their hands are full of blood (1:15)

·  themes: devouring beasts, Sabbath observance, briers and thorns, unacceptable sacrifices,

drunkenness, punishment by burning, darkness transformed to light

·  “the wolf will dwell with the lamb . . . and the lion will eat straw like the ox . . . they will not hurt or destroy in all My holy mountain” (11:6-9)

b oracles to the nations: humiliation of the proud king of Babylon (13:1-27:13)

·  fall of proud Babylon

·  lofty beginning of unit’s key figure, the king of Babylon: proud, boastful, respected and feared, wicked, smites, oppresses, slays people, exalts himself above the stars, bright morning star (14:1-20)

·  humbling of the king of Babylon: humiliated, brought low; kings shocked to see him, rise up and taunt him; he has no seed

c collection of woes: do not trust in earthly powers (28:1-35:10)

·  Egypt’s help is empty; it will not profit, shame will be result of trusting Egypt; they are people, not gods; trust Yahweh!

·  folly of idols (30:22; 312:7) and of vessel advising potter (29:16)

·  highway in the desert; flowers, glory of Yahweh being seen; coming with reward; strengthening the weak (35:1-10)

d CENTER: historical narratives showing Yahweh’s supremacy over all earthly and

divine powers (36:1-39:8)

c’ Yahweh’s supremacy over idols; do not trust in idols (40:1-48:22)

·  idols are worthless and empty; Yahweh is Israel’s true help; idols will not profit; shame from trusting idols; trust Yahweh!

·  repudiation of idols; folly of vessel advising potter (45:9)

·  highway in the dessert; flowers, glory of Yahweh being seen; coming with reward; strengthening the weak (40:1-31)

b’ servant messages: exaltation of the humble servant (49:1-57:21)

·  restoration of humbled Jerusalem

·  humble beginning of unit’s key figure, Yahweh’s servant: humble, quiet, not esteemed, righteous, smitten, oppressed, slain for His people, remains lowly, hidden in dark obsurity

·  exaltation of the servant: exalted, raised up; kings shocked to see Him, shut mouths, rise up and bow before Him; His seed

a’ concluding messages of condemnation, pleading, and future restoration (58:1-66:24)

·  condemnation of empty religious practices (58:1-14); social injustice, wickedness

·  Yahweh’s face hidden; He won’t hear prayers; their hands are bloody (59:1-3)

·  Themes: devouring beasts, Sabbath observance, briers and thorns, unacceptable sacrifices, drunkennnes, punishment by burning, darkness transformed to light

·  “the wolf and the lamb will feed together . . . the lion will eat straw like the ox . . . they will not hurt or destroy in all My holy mountain” (65:25)

An Alternate Approach to the Literary Structure of


Volume One / Volume Two
The Ruin and Restoration of Judah (1-5)
Zion ransomed (1:27)
Transgressors destroyed in fire (1:31) / Paradise Lost and Regained (34-35)
Zion ransomed (34:8; 35:10)
Transgressors destroyed in fire (34:10)
Narrative (6-8)
The conduit of the upper pool (7:3) / Narrative (36-39)
The conduit of the upper pool (36:2)
Agents of Blessing and Judgment (9-12)
The Ideal King (9:1-7; 11:1-10)
A light to the Nations (9:1-2)
Darkness dispelled (9:2)
Justice established (9:7)
The Lord’s Spirit (11:2)
A Second Exodus (11:11-16)
A highway prepared (11:11-16)
Gathered from the ends of the Earth (11:11) / Agents of Deliverance and Judgment
The Ideal Servant (41:1-43:13)
A light to the nations (42:6)
Darkness dispelled (42:7)
Justice established (42:1-4)
The Lord’s Spirit (42:1)
A Second Exodus (41:17-20; 42:15-16; 43:14-44:5)
A highway prepared (43:16-21)
Gathered from the ends of the Earth (41:9; 43:5)
Oracles against Foreign Nations (13-23)
Oracles against Babylon (13:1-14:23; 22:1-10)
Fury against Babylon (14:6)
Children lost (13:16; 14:22)
Images smashed (21:9) / Oracles against Babylon (46-48)
Oracles against Babylon (46:1-48:22)
Fury against Babylon (47:6, 11)
Children lost (47:9)
Images smashed (46:1)
Judgment and Deliverance of God’s People
Banquet summons (25:6)
Death and sorrow (25:7-8)/Joy (25:9)
Sea Monster (27:1)
God will have compassion (27:11) / Redemption through the Lord’s Servant;
Glorification of Israel (49-55)
Banquet summons (55:1-2)
Death and sorrow (49:9; 51:11)/Joy (51:3; 55:12)
Sea Monster (51:9)
God will have compassion (54:8-10; 55:7)
Ethical Sermons (28-31)
Judah guilty of falsehood (28:15)/seeking refuge in
Foreign nations (28:15, 17; 30:2-3)
Drunk prophets (28:1, 7; 29:9) and blind (29:18)
Breach in the wall (30:13) / Ethical Sermons (56-59)
Judah guilty of falsehood (59:3-4)/seeking refuge in
Foreign nations (57:13)
Drunk prophets (56:12) and blind (56:10)
Breach in the wall (58:12)
The Restoration of Judah and the Davidic Kingdom (32-33)
Sharon like a dessert (33:9)
Rivers in Zion (33:21)
Jerusalem restored (33:20)
No sickness or sorrow (33:24)
God’s Spirit will make renewal possible (32:15) / Paradise Regained
Sharon a lush pastureland (65:10)
Rivers in Zion (66:12)
Jerusalem restored (66:13-14)
No sickness or sorrow (65:19-20)
God’s Spirit will make renewal possible
(61:1; 63:14)

ISAIAH 1:2-35:10

Introductory Oracles of
Jerusalem’s / Judah’s /
Israel’s Judgment and
1:2 12:6 / Oracles of the Nations’
Judgment and Restoration
13:1 27:13 / Collection of Woes:
The Folly of Trusting
In Nations Instead of
28:1 35:10

ISAIAH 1:2-12:6

Case Against His
1:2 / The Coming
Judgment and Restoration of Jerusalem
2:1 / Yahweh’s
Exile of His
5:1 / The Call of Isaiah
6:1 / Yahweh’s Judgment and the Coming of
7:1 / Yahweh’s Judgment and the Coming of the Shoot from Jesse

ISAIAH 13:1-27:13

Oracles of the Nations’ Judgment and Restoration

The Oracles Concerning the Nations

[Note Future Obedience to Yahweh in
16:1-5; 17:7; 18:7; 19:18-25; 23:17-18]
13:1 /

Yahweh’s Judgment and Restoration

of the Earth

ISAIAH 28:1-35:10

A Collection of Woes

The Woes

28:1 /

Yahweh’s Judgment of Edom


ISAIAH 40:1-66:24

Jerusalem’s Deliverance from Captivity through
40:1 /

Jerusalem’s Deliverance from Sin through the Suffering Servant

49:1 / Jerusalem’s Deliverance to Glory through the
Anointed Conquerer

The Structure of Isaiah 52:13-53:12

A The Servant’s Exaltation (52:13-15)

-  exaltation after humiliation

-  “many” (52:14, 15)

B The Servant’s Humiliation (53:1-3)

- like a shoot, root

- rejected

C The Servant’s Sacrifice (53:4-6)

B’ The Servant’s Humiliation (53:7-9)

- like a sheep

- rejected

A’ The Servant’s Exaltation (53:10-12)

-  exaltation after humiliation

-  “many” (53:11, 12)

Jeremiah’s Dated Oracles in Historical Context

Year B.C. /

Biblical Text


Historical Event




695 / 2 Kings 21:1 / Manasseh’s Co-regency with Hezekiah
686 / 2 Kings 20:21 / Hezekiah’s Death
Manassah’s Sole Reign
657-639 / Jer. 1:6-7 / The Birth of Jeremiah
642 / 2 Kings 21:19 / Accession of Amon
640 / 2 Kings 21:26-22:1 / Accession of Josiah
627 / Jer. 1:1 / Jeremiah called and inducted into prophetic ministry
626 / Nebopolassar controlled
622 / 2 Kings 22:3-23:24 / Book of the Law found
Reforms of Josiah
614 / Asshur fell to the Medes
612 / Ninevah fell to the Medes and Babylonians
609 / 2 Kings 23:28-37
Jer. 22:10-12
Jer. 7:1-15; 26:1-24 / Death of Josiah
Accession of Jeoahaz
Accession of Jehoiakim / Exile of Jeoahaz
Sermon at the Temple
605 / Dan. 1:1
Jer. 25:1-38
Jer. 45:1-5
Jer. 36:1-8 / Battle of Carchemish
First Exile to Babylon / 70 Year Exile Prophecy
Life of Baruch to be Spared
Scroll prepared by Jeremiah through Baruch
604 / Jer. 36:9-32 / Burning of Scroll
597 / 2 Kings 24:1-16
Jer. 22:24-30
2 Kings 24:17-18
Jer. 24:1-10
Jer. 49:34-39
Jer. 29:1-19 / Accession of Jehioachin
Second Exile: Jehioachin taken to
Zedekiah made King / Exile of Coniah
Good and bad figs
Oracle against Elam
Letter to Exiles
594 / Jer. 51:59-64 / Scroll thrown into the Euphrates
593 / Jer. 28:1-4 / Hananiah prophecied imminent return of the exiles
588 / Jer. 34:1-22 / Seige of Jerusalem / Freeing of Slaves
587 / Jer. 32:1-33:26
Jer. 37:1-38:28 / Attempt of Pharoah Hophra against Babylon / Purchase of Land
Arrest and cistern
586 / Jer. 39:1-40:7
Jer. 52:1-30
Jer. 40:8-41:16
Jer. 42:1-22 / Destruction of Jerusalem; Third Exile / Release of Jeremiah
Number of Exiles
Gedaliah killed
Advise to stay in land
585 / Jer. 43:1-44:30 / Flight to Egypt


1.  Similar Historical Settings

-  Jerusalem about to Fall

-  Temple soon to be Destroyed

-  Formalism in Worship

2.  Both Had a Message for a People They Loved

3.  Both Wept over Jerusalem (Jer 9:1; Luke 19:41)

4.  Both Condemned the Commercialism of Temple Worship

(Jer 7:11; Matt 21:13)

5.  Both Accused of Political Treason

6.  Both Were Tried, Persecuted, and Imprisoned

7.  Both Foretold the Temple’s Destruction (Jer 7:14; Mark 13:2)

8.  Both Were Rejected by their People (Jer 12:6; John 1:11)

9.  Both Were Tenderhearted

10.  Both Knew Loneliness

11.  Both Enjoyed Unusual Fellowship with God


Narrative / Oracles/Narrative / Oracles/Narrative / Narrative/Oracles / Narrative
(Word of Yahweh)
1:1 / The Collected Oracles/Narratives of Jeremiah:
Yahweh’s Judgment of Judah
(and the Nations)
1:4 / The Oracles/Narratives
of Jeremiah:
Yahweh’s Restoration of Israel/Judah
30:1 / The Narrative/Oracles
of Jeremiah:
Yahweh’s Judgment of Judah and the Nations
34:1 / The Narrative of Jerusalem’s
Desolation by Babylon

An Alternate Approach to the Structure of


Call and Commission of Jeremiah / Jeremiah and His People / Jeremiah and the Nations / Historical Appendix
1:1 / Theme:
Yahweh’s Punishment of Judah
2:1 / Development
3:6 / Sign:
The Good and Bad Figs
24:1 / Theme:
against Judah
and all the Nations
25:1 / Develop-ment
26:1 / Sign:
The Sunken
51:59 / 52:1

The Book of Jeremiah

a introduction: the words of Jeremiah until the exile of Jerusalem (1:1-3)

b oracles against Judah: coming invasion and disaster from the north (1:4-10:25)

·  Jeremiah appointed over the nations to declare God’s judgments against them (1:10)

·  messages to nations (10:11,25); including Egypt, Edom, etc. (9:25-26)

·  eyewitness-like depictions of Judah’s invasion, including battle scenes, horses, trumpet alarms, swords and bows, casualties, destruction of towns, exiles, etc.

·  exhortations to weep and wail over Judah’s fall (4:8; 6:26; 9:20)

·  theme: disaster coming from the north (1:13-15; 4:6; 6:1, 22; 10:22)

·  nearly verbatim repetitions: 6:22-24 // 50:41-43 and 10:12-16 // 51:15-19

c Judah’s exile and suffering predicted (11:1-20:18)

·  Jeremiah’s complaints of his persecution (11:18-12:6; 15:10-21; 17:14-18; 18:18-23; 20:7-18)

·  Jeremiah beaten and imprisoned at Upper Benjamin Gate by Pashhur (20:1-18)

·  Jeremiah’s complaints about his persecution; God will save him from enemies (15:20-21; 20:11)

·  Jeremiah’s prayer that he be vindicated and avenged (12:3; 15:15; 17:18; 18:21-23)

·  themes: sword, famine, plague (or variations) (14:15; 15:2; 16:4; 18:21; 19:7: 20:4)

d dated messages of judgment about specific kings and groups (21:1-29:32)

·  begins: message to Zedekiah during siege; city will fall to Babylonians and be burned; Zedekiah will be captured (21:1-7)

·  failure of Davidic kings to be just and to rescue oppressed (21:12; 22:3-5)

·  symbolic-action message: cup of wine to nations (25:1-38)

e CENTER: messages of future hope (30:1-33:26)

d’ dated messages of judgment about specific kings and groups (34:1-35:19)

·  begins: message to Zedekiah during siege; city will fall to Babylonians and be burned; Zedekiah will be captured (34:1-3)