Student Name (printed) Quarter ______

Juniors and seniors have signed a service contract to serve a non-profit agency consistently throughout the year, with a minimum of 6 hours each quarter. Sophomores are required to serve 4 hours per quarter at any approved agency (only two of the four hours can be done through Fenwick).Everyone is busy with jobs, sports, extracurriculars etc. so you need to plan ahead and schedule your service wisely. It should not be done last minute. Your agency depends on your reliable service. Good communication with your service coordinator is key.

The goal of these hours is not to complete the required minimum but rather to develop a heart for service and prepare you to take the responsibility of service into your own hands. The purpose of the Jr/Sr contract is to develop relationships with the agency and people you serve in order to make connections that will grow your love of Christ and neighbor as well as set you up for life-long service, not simply completing a requirement.

It is your responsibility to have your service coordinator fill outthis sheet every quarter for you to turn in by the due date, or you be ineligible the Monday after the due date. Failure to complete your service will also result in a grade of “Incomplete” in Religion until all requirements are met.

To be completed by the student:

Agency Name ______

Brief explanation of service completed: ______




Signed ______Date ______


Each quarter, service should be completed and verification

sheets filled out and turned in by the following dates:

1st Quarter – Friday, Sept. 29th

2nd Quarter – Friday, Dec. 8th

3rd Quarter – Friday, March 9th

4th Quarter –Friday, May 18th




Each junior and senioris required to serve a minimum of 6 hours each quarter to the same agency. Each sophomore is required to serve a minimum of 4 hours a quarter. Please fill out this sheet in order to verify the hours and effectiveness of the student’s service and return to the student to submit to the school. It is their responsibility to have this sheet completed by you and submitted on time. You will be contacted if there are any questions with the service or for a random check. If any problem arise, contactMrs. Johnson, Director of Campus Ministry at Fenwick, at (513) 423-0723 x5010 or

To be completed by the Service Coordinator:

Date of Service / Number of Hours / Service Coordinator Initial

Description of the student’s work ethic and attitude while serving: ______



Print Name ______Phone # ______

(Service Coordinator)

Signed ______Date ______

(Service Coordinator)

Each quarter, service should be completed and verification

sheets filled out and turned in by the following dates:

1st Quarter – Friday, Sept. 29th

2nd Quarter – Friday, Dec. 8th

3rd Quarter – Friday, March 9th

4th Quarter – Friday, May 18th