TO:Kevin Dunn,Services Division Director

DTMB- Procurement

FROM:Lance Kingsbury, Buyer Specialist

DTMB -Procurement, Services Division

DATE:February 28, 2013

SUBJECT:Award Summary for RFP 071I2200186– Prisoner Physical and Mental Healthcare

Background Information/General:

The Michigan Department of Corrections (MDOC)currently provides comprehensive mental health and physical health services to approximately 43,200 prisoners currently housed in 32MDOC correctional facilities, and re-entry centers. This includes Huron Valley Women’s Correctional Facility (the only female prison in the State, located in Ypsilanti, MI). In the future there may be prisoners housed in MDOC facilities, other Michigan jurisdictions including jails, or privately operated correctional facilities. Prisoners from other jurisdictions are included in the MDOC population count, and the Contractor is responsible to provide the same services to, and will receive the same Per Prisoner Per Month (PPPM) payments for, these prisoners unless an alternative service/payment structure is agreed to by the parties.

Approximately18-20% of the approximately 43,200 prisoner population is currently being treated at some level for mental healthcare. A larger percentage of prisoners may receive mental health treatment during their incarceration.

The Contractormust provide services at any location that houses MDOC prisoners and prisoners housed from other jurisdictions that are under the jurisdiction of the MDOC.

The MDOC operates Duane L Waters Health Center (DWH) in Jackson, MI which has 152 in-patient beds, and houses Levels I (least restrictive), II, IV and V (most restrictive) prisoners whose medical needs cannot be met at other correctional facilities within the State. MDOC reserves the right to place prisoners at DWH for administrative purposes. DWH provides acute, medical, long term care, and surgical procedures that are non-invasive or use conscious sedation. DWH also has the responsibility for C-Unit, which involves a program to care for 91 extended-care patients who do not require hospitalization at DWH, but whose needs could not be met in general population. DWH currently has a procedure suite with two procedure rooms and an on-site emergency room staffed 24 hours, seven days a week.

The MDOC operates infirmaries at the following facilities: Marquette Correctional Facility (eight beds); Woodland Correctional Facility (24 beds); Huron Valley Women’s Correctional Facility (17 beds); and a geriatric unit at Lakeland Correctional Facility (90 beds)which includes nine prisoner helpers. The Contractor is expected to utilize the infirmary beds to capacity to reduce unnecessary inpatient visits.

Healthcare services and mental health services are provided to prisoners using a standard of medically necessary care and imposed by court decisions, legislation, accepted correctional and healthcare standards, public and mental health codes, American Correctional Association (ACA) standards of care, and MDOC Policies and Procedures.

MDOC continues to seek benefits for all eligible MDOC prisoners. Through a partnership with the Michigan Department of Human Services (DHS), benefit applications are being processed for prisoners who meet the qualifications. MDOC currently is receiving Medicaid benefits for inpatient stays for aged, blind, disabled, and pregnant prisoners. This includes inpatient stays at community hospitals with secure units.

Mental Health Services, a division of the Bureau of Healthcare Services,is, and will continue to be,Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF) Accredited with the exception of WCC. The Contractor will be responsible to maintain the CARF Accreditation for the Corrections Mental Health Program and to achieve CARF accreditation for WCC.

Joint Evaluation Committee (JEC):

The JEC for this RFP consisted of the following individuals:

Lance Kingsbury (Voting)
Department of Technology, Management and Budget / Betsy Hardwick(Voting)
Professional Consulting Services
Terry Malloy (Voting)
Nurse Practitioner / Roy Calley (Voting)
Department of Community Health
Lia Gulick (Non-Voting)
Department of Corrections / Joanne Sheldon (Non-Voting)
Department of Corrections


The Request for Proposal (RFP) was posted on the websiteJuly 3, 2012, and was available for 86days with a published due date of September 27, 2012. The following Bidders submitted proposals in response to this RFP:

Bidder / City, State / Michigan Business / CRO / SDVOB
Centurion of Michigan, LLC / Lansing, MI / Yes / No / No
Corizon Health, Inc. / Brentwood, TN / Yes / No / No
MHM Correctional Services, Inc. / Vienna, VA / Yes / No / No

Selection Criteria and Evaluation:

The following chart represents the scoring of the particular factors:

Physical Health Component / Weight
1. / Statement of Work (Article 1 – Physical Health Services Requirements and Required Services for both Mental and Physical Health Requirements) / 40
2. / Bidder Information (4.011) / 5
3. / Prior Experience (4.012 – Physical Health Services Related Experiences only) / 25
4. / Staffing (1.031 & 4.013 – Physical Health Services Staff and Staff Common to both Physical Health Services and Mental Health Services) / 30
TOTAL: / 100
Mental Health Component / Weight
1. / Statement of Work (Article 1 – Mental Health Services Requirements and Required Services for both Mental and Physical Health Requirements) / 40
2. / Bidder Information (4.011) / 5
3. / Prior Experience (4.012 – Mental Health Services Related Experiences only) / 25
4. / Staffing (1.031 & 4.013 – Mental Health Services Staff and Staff Common to both Physical Health Services and Mental Health Services) / 30
TOTAL: / 100

Oral Presentation

Bidders who submit proposals may be required to make oral presentations of their proposals to the State. These presentations provide an opportunity for the Bidders to clarify the proposals through mutual understanding. Purchasing Operations will schedule these presentations, if required.

Site Visit

The State may conduct a site visit to tour and inspect the Bidder’s facilities. Purchasing Operations will schedule these visits if required.

Price Evaluation

(a) Only those proposals receiving a score of 80 points or more in the technical proposal evaluation will have their pricing evaluated to be considered for award.

(b) Evaluation of price proposals includes consideration for a Qualified Disabled Veteran Preference. 1984 PA 431, as amended, establishes a preference of up to 10% for businesses owned by qualified disabled veterans meeting the minimum point threshold for passing.

(c)The State reserves the right to consider economic impact on the State when evaluating proposal pricing. This includes, but is not limited to: job creation, job retention, tax revenue implications, and other economic considerations.

Evaluation Results (100 points possible):

Centurion of Michigan, LLC

The JEC determined thatCenturion of Michigan, LLC (CoM), based on a score of52, couldnot meet the requirements of the RFP for the Physical Health portion and, based on a score of 82, could meet the requirements for the Mental Health portion. This determination was accomplished by evaluating their responses to the evaluation criteria noted in the table above.

Physical Health

1.Statement of Work (Article 1)Score: 28/ 40

The JECnoted the following deficiencies for the physical healthcare component:

  • CoM agreed to meet all requirements of Section C. Productivity/Monitoring; however, the following responses were not consistent with these requirements (page 49):
  • CoM stated that “prisoners in chronic care clinics will be seen as often as the medical provider determines…” and not according to the Chronic Care Guidelines.
  • The JEC could not locate where CoM discussed how they would ensure there was no lapse in medication for chronic care.
  • The JEC could not find where CoM would triage prisoner requests to see healthcare staff within 24 hours of the request.
  • The JEC did not find an adequate plan that addressed their speech therapy and occupational therapy services (Section L; page 93).
  • CoM agreed to meet the requirements of Section M. End of Life Services; however, they did not propose an adequate plan on how they will meet this requirement.
  • CoM agreed to meet all requirements of Section O.Dental Services, but the plan lacked detail and a comprehensive approach.
  • The JEC could not find #’s: 1, 5, 6, or 7 in Section Q (page 107).
  • CoM’s response to Section R. Secure Unit lacked detail and did not meet the requirements as noted below: #’s: 1, 3, 5, or 7 (no department inclusion; page 110).
  • CoM stated they will comply to the requirements in Section S. Duane Waters Health Center (DWH); however, they did not address the following:
  • CoM did not list the ophthalmology specialty clinic.
  • CoM did not address how they will improve all specialty clinics or services provided at DWH.
  • Section T. Diagnostic Testing Centers; CoM did not confirm they would phone the correctional facility nurse station housing the prisoner if the lab results represent “panic values” within two hours of the laboratory identifying the abnormal result.
  • CoM stated they will comply with the requirements in Section U. Pre-Authorization Review Process; however, the JEC could not find where they addressed informationregarding the authorization number or the EMR documentation.

The JECnoted the following deficiencies for both components:

  • Section A. Staffing, 5. On Call Services; the JEC could not find where CoM will return phone calls within 15 minutes of a page for seclusion and/or restraint order or telephone response to on call contacts for Physical Health Services On Call.
  • Section A. Staffing, 8. Background Checks/Drug and Alcohol Screening; the JEC could not find where CoM stated they will comply with the State’s security and acceptable use policies for State IT equipment and resources.
  • Section C. Electronic Medical Record (EMR), 3., CoM did not provide a business continuity plan that will ensure documentation in the MDOC’s designated EMR in the event that the electronic medical record is not available. Overall, the response to Section C lacked detail.

2.Bidder Information (4.011)Score: 4 / 5

The JECnoted the following deficiencies:

  • CoM did not provide any sales volumes.
  • Only been in business since September 2012.

3. Prior Experience (4.012)Score: 5/ 25

The JECnoted the following deficiencies:

  • CoM did not provide any contact information for Smallwood Prison Dental Services, Inc. (subcontractor).
  • CoM did not provide any Attachment C’s – Reference Form.
  • Only one Attachment C for CoM had the provision for medical healthcare services; however this experience was not relevant to the size and scope of this RFP.
  • CoM did not demonstrate they have sustained experience in providing direct services in a correctional environment that is relevant to be able to successfully manage a contract for the services defined by the RFP nor did they provide three relevant experiences.

4. Staffing (1.031 and 4.013)Score: 15 / 30

The JECnoted the following deficiencies:

  • CoM’s lead candidate for the Project Manager position does not have a strong background in regards to medical healthcare.
  • CoM stated they have several Medical Director candidates; however they provided a name and resume for one candidate and the resume provided has no dates of employment and minimum experience listed; experience does not match the size and scope to the services defined by the RFP.
  • Provider Services Director candidate has no relevant experience required for this position.
  • The staffing lacked an understanding of the operational needs in the individual facility and had inconsistencies of staffing in like facilities.

Total Score: 52 / 100

Mental Health

  1. Statement of Work (Article 1)Score: 36 / 40

The JECnoted the following deficiencies for the mental healthcare component:

  • CoM will comply with all requirements in Section F. Residential Treatment Program (RTP); 2.; however, the response lacks treatment interventions related to medication compliance and relapse and symptom management.
  • CoM will comply with all requirements in Section N. Rehabilitation Treatment Services (RTS); 2.; however, the response lacks treatment interventions related to medication compliance and relapse and symptom management.

The JECnoted the following deficiencies for both components:

  • Section A. Staffing, 5. On Call Services; the JEC could not find where CoM will return phone calls within 15 minutes of a page for seclusion and/or restraint order or telephone response to on call contacts for Physical Health Services On Call.
  • Section A. Staffing, 8. Background Checks/Drug and Alcohol Screening, the JEC could not find where CoM stated they will comply with the State’s security and acceptable use policies for State IT equipment and resources.
  • Section C. Electronic Medical Record (EMR), 3., CoM did not provide a business continuity plan that will ensure documentation in the MDOC’s designated EMR in the event that the electronic medical record is not available. Overall, the response to Section C lacked detail.

2.Bidder Information (4.011)Score: 4 / 5

The JECnoted the following deficiencies:

  • CoM did not provide any sales volumes.
  • Only been in business since September 2012.

3. Prior Experience (4.012)Score: 20/ 25

The JECnoted the following deficiency:

  • CoM did not provide any Attachment C’s – Reference Form.

4. Staffing (1.031 and 4.013)Score: 22 / 30

The JECnoted the following deficiency:

  • The staffing plan lacked an understanding of the operational needs in the individual facility and had inconsistencies of staffing in like facilities.

Total Score: 82 / 100

Corizon Health, Inc.

The JEC determined that Corizon Health, Inc. (Corizon), based on a score of 85, couldmeet the requirements of the RFP for the Physical Health portion and, based on a score of 57, could not meet the requirements for the Mental Health portion.This determination was accomplished by evaluating their responses to the evaluation criteria noted in the table above.

Physical Health

1.Statement of Work (Article 1)Score: 34 / 40

The JECnoted the following deficiencies for the physical healthcare component:

  • Corizon agreed to meet all requirements of Section O. Dental Services, but the plan lacked detail and a comprehensive approach.
  • Corizon agreed to meet all requirements of Section R. Secure Unit; however, the response to #5 lacked detail and Attachment W was incomplete.
  • Section T. Diagnostic Testing Centers; Corizon did not confirm they would phone the correctional facility nurse station housing the prisoner if the lab results represent “panic values” within two hours of the laboratory identifying the abnormal result.
  • Overall, most of Corizon’s responses lacked detail.

The JECnoted the following deficiencies for both components:

  • Corizon agreed to meet all requirements of Section O. Dental Services, but the plan lacked detail and a comprehensive approach.
  • Section A. Staffing, 3. Interdisciplinary Treatment Team; Corizon did not provide a complete and detailed response toLetters B, C and D.
  • Section A. Staffing, 7. Training; Corizon did not provide a detailed response to provide specific mental health training to all staff that work in the mental health units.
  • Section A. Staffing, 10.Clincial Reviewing and Supervision; Corizon agreed to meet all the requirements of this section; however, they did not elaborate on peer reviews for dentists or any mental health providers.
  • Section H. Quality Improvement and Assurance; Corizon agreed to meet all the requirements of this section; however, the JEC could not find evidence of a clear and measurable standard for mental or dental healthcare for all prisoners that ensure adequate access, timeliness, and quality of care.

2.Bidder Information (4.011)Score: 5 / 5

The JECdid not note any deficiencies.

3. Prior Experience (4.012)Score: 22/ 25

The JECnoted the following deficiency:

  • Corizon did not provide Attachment C’s – Reference Form for all their subcontractors (missing six out of 26).

4. Staffing (1.031 and 4.013)Score: 24 / 30

The JECnoted the following deficiencies:

  • QI Director has limited professional experience.
  • The staffing plan had inconsistencies of staffing in like facilities.

Total Score: 85 / 100

Mental Health

1.Statement of Work (Article 1)Score: 18 / 40

The JECnoted the following deficiencies for the mental healthcare component:

  • Corizon agreed to meet all requirements of Section B. Institutional Programming; however, Corizon’s response for Assaultive Offender Programming lacked detail.
  • Corizon agreed to meet all requirements of Section E. Adaptive Skills Residential Program; however, Corizon did not provide programming suitable to the target population.
  • Corizon’s response to Section F. Residential Treatment Program did not provide a response to the program requirements, but rather an alternative program for MDOC to consider.
  • Although Corizon agreed to meet all requirements of Section G. Secure Status Residential Treatment Program, they did not describe their four phase approach (#3).
  • Corizon agreed to meet all requirements of Section H. Secure Status Outpatient Treatment Services, but they did not describe their four phase approach (#5).
  • Corizon’s response to Section K. Crisis Stabilization Program did not demonstrate their understanding of the needs of the target population.
  • Corizon’s response to Section L. Acute Care did not demonstrate their understanding of the requirements of the program.
  • Corizon’s response to Section N. Rehabilitation Treatment Services lacked detail.
  • Section O. Discharge Criteria, Corizon states they provide the prisoner with no less than a 14 day supply of medication (MDOC Policy is a 30 day supply).
  • Overall, most of Corizon’s responses lacked detail.

The JECnoted the following deficiencies for both components:

  • Corizon agreed to meet all requirements of Section O. Dental Services, but the plan lacked detail and a comprehensive approach.
  • Section A. Staffing, 3. Interdisciplinary Treatment Team; Corizon did not provide a complete and detailed response toLetters B, C and D.
  • Section A. Staffing, 7. Training; Corizon did not provide a detailed response to provide specific mental health training to all staff that work in the mental health units.
  • Section A. Staffing, 10.Clincial Reviewing and Supervision; Corizon agreed to meet all the requirements of this section; however, they did not elaborate on peer reviews for dentists or any mental health providers.
  • Section H. Quality Improvement and Assurance; Corizon agreed to meet all the requirements of this section; however, the JEC could not find evidence of a clear and measurable standard for mental or dental healthcare for all prisoners that ensure adequate access, timeliness, and quality of care.

2.Bidder Information (4.011)Score: 5 / 5