Science(s) and Teacher(s) / Clearly Print Your Name

You are to evaluate yourself and your teammates by three criteria: (a) Self-Motivation and Perseverance, (b) Working Within a Team, and (c) Self-Reflection.

First, write each of your groupmate’s names, one per box under the column entitled “Groupmate Name. Then, indicate which of the three levels of each criterion best describes you and each groupmate’s performance. Mark one of the three level boxes (levels 2, 1 and 0) for each criterion with an “X”. This applies to personal skills a and b ONLY. Second, fill out personal skills c for yourself only. Third, write a justification and explanation of your self-assessment for each criterion in the space provided on the reverse side of this form. Add additional pages as needed. Finally, circle the level of achievement (yes/somewhat/no) for the Group 4 Project Objectives.

You / Groupmate Name / Groupmate Name / Groupmate Name / Groupmate Name / Groupmate Name / Groupmate Name
Personal Skill (a): Motivation and Perseverance
(Level 2)Approached the project with self-motivation and followed it through to completion.
(Level 1)Completed the project but sometimes lacked self-motivation.
(Level 0) Lacked perseverance and motivation.
Personal Skill (b): Working Within a Team
(Level 2) Collaborated and communicated in a group situation and integrated the views of others.
(Level 1) Exchanged some views but required guidance to collaborate with others.
(Level 0) Made little or no attempt to collaborate in a group situation.
Personal Skill (c): Self-Reflection / Your level “X”.
(Level 2)You showed thorough awareness of your own strengths and weaknesses and gave thoughtful consideration to your learning experience.
(Level 1) You showed limited awareness of your own strengths and weaknesses and gave some consideration to their learning experience.
(Level 0) You showed no awareness of your own strengths and weaknesses and gave no consideration to their learning experience.

Write justifications below for yourself assessment below. Add additional pages if necessary. If you feel that an explanation of one or all of the ratings that you gave your groupmates is necessary, then just add a page onto the end clearly labeling who and what you are writing about.

You will receive the level you selected only if your explanations are sufficient.

Personal Skill (a): Self-Motivation and Perseverance
Personal Skill (b): Working Within a Team
Personal skill (c): Self-Reflection
Group 4 Project Objectives. Indicate the level of your group’s fulfillment of the objectives.
Yes / Somewhat / No
(1) Develop and apply information and communications technology:
(2) Raise awareness of the moral and ethical aspects of the topic:
(3) Encourage an understanding of the relationship between scientific disciplines and the overarching nature of the scientific method
(4) Address the international dimension of the scientific endeavor: