Profile – General Record Book Name______Period______

Section: / 0 / 1 / 3 / 5 / Total:
Personal Info / Little to no information is completed / Two or more sections are missing data and /or information is incorrect / Missing a completed section and/or information is incorrect / All sections are completed and correct / X3 / /15
Career / No selection was made / - / - / A career field has been selected / X1 / /5
Educational Interests / No interests were selected / Only 1 interest was selected / Only 2 interests were selected / Multiple interested have been selected / X2 / /10
FFA Award / No sections were completed / Missing multiple sections that should contain information / A section is missing that should contain information / All sections that contain pertinent information are completed and correct / X1 / /5
Ag Classes / No class has been selected / Only 1 class has been selected out of multiple student has taken / A class is missing from what the student has taken / All classes that the student has been enrolled in are added / X2 / /10
FFA Offices / The student has offices to enter, but did not / 2 offices are missing pertinent to the student / One office is missing pertinent to the student / All information pertinent to the student has been completed / X1 / /5
FFA Committees / No committees have been selected / 2 committees are missing from years of involvement / A committee is missing from a year of involvement / All committees from student’s FFA career are listed and correct / X2 / /10
Resume / Little to no information is completed / Two or more sections are missing data and /or information is incorrect / Missing a completed section and/or information is incorrect / All sections are completed and correct and have a significant amt. of info / X4 / /20
Grammar / Many misspellings and errors, and lack of information input / Many grammar mistakes, and more information needed / Few grammar mistakes and answers are appropriate length / 2 or fewer grammar mistakes and answers are of quality length / X4 / /20
Total / /100
Journal Entry – Experience relating to class or SAE
Section: / 0 / 1 / 3 / 5 / Total:
Grammar / Many misspellings and errors, and lack of information input / Many grammar mistakes, and more information needed / Few grammar mistakes and answers are appropriate length / 2 or fewer grammar mistakes and answers are of quality length / X4 / /20
Entry / No entry present / Entry is not related to class or SAE and is not logical / Entry is logical, relates to class or their SAE but is not entirely complete / Entry is logical, relates to class or their SAE and all sections are complete / X4 / /20
(Job Placement ONLY) / No hours listed / Hours are listed but very inaccurate / Hours are listed but slightly inaccurate / Hours are completed and accurate/ No hours (non-Job Placement) / X2 / /10
Total / /50

Finances – SAE Record Book

Section: / 0 / 1 / 3 / 5 / Total:
Experience Manager / No experiences are listed / - / - / At least one experience pertinent to the student is listed / X4 / /20
SAE Agreement / No items are listed / 2 or less items are listed and/or many grammar mistakes / Only a few items are listed and/or there are few grammatical errors / Agreement is complete and 2 or less grammatical errors / X5 / /25
Transaction Ledger / No items are listed / 2 or less transactions are listed / Only 3 or 4 transactions are listed / At least 5 transactions are listed (either expense or income or non-cash transaction) / X5 / /25
Paycheck & Hours / No hours have been documented / Hours are listed but very inaccurate / Hours are listed but slightly inaccurate / Hours are completed and accurate / X2 / /10
Total / /80

Profile: /100

Journal: /50

Finances: /150


Total AET Grade: /300