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John Scott Uebersax, PhD

RESIDENCE Paso Robles, California


PO Box 4120 - PMB # 7738

Portland OR 97208-4120


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PhD 1983 University of Texas at Austin; Behavioral Biostatistics

AB 1975 University of Southern California; Psychology,

Religion and Philosophy; valedictorian; Phi Beta Kappa


Clinical trials: Senior clinical trials statistician experienced in all statistical aspects of Phase 3 and 4 studies, including planning and design, randomization, dataset development and QC, production of tables, listings and graphs, final report preparation and regulatory submission.

Statistical modeling. Bayesian methods; Bayes networks; WinBUGS; PROC BGENMOD; PROC MCMC; Bayesian diagnosis; genetic data; latent structure analysis; latent class analysis; Markov and hidden Markov models; survival analysis; structural equation models; categorical data models; k-nearest neighbor prediction; cluster analysis; factor analysis.

Diagnostics. PCR diagnostic test validation; calibration; Bland-Altman plots; inverse regression, reliability and repoducibility studies.

Genomic and Bioinformatics. Micro-array data; sequence alignment; dynamic programming; BLAST; optimization and numerical methods; mutation clustering.

Computer science. Artificial/machine intelligence; computational linguistics; automated content analysis.

Health economics. Personalized medicine models; Bayesian and classical meta-analysis; quality-of-life assessment; psychometrics; item response theory and Rasch models; preference modeling; forecasting.

Scientific and statistical programming. Fortran (90/95); SAS (BASE, STAT, Macros); SQL; R/S-plus; WinBUGS; Jmp; Java; VBA; Excel.

Citizenship: United States

Language Skills: English; Spanish; French (read/write); German (read/write)

Senior Statistician (contract), GlaxoSmithKline Biologicals, Rixensart, Belgium

March 2008 - March 2009.

·  Bayesian analysis of flu vaccine efficacy in Phase 3 trials

·  Used statistical simulations to double throughput of critical lab assay

·  Multivariate modeling of cell-mediated (T- and B-cell) immune response

·  Statistical Analysis Plans and Statistical Reports

·  SAS (BASE/Macro) programming to generate tables, listings, and figures

·  Quality checking of programmer results

Senior Statistician/Statistical Programmer (contract), UCB Pharmaceuticals, Braine-l'Alleud, Belgium, May 2007 - November 2007.

·  Statistical programming to support Phase 3 clinical trials (CNS; dermatology)

·  Production and QC of Analysis Datasets, Tables, Listings, Graphs

·  Data Definition Tables

·  Quality-of-Life analyses

Sabbatical research, Marbella, Spain, March 2005 - April 2007.

Research topic: Jungian Psychology and Neoplatonism

Senior Scientist, RavenPack Analytics SL, Marbella, Spain, June 2003 - Feb 2005.

Artificial intelligence design, algorithm development, and statistical modeling for healthcare and economic consulting agency

·  Developed Bayes network expert system to estimate breast cancer risk given family history and genetic (BRCA1) data

·  Hidden Markov models, artificial neural networks, k-nearest neighbors analysis

·  Computational linguistics and automated content analysis

·  Statistical programming in Fortran 90 and SAS

·  Technical writing and proposal development

·  Supervision of/collaboration with scientific programmers

Senior Statistician, W. L. Gore and Associates, Medical Products Division, Flagstaff, AZ, 3/2003-6/2003.

Phase 3 clinical trials of medical devices (arterial stents)

·  Design of noninferiority clinical trials, Statistical Analysis Plans, CRF design

·  Bayesian sample size and statistical power modeling for medical device clinical trials

·  Survival analysis and life table modeling (SAS)

·  Sample size and power estimation using PASS

Senior Statistician, La Jolla Pharmaceutical Company, San Diego, CA, 2/2002-2/2003.

Senior Statistician supporting Phase 3 clinical trials; autoimmune disease (SLE).

·  Design of clinical trials

·  Quality-of-Life assessment

·  Statistical Analysis Plans, Final Reports, Table Templates, Data Definition Tables

·  SAS programming; supervision of clinical programmers

·  Program and dataset quality checking

Senior Statistician, WellPoint Health Networks, Camarillo, CA, 5/2001-2/2002.

Health outcomes research and health policy analysis for California’s largest public health insurer.

Senior Statistical Programmer, 1997-2001

Contract statistical and software support for clinical trials data analysis, design and results submission. Principle clients included:

Amgen, Inc., Thousand Oaks, CA

Abbott Laboratories, Abbott Park, IL

A.R. Kamm &Associates, Inc., Cary, NC

Quintiles, Lenexa, KS

·  SAS programming (Base, Stat, Macros)

·  Preparation of tables, listings, figures, table shells

·  S-Plus

Independent research, Flagstaff, AZ, 1994-1996

Original research, software development, and writing concerned with new statistical methods for categorical data analysis. Developed statistics web sites and software; research and online publications on categorical data methods.

Associate Professor of Public Health (Biostatistics), Bowman Gray School of Medicine of Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, NC, 1991-1994.

Analyzed outcomes in clinical trials comparing pharmacological, surgical, and behavioral treatments for urinary incontinence; developed new ways to construct qualityoflife assessment scales; survey research; SAS programming

Associate Analyst-Statistician, RAND Corporation, Santa Monica, CA, 1987-1991.

Modeling and statistical analysis to support policy research

·  Developed new techniques for measuring health outcome preferences

·  Designed workstation for multi-attribute decision theory

·  Methodological refinements of Delphi method

·  Markov and survival models of symptom progression in Alzheimer’s disease

·  Developed taxonomy of occupational categories

·  Research grant and report writing

·  SAS and Fortran statistical programming

Research Assistant Professor, Center for Health Policy Research and Education, Duke University, Durham, NC, 19851986.

Bayesian methods for meta-analysis of clinical trials and treatment efficacy analysis.

Statistical Computing Consultant, University of Texas Computation Center, Austin, TX, 1983-1985.

Directed statistics consulting service for university faculty and students.


American Statistical Association

Biometric Society

International Society for Neoplatonic Studies


Statistical Methods for Rater Agreement

Latent Structure Analysis web pages


Online Publications (selected)

Uebersax JS. The tetrachoric and polychoric correlation coefficients. Online article, 2006.

Uebersax JS. Likert scales: dispelling the confusion. Online article, 2006.

Uebersax JS. A practical guide to conditional dependence in latent class models. Web publication, 2000.

Articles, Chapters, Reports

Perri F, Zagari RM, Uebersax JS, Quitadamo M, Bazzoli F. Helicobacter Pylori Sige Study Group on 13CO2 Measurement Standardization. An inter- and intra-laboratory comparison of breath 13CO2 analysis. Aliment Pharmacol Ther. 2003 May 15;17(10):1291-7.

Uebersax JS. Probit latent class analysis. Applied Psychological Measurement, 1999, 23, 283-297.

Wyman JF, McClish DK, Fantl JA, Uebersax JS, et al., Quality of life following bladder training in older women with urinary incontinence. International Urogynecological Journal, 1997, 8, 223-229.

Uebersax JS. Latent class analysis and latent trait analysis of student problem behaviors. In Langeheine R & Rost J (eds), Applications of Latent Class and Latent Trait Models. New York: Waxman, 1997.

Hadorn DC, Uebersax JS. Large-scale health outcomes evaluation: How should quality of life be measured? Part I--Calibration of a brief questionnaire and a search for preference subgroups. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 1995, 48, 607-618.

Uebersax JS, Wyman JF, Shumaker D, McClish DK, Fantl JA. Short forms to assess life quality and symptom distress for urinary incontinence in women: The Incontinence Impact Questionnaire and the Urogenital Distress Inventory. Neurology and Urodynamics, 1995, 14, 131-139.

Shumaker SA, Wyman JF, Uebersax JS, McClish DK, Fantl JA. Health-related quality of life measures for women with urinary incontinence. The Urogenital Distress Inventory and the Incontinence Impact Questionnaire. Quality of Life Research, 1994, 3, 291-306.

Uebersax JS. Latent class analysis of substance abuse patterns. In Collins L & Seitz L (eds), Advances in Data Analysis for Prevention Intervention Research. NIDA research monograph series. Bethesda: NIDA, 1994.

Uebersax JS. Statistical modeling of expert ratings on medical treatment appropriateness. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 1993, 88, 421-427.

Uebersax JS, Grove WM. A latent trait finite mixture model for the analysis of rating agreement. Biometrics, 1993, 49, 823-835.

Uebersax JS. A review of modeling approaches for the analysis of observer agreement. Investigative Radiology, 1992, 17, 738-743.

Hadorn DC, Hays RD, Uebersax JS, Hauber T. Improving task comprehension in the measurement of health state preferences. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 1992, 45, 233-243.

Winkler JD, Kirin SJ, Uebersax JS. Linking future training concepts to Army individual training programs. The RAND Corporation, R-4228-A, 1992.

Uebersax JS, Grove WM. Latent class analysis of diagnostic agreement. Statistics in Medicine, 1990, 9, 559572.

Uebersax JS. ADAMHA and NIH research grants to psychologists. The RAND Corporation, N3031APA, November 1989.

Uebersax JS, Grove WM. Latent structure agreement analysis. The RAND Corporation, N3029RC, November 1989.

Uebersax JS. PANEL user's manual. The RAND Corporation, N3030RC, November 1989.

Uebersax JS. Validity inferences from interobserver agreement. Psychological Bulletin, 1988, 104, 405416.

Biddle A, Carter GM, Uebersax JS, Winkler JD. Research careers of recipients of the research scientist and the research scientist development awards. The RAND Corporation, R3688NIMH, October 1988.

Uebersax JS. Diversity of decisionmaking models and the measurement of interrater agreement. Psychological Bulletin, 1987, 101, 140146.

Uebersax JS. Structural analysis of diagnostic disagreements. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 1983, 171, 199206.

Uebersax JS. A designindependent method for measuring the reliability of psychiatric diagnosis. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 1983, 17, 335342.

Uebersax JS. A generalized kappa coefficient. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 1982, 42, 181183.

Penk WE, Uebersax JS, Charles HL, Andrews RH. Psychological aspects of data loss in outcome research. Evaluation Review, 1981, 5, 392396.

Penk WE, Uebersax JS, Andrews RH, Charles HL. Client correlates of community informant adjustment ratings. Journal of Personality Assessment, 1980, 44, 157164.

Technical Papers

Uebersax JS. Predicting breast cancer from pedigree and genetic test data: an application of Bayes nets; July 2004.

Uebersax JS. A Bayesian network expert system for diagnosis of prostate cancer. Marbella, Spain: RavenPack Analytics; July 2004.

Uebersax JS. Comparison of Bayesian networks and neural networks in expert system medical diagnosis. Marbella, Spain: RavenPack Analytics; July 2004.

Uebersax JS. Latent class agreement analysis with ordered rating categories. The RAND Corporation, P7694, February 1991.

Uebersax JS. Quantitative methods for the analysis of observer agreement: Toward a unifying model. The RAND Corporation, P7686, February 1991.

Uebersax JS, Poulsen CS, Sobel E, Henderson V. The mixed Markov and related stochastic models for the analysis of disease progression. The RAND Corporation, P-7671, September 1990.

Uebersax JS. Contributions of humanistic psychology to drug policy. The RAND Corporation, IN25777RC, April 1990.

Uebersax JS. Reliability, validity and the kappa coefficient. Center for Statistical Sciences, University of Texas at Austin, Technical Report #12, 1984.


Uebersax JS. A unifying framework for mixture models with categorical variables. Annual meeting of the Biometric Society, Eastern North America Region, Cleveland, April 1994.

Uebersax JS. Dimension reduction and latent class analysis. Annual meeting of the Classification Society of North America, Pittsburgh, June 1993.

Uebersax JS, Ingmundson P. Quantitative phenomenology: An agenda for the '80s. Annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Los Angeles, August 1981.

Statistical Software

BayesDx: Bayesian medical diagnosis using discrete and continuous data. RavenPack technical report, June 2004.

POLYCORR: Estimation of the polychoric correlation coefficient (basic and advanced versions), 2000.

GLC: Estimate generalized latent correlation, 2008.

LLCA: Located Latent Class Analysis, 1993 (available from StatLib).

MVN: Generate random multivariate normal numbers easily, 2006

MH Program: Nonparametric tests of marginal homogeneity in two-way tables, 2000.

PAIR: A program for scaling based on graded paired comparisons., 1992 (available from StatLib).

Abstracts, Letters

Uebersax JS. PANEL: Latent class modeling of interrater agreement (computer program abstract). Applied Psychological Measurement, 1988, 48, 321.

Uebersax JS. Measuring diagnostic reliability: Reply to Spitznagel and Helzer (letter). Archives of General Psychiatry, 1987, 44, 193194.

Uebersax JS. The efficacy of electroconvulsive therapy reexamined (letter). American Journal of Psychiatry, 1987, 144, 255256.

Uebersax JS. Bibliographic database management system for specialized research (computer program abstract). Applied Psychological Measurement, 1984, 8, 322.

Uebersax JS. GKAPPA: Generalized kappa coefficient (computer program abstract). Applied Psychological Measurement, 1983, 5, 28.


Journal of the American Statistical Association, Biometrics, Statistics in Medicine, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Computational Linguistics, Psychometrika, Journal of Applied Social Psychology, Multivariate Behavioral Research, Psychological Assessment, Psychological Bulletin, Psychological Methods, Quality of Life Research, National Institute of Mental Health, National Science Foundation.

uebersax_john_cv.doc: September 14, 2009