2016 – 2017 Club Executive
President: Greg SidorukSecretary: Faye Hollinger
Vice - President: Sheldon FordTest Chair: Bernadette Vankosky
Treasurer: Jaime BlundellDirector IGA: Cindy Bodner
Registrar: Lori TuttleClub Liasion: Cindy Bodner
Director Fundraising: Lori Tuttle
If you are interested in joining the EFSC executive, please see one of the current executive members.
Coaches: Amy McMorran
Angie Smith
Important Dates
Session 1: October 12, 2016 – December 14, 2016
Session 2: January 9, 2017 – March 15, 2017
Carnival – March 11, 2017
Pre - CanSkate
Days / Times / CostsMondays / 5:00-5:30 P.M. / Registration $65 +
Program Fee $85
CanSkate for children aged 3 – 5 years. Parents are NOT permitted on the ice. These group lessons are designed for skaters to learn the basics such as forward and backward skating, stopping, turning, edges and crosscuts. Participants work on badges 1-2 and move up to CanSkate with coach’s recommendation. Each session will run Wednesdays for 10 weeks.
Monday and Wednesdays / 5:30-6:15 P.M. / Registration $65 +
Program Fee $170
Skate Canada’s flagship program is one of the most sought after skatingprograms in Canada. CanSkate was developed by experts to teach the fundamentals ofskating in a progressive and sequential manner. Designed for beginners of all ages, thefocus is on fun, participation and basic skill development. Participants earn badges asskills are mastered. Skaters are taught in a group lesson format by a NCCP certified professional coach, assisted by trained Program Assistants. Each session will run Mondays and Wednesdays for 10 weeks.
Cost breakdowns, Payment Options and Refunds
All programs include the following in their cost.
Skate Canada Fees: $ 35.65
EFSC Fees:$18.85
Insurance: $ 10.50
Total per skater: $ 65.00
Payment options
Lump sum: Cash or Cheque
Post dated cheques: Your full payment may be broken into 2 payments.
* Cheques are to be dated for the first or 15th of each month.
* The $ 65 is non-refundable and must be paid at thetime of registration.
* NSF cheques will be charged back to the parent at a rate equal to that charged to the club.
Refund policy
Monthly fees will be returned to the parent if a skater has skated twice in a given month.If the skater has skated 3 times, no refund will be given.
Exceptions: Medical reason with doctor’s note or moving out of Edson
Refunds consists of ice/coaching fee, MINUS lessons elapsed and registrationfee.
Preparing for Canskate
Each child needs:
-Skates (see notes on proper fit and selection)
-A properly fitted and adjusted CSA approvedhockey helmet.
-Warm mitts and clothing
-Skating dresses are permitted, but warm tights, mitts and a sweater should still be worn.
Good equipment is important for comfort and safety, as well as ensuring effective progress. All skaters should have their own skates. Boots should be fitted with one pair of socks and there needs to be room to move the toes, but the foot should not slide.
The heel must fit firmly and should not be able to move up and down.
Ensure skates have less than 2 finger widths of growing room. To check this child puts skates on with loose laces, slides his / her foot forward in the boot and bends his/her knees.Measure the clearance with your index and middle finger inside the boot at the back of the heel.
Tying the skates to check for proper fit:Ensure that skate guards are on the skates. Tie laces loosely over toes and front of foot, and snugly over ankle and instep.Skates should be snug over ankle with some room for the toes to move.
Child stands up, bends their knees slightly and walks in the skates without the ankles dropping to either side.
The skate should feel comfortable.
The Edson figure skating club offers a used skate and dress sale once a year.
Canskaters can have their skates sharpened at the following locations: Ron’s Outdoor Source For Sports or Wilson’s Skate Sharpening. All newly purchased skates must be sharpened. It is very difficult to learn to skate on dull blades. All skates need sharpening approximately every 20 hours.
Guards are recommended - guards protect the skate blade from dulling and should be worn while walking on all surfaces. It is not recommended to walk outside due to the possibility of gravel getting into the guards and damaging the blade.
Dry blades and sole plate completely with a cloth after skating -always remove guards before storing skates to prevent rust and air boots after each use
Fundraising mandatory for all EFSC programs. Buy out optionsare available and payable at registration.
Cookie dough (October) - Buyout $ 115.00
Raffle tickets (January)- Buyout $ 125.00
Consider skating cancelled whenever the school bus service is cancelled.