East Cobb Middle School (2014-2015)
8th Grade Physical Science
8A–Allison Allen Goodrich:
8B - Shannon Ventresca:
8D- Melissa Kennedy:
Teacher Blogs:
Blogs contain both classwork and homework, and can be accessed through the East Cobb Middle School website at Once there, go to” Faculty & Staff”. You can then click on the teacher of your choice to access their blog.
Class Requirements/Expectations:
Students are required to be on time for class and prepared with any assignments that are due, as well as paper and pens/pencils. A positive attitude and a desire to learn are welcomed! We will follow science safety guidelines as well as all other school rules.
Science Grading Policy:
Category / Percentage of final grade / Grading ScaleSummative Assessments (Tests, Projects, and Major Labs) / 50% / 90-100 A
Formative Assessments (Virtual/Hands-On Labs and Quizzes) / 20% / 80-89 B
Performance Tasks (Includes daily work and mini-labs) / 20% / 74-79 C
Practice (Warm-Ups, Homework, Closers) / 10% / 70-73 D
Below 70 F
***Grading is based on an 18-week semester and progress reports will be sent home at 6 weeks and 12 weeks.
Absences and Late Assignments:
Make-up work due to absences is the responsibility of the STUDENT. Cobb County policy allows one day plus the number of days absent for EXCUSED ABSENCES ONLY. Consult your individual teacher regarding where they keep make up work.
All assignments will have a due date and a deadline date. The due date is the date the assignment is due, and the deadline date is the latest possible date the assignment will be collected with an additional penalty. For some assignments, such as homework, the due date and the deadline date may be the same day.
ISS/OSS work is due upon return. It is expected that OSS work will be picked up before you return so that you may work on it. If this is not possible, it is imperative that you contact your teacher immediately upon return for the work if you wish to receive credit for the assignments.
8th Grade Physical Science Curriculum Map 2014-2015 – Cobb County
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12 / 13 / 14 / 15 / 16 / 17 / 18 / 19 / 20 / 21 / 22 / 23 / 24 / 25 / 26 / 27 / 28 / 29 / 30 / 31 / 32 / 33 / 34 / 35 / 361st Semester / 2nd Semester
Unit 1:
Nature of Matter
S8P1 / Unit 2:
Force and Motion
S8P3 / Unit 3:
Forms of Energy
S8P2 / Unit 4:
Nature of Waves
S8P4 / Unit 5:
Electricity and Magnetism
S8P5 / Unit 6:
Final Project/Preview 9th Grade Science
9 Weeks / 9 Weeks / 3 Weeks / 6 Weeks / 4 Weeks / 5 Weeks
Text: Physical Science published by Holt, 2008. The price of the textbook is $70.75.
On line text:
Recommended Supplies
Binder, paper, pens, pencils, colored pencils, notebook (composition or spiral), glue sticks
** This syllabus is a guide and is subject to change in order to accommodate class and individual needs.
I understand my responsibilities as a student in my Physical Science class:
______(student name- print)
______(student signature)
______(parent/guardian signature)
Parent e-mail: ______
Parent phone: ______
I understand my responsibilities as a student in my Physical Science class:
______(student name- print)
______(student signature)
______(parent/guardian signature)
Parent e-mail: ______
Parent phone: ______
East Cobb Middle School (2014-2015)
8th Grade Advanced Content Physical Science
Shannon Ventresca:
Teacher Blogs:
Blogs contain both classwork and homework, and can be accessed through the East Cobb Middle School website at Once there, go to” Faculty & Staff”. You can then click on the teacher of your choice to access their blog.
Class Requirements/Expectations:
Students are required to be on time for class and prepared with any assignments that are due, as well as paper and pens/pencils. A positive attitude and a desire to learn are welcomed! We will follow science safety guidelines as well as all other school rules.
Science Grading Policy:
Category / Percentage of final grade / Grading ScaleSummative Assessments (Tests, Projects, and Major Labs) / 50% / 90-100 A
Formative Assessments (Virtual/Hands-On Labs and Quizzes) / 20% / 80-89 B
Performance Tasks (Includes daily work and mini-labs) / 20% / 74-79 C
Practice (Warm-Ups, Homework, Closers) / 10% / 70-73 D
Below 70 F
***Grading is based on an18-week semester and progress reports will be sent home at 6 weeks and 12 weeks.
Absences and Late Assignments:
Make-up work due to absences is the responsibility of the STUDENT. Cobb County policy allows one day plus the number of days absent for EXCUSED ABSENCES ONLY. Consult your individual teacher regarding where they keep make up work.
All assignments will have a due date and a deadline date. The due date is the date the assignment is due, and the deadline date is the latest possible date the assignment will be collected with an additional penalty. For some assignments, such as homework, the due date and the deadline date may be the same day.
ISS/OSS work is due upon return. It is expected that OSS work will be picked up before you return so that you may work on it. If this is not possible, it is imperative that you contact your teacher immediately upon return for the work if you wish to receive credit for the assignments.
8th Grade Physical Science Curriculum Map 2014-2015 – Cobb County
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12 / 13 / 14 / 15 / 16 / 17 / 18 / 19 / 20 / 21 / 22 / 23 / 24 / 25 / 26 / 27 / 28 / 29 / 30 / 31 / 32 / 33 / 34 / 35 / 361st Semester / 2nd Semester
Unit 1:
Nature of Matter
S8P1 / Unit 2:
Force and Motion
S8P3 / Unit 3:
Forms of Energy
S8P2 / Unit 4:
Nature of Waves
S8P4 / Unit 5:
Electricity and Magnetism
S8P5 / Unit 6:
Final Project/ Preview 9th Grade Science
9 Weeks / 9 Weeks / 3 Weeks / 6 Weeks / 4 Weeks / 5 Weeks
Text: Physical Science published by Holt, 2008. The price of the textbook is $70.75.
On line text:
Recommended Supplies
Binder, paper, pens, pencils, colored pencils, notebook (composition or spiral), glue sticks
** This syllabus is a guide and is subject to change in order to accommodate class and individual needs.
Advanced Content (AC): The curriculum and instructional strategies for this course are differentiated in content, pacing, process skills emphasis, and expectation of student outcomes from the typical science course. Curriculum content has been designated for mastery and extension of state and district content standards. The course is appropriate for students who have high achievement and interest in science. The district has established criteria and guidelines that identify students who will be successful with advanced curriculum offered in science. Students are placed in this class according to specified indicators of demonstrated ability and motivation. Students must meet continuation criteria (see below) to remain in the class. Students are expected to MEET or EXCEEED STANDARDS on the CRCT.
The following criteria will be used to remain in a Gifted/AC class:
Advanced Content (AC): The curriculum and instructional strategies for this course are differentiated in content, pacing, process skills emphasis, and expectation of student outcomes from the typicalsciencecourse. Curriculum content has been designated for mastery and extension of state and district content standards. The course is appropriate for students who have high achievement and interest inscience. The district has established guidelines that identify students who will be successful with advanced curriculum offered inscience. Students are placed in this class according to specified indicators of demonstrated ability and motivation. Students must meet continuation criteria (see below) to remain in the class. Students are expected to MEET or EXCEEED STANDARDS on the CRCT.
The following criteria will be used to remain in aACclass:
Students must receive an 80% or above at the end of the 6, 12, and 18 week grading periods, or the student will be placed on probation. This probation continues for at least 18 weeks. If the grade drops below an 80% during the probation period, the student may be removed from the AC class.(After 18 weeks, students may be reinstated in that AC class, depending on performance in the on-level class.)
I have read the above continuation criteria: X______(parent)
I understand my responsibilities as a student in my Physical Science class:
______(student name- print)
______(student signature)
______(parent/guardian signature)
Parent e-mail: ______
Parent phone: ______