
Date of Birth:

Marital status: (i.e. single, married)

Contact Number:


Visa’s (i.e. B1/B2, C1D, Schengen)




A brief description of the type of position you are looking for and your career goals.

Marine Qualifications

***TIP - Please list your recognised qualifications (highest first). Make sure to include anything you think may be relevant to your application. Don’t forget to mention the name of the issuing establishment of the qualification, otherwise it may not be recognised



RYA Powerboat Level 2

PADI Rescue Diver



Eng 1

Yachting Experience

***TIP - We recommend that you list your employment history starting with your most recent position. Please be detailed but brief. The job description should ideally only take up a few lines. For short term work, such as deliveries or regattas, a 1 or 2 line entry for each position is adequate.


March 2009 to March 2012 MY Yacht Name 60m Feadship


***TIP - A brief overview of the duties performed whilst employed, such as (if applicable) paint/varnish work, tender ops, ISM/ISPS, watch keeping, water sports etc. It’s also recommended to include other details such as whether or not the yacht is private or charter, cruising grounds covered, plus any yard periods that the yacht may have undertaken during your time onboard.

Other Employment

***TIP - Although it’s not essential, it’s often recommended to list your non-marine related employment history under a separate heading. It makes your CV easier to read, as it categorises your employment history in order of relevance. Please make sure to keep your non-marine related experience brief in detail (unless you are writing your CV for a Chef position, then it is important to add more detail).

Additional Skills & Achievements

(You may add any extra information here, e.g. awards, computer literacy, dinghy sailing experience, carpentry apprenticeship etc).

Hobbies and Interests

(Please briefly describe any active hobbies or interests that you have such as diving, fishing, wakeboarding, kite-surfing, running etc).


***TIP - Please try to include both a contact phone number and an email address for each referee contact. Also, don’t forget to advise which yacht/employer the contact relates too. We recommend for you to list between 2-4 referees on your CV, covering the most relevant and recent positions you’ve undertaken.


Name and position:

Yacht Name:

Mobile number:

Email address:

General advice on writing your CV

Try to keep it to maximum of three pages, two pages is ideal (1 for junior crew).

Always spell check your CV before you send it off.

Try and write your CV geared towards the position you are looking for and keep the work experience relevant to that position.

If you have ‘gaps’ in your employment history, describe what you were doing in this time period e.g. travelling, taking courses etc.

Advice regarding CV photographs

Photographs should be a recent head and shoulders photograph on your own. Therefore, please avoid using group photos.

You should be in smart dress, preferably in uniform (if possible) and definitely fully clothed. No bikini’s or shirtless torso’s please!

Please avoid wearing sunglasses, even on top your head.

Men should be clean shaven (unless you have a permanent facial hair).

***REMEMBER – Your CV is often the first impression an agency or potential yacht will get from you. Therefore, it’s important to make the right impression.