Cardinal Laboratories, LLC

Standard Operating Procedure

Procedure No.: 0500 Revision Date: 07/07

Subject: Sample Receiving and Processing


Revision Date Approved By: Date ------







Sample Receiving and Processing


Data validity and integrity are essential for operation in today’s stringent environmental marketplace. In order to ensure these goals are consistently met,

CEL utilizes the following procedures.

This S.O.P. describes the log-in procedures to be followed for receipt and processing of samples to CEL. Log-in procedures include the following: chain of custody, sample labels, preservation, temperature and holding time requirements. Procedures are also included for samples disposal post analysis.


During sample receipt, preservation and temperature check, gloves and safety glasses are to be worn. Composites should be done in hood.

General requirements. (See Procedure 0010).


pH Probe

pH paper

Temperature Probe

Computer System


1.0 Shipment of Sample Containers and Samples

1.1 All shipments made from Cardinal Laboratories intended for use in

sample collection shall contain sealed sampling containers

with labels affixed or supplied for use in sample identification,

custody labels (if required), and a chain of custody form.

1.2 The shipping container/cooler shall be sealed with shipping tape,

clearly labeled for shipment and logged into the Cardinal Laboratories

shipping log. Shipments made by contract carrier must also be

logged into the appropriate carrier log.

1.3 It is the responsibility of the sampling team to complete all labels,

chain of custody, label and affix a custody seal (if required) to the


1.4 Once all documentation is complete, the sampling crew must repack

the shipping container with samples and chain of custody forms (Note:

if shipment is made by contract carrier, the sampling team should date

and sign the chain of custody and retain the pink copy of the form.

If shipment is made by the sampling crew, or by other means, the

custody form should be signed by the receiving entity, or laboratory,

prior to retaining the pink copy of the form.

1.5 Receiving Samples in the Laboratory (Any deviations should be noted on the complaint/error tracking form)

1.5.1 Verify all information on chain of custody matches sample

labels. Once the chain of custody and sample tags are confirmed

to be correct, the chain of custody is signed, dated and the time is

indicated. See Attachment 1B for a sample chain of custody.

1.5.2 Sample containers are aligned in the same order as recorded on the chain of custody. The sample set is inspected for proper bottle type and volumes. (See procedure 0100). Bottle types and number of containers are recorded on the sample log-in data sheet. See Attachment 1C for a sample log-in data sheet.

1.5.3 Transport temperature is taken from an actual sample and the temperature probe is decontaminated by wiping the probe with a towel soaked in ultrapure water. The temperature is recorded on the sample log-in data sheet

1.5.4 Samples are checked for proper preservative (See procedure 0100). If the pH is incorrect, it should be adjusted with the proper preservative and noted on the sample log-in data sheet, also client is contacted of such correction.

1.5.5 Presence/absence of sample tags are noted on the sample log-in data sheet. Confirm that the sample tags match the chain of custody.

1.5.6  If there are any disagreements between the sample tags and the chain of custody do the following:

All discrepancies should be recorded on the sample log-in data sheet.

Contact the client for clarification / direction. This should also be noted on the sample log-in data sheet.

1.6 An example and description of the log-in data sheet and the chain of

custody are presented as Attachments 1A, 1B, and 1C.

2.0 Sample Identification:

2.1 Samples are assigned a Cardinal Laboratories lab number.

2.1.1  Projects are assigned the next available lab number. The requested analytical is entered into the computer system under “Edit New Test Order”

2.1.2  Lab numbers are the following format: AABBCCDD; where AA=year with 00 removed (i.e. 2005 would be 25), BB=month, CC=day, DD= number of sample received for that day (i.e. the third sample received on July 4, 2005 would be given the sample number 25070403)

2.2 The Cardinal Laboratories work order number is recorded in the CEL log number column on the chain of custody. The work order number is also recorded on the sample log-in data sheet.

2.3 A unique ID letter is given to each (sample) bottle logged in under the lab number on the sample log-in data sheet, under each letter given is written what analytical is required to be performed.

2.4 The CEL lab number is written on the sample label in indelible ink.

2.5 All paper work received with the sample or generated by the sample (chain of custody, sampling/pick-up forms, log-in data sheet etc.) are stapled together and filed according to lab number and the week of the month.

3.0 Sample Storage:

3.1 Once samples are properly labeled they are placed in refrigerators in the sample storage room according to preservative and matrix, with the exception of metals, which are taken to the metals lab and organics, which are taken to the organics lab. Samples are now available for analysis by the lab.

4.0 Sample Disposal:

4.1 Upon completion of analytical, sample containers are placed on the retain shelves in the sample storage room according to CEL lab number.

4.2 Samples are retained for thirty days after the completion of the work order unless otherwise requested by the client.

4.2.1 Samples that are to be returned to the client are tagged with yellow tape. Once the work order is completed, a return authorization form is completed and the sample is returned to the client.

4.3 As often as necessary samples are pulled from the retain shelves and disposed of according to matrix (see waste management plan).

Procedure 0500

Revision 07/07