Dear Students and Parents,

Welcome to Choir 2017. We certainly have some exciting, challenging and rewarding times ahead of us. This letter contains important information that you will need to be aware of before parents give permission and students make a commitment to participate. We hope to start with at least 50 students from years 5/6 and 7. Each child with written consent will be supplied with a choir book and later a practice CD. There is a participation fee of $40 per student which pays for the Choir Book, CD, Performance T shirt and subsidised bus fares for massed rehearsals in term 3. This payment can be paid in installments but need to be finalised by the end of Term 2. Accounts will be issued before the end of Term 1.

Choir is held each Thursday from 12.50pm until 1.40pm in the Drama Space.

Please be prompt – come up as soon as you can from 12.45pm

BYO book, water (only), pencil and highlighter.

Our choir teacher will be Anne O’Dea

Our support teacher is Alison McGill

Our accompanist for this year will be Carol Young.

We’re a new choir team working together!

Music Festival it out!

As in previous years our choir learns many songs to prepare for the annual Public Primary Schools’ Music Festival, which is held in September (12th – 17th), week 8 of Term 3 at The Adelaide Entertainment Centre (NEW VENUE!!).

Our choir will perform once during this week. There is a rehearsal in the morning of the concert day. At this stage only 34 members of our choir will be guaranteed a position on the stage of the AEC in September. Our extra students may fill other schools’ rows (performing with us) that do not have enough students.

Tickets for this performance will go on sale early in Term 3 and cost around $40 per seat. We will put in a bulk order for these tickets. Tickets purchased individually from Ticketek are subject to a surcharge. Ticket information will come out at the end of term 2 or early term 3.

Performance Selection

I will be selecting students for the Festival Concert in September on merit using the following guidelines in this order:

Behaviour/Cooperation Unacceptable behaviour will not be tolerated.

Presentation Standing still, good posture, being able to maintain good eye contact with the conductor.

WordsAll songs thoroughly memorised!!

PitchCorrect sound of notes and tune.

When 2 or more students are trying for 1 position, preference will be given to a higher year level student.


All students are asked to pay $40 as a participation fee – to cover costs which include a Festival t shirt, Book & CD and subsidised bus fares for rehearsals. This is due by the end of Term 2 – instalments can be arranged with the front office. An account will be issued to all choir members during term 1.

Students are to return their completed choir contract in the time set.

Students are expected to attend all rehearsals.

Students are required to give a genuine commitment for at least 3 terms (participation in term 4 is optional). During thattime 2 out of school (in school time) rehearsals will be scheduled. We will organise bus travel for these rehearsals.

Choir Contract

A copy of this page will be stuck inside the front cover of each child’s choir book………to remind them of the commitment they have made.

Parents and students are to sign the contract below and return it to Mrs McGill. Contract is to be completed and returned by

Friday 3rd March 2017.

Yours In Children’s Singing,


Anne O’DeaJohn Iannunzio

(Choir Teacher)(Principal)

Return to Mrs McGill no later than Friday 03/03/2017

Student's Name______Year Level ____ Rm ______

We have read and understand the commitment required to be a part of the 2017 Keithcot Farm Primary School Festival Choir.


______Parent / Caregiver