A meeting of the Parish Council was held at the Village Hall Committee room on Thursday 10th November 2011, commencing at 7.45 p.m.

Present: Mr J. Valentine (Chairman), Mr S James, Mr Paul Lawrence,

Mr I McFarlane, Mr C Greaves, Mr J Sayer

Miss M Cresser, Ms A Trueman, Mr C James

Mrs M Crawford, Mr M Hall, Mr M Paterson-Borland,

Apologies: Mrs C Jackson-Doerge, Mr S Hill, Mr R Hannington, Mr N Morse

In Attendance: Clerk to the Parish Council, Village Hall Manager

Open Meeting

The low attendance and the absence of any questions resulted in a brief open meeting.

106. Declarations of Interest

Mrs M Crawford declared an interest in item 16 on the agenda.

107. Minutes of the last Parish Council meeting

Resolved that the minutes of the meeting of the Parish Council held on 13 October 2011 be

approved as a true and correct record and signed by the Chairman.

108. Matters Arising on the Minutes

The Parish Plan questionnaire has now been completed and distributed to local residents. Thanks were expressed to all members who helped with the task. Upon receipt of the returned questionnaires, analysis of the results will be undertaken.

Paperwork for the opening of the Unity Trust bank account has been forwarded and it being actioned. The account for both the parish council and the village hall will be fully operational prior to the end of November.

WBDC have been advised of the schedule of items requiring improvement from Section 106 funding, as approved at the last meeting. Further clarification was sought from Dr R Longton regarding the removal of the chicane at The Bantam.

PCSO S Innes has been asked to attend quarterly parish council meetings. Further details relating to actions being taken to reduce crime within the locality have also been requested.

109. Chairman’s Report

The Chairman reported on his activities since the last meeting having attended the Parish Conference at WBDC. A number of items were discussed with presentations being given on the analogue switchover, the Big Society initiative, Youth centres within the area, Broadband improvements scheduled for Berkshire, the National Planning Policy Framework and the Localism Bill. Copies of the minutes from the conference can be viewed via the WBDC website.

105. District Council Report

District Councillor Royce Longton reported on a number of local issues, the detail being shown on the report attached to the minutes.

The chairman invited District Councillor R Longton to comment following a request for the removal of the chicane at The Bantam. A full survey of the local residents is to be undertaken to determine opinions regarding its removal. The council will consider the results obtained.

106. Village Hall

The Village Hall Manager forwarded a report highlighting the activities at the hall during the previous two months and presented the schedule of payments for October 2011, which are appended to the minutes.

A question was raised in relation to the impact the change in bin collections to fortnightly will have upon the village hall. A request is to be submitted to WBDC for additional bins and a recycling bin.

107. To receive the minutes of the meeting of the Planning Committee meeting held on 13 October and 27 October 2011

The minutes of the meeting of the Planning Committee held on 13 October 27 October 2011 were received and the proceedings endorsed and adopted.

Mr S James advised that the meeting tentatively scheduled for the 24th November is to be re-scheduled. The planning committee are to determine a suitable date and advise accordingly.

The chairman wished to reiterate a point made by Mr S James regarding the importance of attendance at committee meetings upon which you are a member.

108. To receive the minutes of the Finance Committee meeting held on 15 September

The minutes of the meeting of the Finance Committee held on 20 October were received and the proceedings endorsed and adopted.

Resolved that the clerk be employed on a full time basis with a review scheduled for six months’ time. A bonus is to also be allocated to the Clerk in recognition of her exemplary work at the Burial Ground. Proposed by Mr S James, seconded by Mr I McFarlane and carried unanimously.

109. Reports from Parish Council Representatives attending meetings of Outside Bodies to which they have been appointed.

Mr S Hill advised that he had attended a Wokefield Common Committee meeting.

Dr R Longton & Miss M Cresser advised they had attended the NAG meeting.

Mrs M Crawford advised she had attended a Burghfield & Mortimer Volunteer Bureau meeting where thanks were expressed for the donation approved by the council.

110. To consider good governance and ethical requirements upon the council and identify area needing further information and guidance

The Chairman advised that the Finance Committee understood they had an obligation to ensure full legal compliance by the council at all times and would therefore be including such provision within their remit as a committee. Any potential changes in legislation, and the impact decisions taken at central government will have on the council overall, will be relayed to the council. The remit of the committee is to include advice and guidance to ensure full compliance, and adherence to both ethical and governance policies at all times. The name of the committee is to be amended to Finance, Compliance and Ethics to reflect the additional responsibilities.

The Chairman wished to reiterate that good practice would suggest that decisions taken at any meeting of the council are summarised by the chair to ensure members present are clear on the decision being taken.

The Clerk has compiled a list of “Pointers of Good Practice” for members which are to be circulated via email for information.

111. To consider correspondence received from WBDC regarding working with Parish Councils to implement the Rights of Way Improvement Plan

The Clerk advised that correspondence had been received from WBDC asking the council to consider an increase in precept allocation towards the maintenance and improvement of rights of way, and to increase the likelihood that locally-identified improvements within the parish can be carried out.

Resolved to request details from WBDC, indicating the total spend within the parish of Burghfield during the previous 4 years and whether future Section 106 Open spaces money could be allocated for use within the parish.

112. Financial Matters:

i. Accounts Reconciliation as at 31st October 2011.

The accounts reconciliation statements for the month ending 30 October 2011 were received and noted and are appended to the minutes.

ii. Accounts for Payment.

Resolved that the items for payment shown on the list attached to the minutes be authorised for payment, such sums to be debited to the account of the Parish Council.

iii. Capital schemes for financial year 2012/2013 estimates

Schemes to be included within the estimates for financial year 2012/2013 are:

Enhanced community engagement, promotional material and display items - £10,000

A replacement mower - £4,000

Production of a Parish Magazine - £5,000

Resolved that provision for the above items be made within the estimates. Proposed by Mr M Paterson-Borland, seconded by Mr P Lawrence and carried unanimously.

113. To receive an update regarding the distribution of the Parish Plan questionnaire

The Clerk advised that the Parish Plan questionnaire had been distributed with the help of both member volunteers and the WI. Thanks were expressed to all volunteers for the hard work put in to ensure it went out on time.

Resolved to reinstate the Parish Plan committee to undertake the analysis of the returned questionnaires as well as devising a future plan of action.

Proposed by Mr M Paterson-Borland, seconded by Miss M Cresser and carried unanimously.

114. To receive an update regarding the Burial Ground.

All scheduled work has been completed with time being allocated for the grass seed to take and establish.

Quotations for the installation of stock proof fencing around the perimeter of site, in accordance with the lease, are being obtained and will be considered by the finance committee at their next meeting.

The Burial ground committee will begin to consider and formalise the required rules and regulations in preparation for formal approval at the next finance committee meeting.

Ideas in relation to the design or layout of the burial ground are to be forwarded to the clerk prior to the next meeting for consideration.

115. To confirm details relating to the Remembrance Day Parade on 13th November 2011

Details relating to the upcoming Remembrance Day Parade were distributed to members who had kindly volunteered to be stewards for the event. High visibility jackets were distributed with a reminder they must be worn at all times.

116. To consider ideas for the celebration of the Diamond Jubilee

Requests from the BRA and the WI have been received requesting a group be set up to determine celebrations within the parish for the Diamond Jubilee.

Resolved that a working advisory group be formed to collate ideas for progression. Mr M Paterson-Borland, Mr I McFarlane, Mrs M Crawford and Dr R Longton are to sit on the group with representation being requested from the other various village organisations. Proposed by Mr P Lawrence, seconded by Mr C Greaves and carried unanimously.

117. PCSO Report – October 2011

The PCSO partially funded activity report for October 2011was received and noted.

PCSO S Innes has been asked to attend quarterly meetings to present his report and liaise with the council on any policing issues that may arise.

A request for further information relating to the actions being taken by the police to reduce crime within the locality was also forwarded. Details of crime levels demographically, for comparison, have also been requested.

118. Burghfield NAG meeting notes – October 2011

The Burghfield NAG meeting notes for October 2011 were noted.

119. Clerks items for information

The clerk advised the council that a letter had been received from WBDC in relation to the roll out of Superfast Broadband in Burghfield. WBDC are asking consideration be given to a contribution of £26,838 to assist with the programme. It is indicated that the funds could be obtained by way of an increase in precept over a 3 year period. This would equate to an additional £3.78 per year for 3 years on a band D property. The item will be considered at the next finance committee meeting. Comments are to be forwarded to the clerk.

120. Matters for future discussion

The Chairman declared the meeting closed at 21.10pm