May 13 2013 7pm at 2 The Weavers

Committee present: Barry Leach, Treasurer; Lynne Newton, Secretary; Adrian Danks, Sheila Dwyer-Richmond, Graham Eastwood, Helen Fry, Helen Joyner, Ray McCrindle, Dez Rolfe

Apologies for absence: Don Clark

The new members of the committee were welcomed and contact details for all committee members obtained. LN to circulate these to the committee. AD chaired the meeting in the absence of DC.

1).Minutes of the last meeting.

These were approved.

2) Matters arising.

There were no matters arising from the last meeting that were not to be coveredin other agenda items.

3) Future of the Old Mill

Committee members have not had a lot of feedback from residents. Concern had been expressed on the day the lorry bringing the machinery to be stored in the Old Mill had arrived thinking that matters had progressed without consultation. However, this had been previously agreed between Builders Ede and the Textile Trust. The feasibility study still has to take place. HF suggested that we keep in contact with the Textile Trust to keep us in the loop. It was thought that they intend to do that as they need the support of residents. A discussion on parking if and when the proposal goes ahead took place as this would concern residents. It is understood that possibly 4 parking spaces in front of Gig Mill are allocated to the Old Mill; however the feasibility study should determine where the parking will be. This item to be kept on the agenda for future updates.

4) Grounds Maintenance

Nothing has yet been heard from Flat Managers about the bridge opposite Spinners which is breaking up because of the tree on the Stroud Court side. Query whether it is Stroud Court’s responsibility but it needs urgent action. DR has suggested that we get it repaired. LN to chase up what is happening with Jane Forsyth. LN to also ask about monthly inspections now that Steve Mowbray is no longer with Flat Managers. DR said that the gardening and grounds committee were prepared to do this. The stream behind Spinners needs dredging but this is not considered as urgent as the bridge repair so will go into the budget for next year. The painting of the bridge across to Weavers and The Old Warehouse will be organised by DR this summer. DR to liaise with JF about the spec. funding and date of the work. The no parking signs on the bridge to be taken down as agreed at the AGM by DR. The situation to still be monitored and notices put on windscreens if required. The parking situation at The Old Warehouse was mentioned at this point and LN to get an update from JF as to the tenant who parks about 4 cars around the estate and whether the landlord has been contacted. DR mentioned that steps at the top of the informal path that cuts the corner near the traffic lights were to be put in on the next volunteer day. HF expressed concern as to the legalities and liability issues. DR to check these with JF. Planting, in keeping with the area, to be done on the next volunteer day that DR will organise.

5) Owners Information Sheet

Some people had not seen this as it was only emailed on Monday. Discussion took place as to whether it should be in one document or separate documents for freeholders, leaseholders and tenants. It was felt to be too wordy and rather negative. A notice board was suggested with a map of the community and pertinent points as to living here. Not sure where the best place for this to be sited would be. GE suggested a website that could have the relevant information on it. This has been suggested before but no-one showed any interest in maintaining it. It was thought that JF had implied she could get this set up. GE to look into setting up a website and LN to check back and see if JF had offered this. All members to look at the existing draft and come up with ideas and suggestions at the next meeting.

6) AOB

  • GE brought up the issue of potholes in the road leading up to Balls Green. It is thought that DC has taken this up with the council. SDR to progress this. Philip Callaghan-Wright is a parish councillor and LN to ask him if he can do anything.
  • SDR brought up the maintenance issue under the steps to 7 The Yarn Store. HJ has mentioned this to JF. LN to add this to the list of questions for JF.
  • RM asked if Flat Managers had a preferred supplier list and if not could there be one. Residents of The Old Warehouse not happy with TML Solutions and the recent redecorating which is still not satisfactorily completed. LN to add to JF list.
  • HF asked for a review of the AGM. All those present felt it had gone well and the wine and cheese event should be repeated, maybe with wine served from the beginning of the meeting. DR felt that the mention of the Old Mill had detracted from the evening speaker but that the talk had gone down well.
  • LN brought up the matter that 2 members had not paid last year’s subscription. It was decided to write a friendly letter pointing this out and asking if they wanted to continue or referring them to the constitution. LN to do this. This year’s invoices along with the minutes of the AGM were handed out to be distributed by committee to members. LN to post those to landlords and non resident owners.
  • Future social events to possibly include a treasure hunt/duck race followed by a BBQ or picnic on the grounds behind the Old Mill during the summer. Discussion on whether there should be a BBQ took place as in the original owners information sheet, residents were asked not to have BBQs or bonfires because of the wildlife in the area. Some residents have received letters asking them not to BBQ when they have done so on estate land e.g. the top of the bank. A picnic was thought to be preferable. A safari supper is also planned for September/October. HF and DR to organise this. AD to find out how Minchinhamptonschool are organising theirs.

The next meeting to be Monday 24 June 2013, 7pm at 15 The Yarn Store