Grade 11U Chemistry

Unit 1: Matter, Chemical Trends & Chemical Bonding

Lesson # / Topic / Text Ref / HW
1 / - Intro to class
2 / - Intro to Chem
-Warm up activity with estimation, inference, quantitative analysis
- Review: naming & writing formulas, balancing / p. 15-16
Chapter Rev.
3 / - The Atom
- Atomic structure and chemical notation
- Determining the number of protons, neutrons & electrons
- subatomic particles
- Discuss isotopes / p. 34-35
p. 36
p. 36-39
p. 38 / Pg. 37 #1
p. 39 #1-5
- Review Bohr-Rutherford & Lewis Dot diagrams / p. 42-47 / p. 46 #3-6
p. 47 #1-11
4 / - Classification of elements
- Derive trends from Bohr-Rutherford diagrams: ion charge, valence electrons, # of orbits
- Models of the atom reading & ask students to fill out comparison chart
- Ask students to read trends on electronegativity, electron affinity, atomic radius & ionization energy in preparation for tomorrow / p. 41
(refer back)
p. 43
(refer back) / Pg. 42 #2
5 / - Trends (atomic radius, ionization energy, electron affinity, electronegativity) / p. 52-60 / p. 52 #7
p. 55 #8-9
Sect. Rev. / p. 60 #1-5
Ch. 2 Rev / p. 61 #1-13,20
6 / - Trends (+walk-about)
7 / - Graphings trends (assignment)
8 / - Review questions on trends & application questions (+call kids up individually and ask questions) / p. 61-63
9 / - Quiz: Periodic Trends
- Bonding and Electronegativity / p. 67
p. 70-72 / p. 74 #1
Sect. Rev. / p. 74 #1-6
10 / - Ionic Bonding / p. 67, 69
p. 75-79 / p. 76 #2-3
p. 78 #4-5
11 / - Covalent bonding / p. 69-70
p. 81-83 / p. 81 #6-7
p. 82 #8-10
Sect. Rev. / p. 84 #1-6
12 / - Polar Covalent Bonds / p. 72-74
(refer back to)
p. 85-88 / p. 86 # 11-13
13 / - Molecular Shapes
- Polar & Non-Polar molecules / p. 88-93 / p. 94 # 1-8
- Intermolecular forces / p. 83
14 / - Model building activity / p. 92
15 / - Bonding review
16 / - Writing formulas and naming binary ionic, multivalent metals & molecular compounds / p. 95-97
p. 105 / p. 97 #14-15
p. 99 #16-17
p. 105 #24
17 / - Writing formulas and naming oxyanions,hydrides, hydrates, polyatomic compounds & acids / p. 97-103 / p. 100 #18-19
p. 103 #20-21
p. 104 #22
p. 105 #23
Sect. Rev. / p. 106 #1-5
18 / - In-class assessment of naming/writing formulas
- Review of unit one / p. 154-155 / Select. Problems.
19 / - Unit 1 Test: The Atom, Trends, Bonding, Nomenclature


Grade 11U Chemistry


Grade 11U Chemistry

Unit 2: Chemical Reactions

Lesson # / Topic / Text Ref / HW
1 / - Chemical Equations (skeletal, word, balanced)
- Balancing Chemical Equations / p. 114-118 / p. 112 #1-2
p. 113 #3-4
p. 116 #5-6
p. 117 #7-8
p. 118 #9
Sect. Rev. / p. 118 #1-5
2 / - Identifying types of chemical reactions lab (review)
3 / - Synthesis & decomposition reactions & demos / p. 119-123 / p. 122 #10-13
p. 123 #14-16
p. 125 #1-3
4 / - Combustion reactions / p. 123-125 / p. 124 #17-20
p. 125 #4-6
- Combustion lab/STSE Assignment
5 / - Single displacement reactions & demos / p. 126-127 / p. 127 #21
6 / - Activity series lab / p. 128-129
- Activity Series
- Introduce reactions assignment / p. 130-131 / p. 131 #22-24
7 / - Double displacement reactions & demos / p. 132-135 / p. 134 #25
p. 135 #26-28
Sect. Rev. / p. 140-141
8 / - Copper cycle lab ( ref. youtube video) / p. 138-139
9 / - Review of reactions (one group per type of reaction) & each group includes…
- Chapter Review /
p. 149-151 / Select.
- Unit Review / p. 154-155 / Problems.
10 / - Unit 2 Test: Chemical Reactions

Unit 3: Chemical Quantities

Lesson # / Topic / Text Ref / HW
1 / - Significant figures, accuracy, precision / p. 17-22
Sect. Rev. / p. 18 #1-2
p. 22 #3
p. 24 #1-6
Pg. 29 #1-13
- Scientific notation / p. 660-661 / p. 661 # 1-2
2 / - Isotopes & average atomic mass / p. 162-170 / p. 167 #1-4
p. 169 #5-8
Sect. Rev. / p. 170 #1-4
3 / - The Avogadro’s Constant and the Mole / p. 171-175 / p. 174-175 # 9-12
- Moles à # Particles / p. 175-177 / p. 177 #13-18
- #Particles à Moles / p. 177-178 / p. 178 #19-22
Sect. Rev. / p. 179 #1-10
4 / - Molar Mass / p. 180-184 / p. 184 #23-26
- Moles à Mass / p. 184-186 / p. 186 #27-30
- Mass à Moles / p. 186-187 / p. 187 #31-34
5 / - Calculations involving mole concept / p. 189-192 / p. 190 #35-38
p. 190 #39-42
Sect. Rev.
Ch. Rev. / p. 192 #1-6
p. 193-195
6 / - Quiz
- Percentage Composition:
§  Law of Definite Proportions
§  % Composition of a compound / p. 198-206
p. 198-199
p. 200-294 / p. 201 #1-4
p. 204 #5-8
Sect. Rev. / p. 205 #1-8
7 / - Empirical Formula of a Compound / p. 207-214 / p. 209 #9-12
p. 211 #13-16
Sect. Rev. / p. 214 #1-8
8 / - Determining the Empirical Formula of Magnesium Oxide Lab / p. 212-213
9 / - Molecular Formula of a Compound / p. 215-218 / p. 218 #17-20
Sect. Rev. / p. 218 #1-5
10 / - Finding Empirical & Molecular Formulas by Experiment / p. 219-222 / p. 221 #21-22
- Hydrated Ionic Compounds / p. 223-228 / p. 225 # 23-25
Sect. Rev. / p. 228 #2, 6-7
Ch. Rev. / p. 229-231 (select. Probl.)
11 / - Introduce Stoichiometry (part 1) / p. 223-240 / p. 237 #1-3
p. 238 #4-7
p. 240 # 8-10
12 / - Finish Stoichiometry (part 2) / p. 241-250 / p. 244 #11-14
p. 246 #15-18
p. 248 #19-22
Sect. Rev. / p.249-250 #1-7
13 / - Limiting reactant / p. 251-259 / p. 254 #23-26
p. 256 #27-29
Sect. Rev. / p. 269 #38-40
14 / - Percentage Yield / p. 260-270 / p. 262 #31-33
p. 264 # 34-37
(Percentage Purity) / Sect. Rev. / p. 270 #1-3
15 / - Quiz: Stoichiometry
- percentage yield lab / p. 266-267
16 / - Unit 3 Review / p. 271-273
17 / - Unit 3 Test: Chemical Quantities


Grade 11U Chemistry

Unit 4: Solutions & Solubility

Lesson # / Topic / Text Ref / HW
1 / - Review of solutions / p. 284-288 / p. 289 #1-13
2 / - Factors that affect rate of dissolving & solubility / p. 290-301
- section review / Sect. Rev. / p. 301 #1-8
3 / - Concentration of solutions
à Mass/Volume / p. 302-305 / p. 305 #1-4
à Mass/Mass / p. 306-308 / p. 308 #5-9
à Volume/Volume / p. 309-310 / p. 310 #10-14
à ppm/ppb / p. 310-312 / p. 312 #15-18
à Molar concentration / p. 313-316 / p. 316 #19-24
Sect. Rev. / p. 318 #1-3
4 / - Solubility Curve lab / p. 296-297
5 / - Making solutions
- Diluting solutions / p. 319-324 / p. 321 #25-27
p. 324 #1-5
6 / - Quiz: Concentration
- Predicting Solubility / p. 330-335 / p. 335 #1-3
p. 339 #4
- Solubility Mini Lab / p. 332-333
Sect. Rev. / p. 336 #1-6
7 / - Total & net ionic equations / p. 341-343 / p. 343 #5-6
- Qualitative analysis
- Group activity / p. 344-347
Sect. Rev. / p. 347 #1-7
8-9 / - Stoichiometry in solutions / p. 348-356 / p. 352 #7-10
p. 355 #11-13
Sect. Rev / p. 356 #1-7
10 / - Aqueous Solutions & Water Quality / p. 357-364
Sect. Rev. / p. 364 #1-6
11 / - Quiz: Stoichiometry
- Acid/Base Theories / p. 370-380 / p. 378 #1-3
p. 404 #1-2
Sect. Rev. / p. 379 #1-10
12 / - Strong/Weak Acids/Bases / p. 381-393 / p. 384 #4-5
p. 389 #6-9
Sect. Rev. / p. 393 #1-10
13 / - (Acid Base Reactions)
- Acid-Base Titration
- Titration Set-Up step-by step
- Titration Videos
- Titration Calculations
- Pre-lab for tomorrow’s titration lab / p. 396-398
p. 399-404 / p. 398 # 10-13
Sect. Rev. / p. 404 #1-7
14 / - Titration Lab / p. 402-403
15 / - Review for test / p. 365-367
p. 410-411
16 / - Unit 4 Test : Solutions & Solubility
17 / - Water Quality/Testing Assignment
18 / - Water Quality/Testing Assignment
19 / - Water Quality/Testing Assignment


Grade 11U Chemistry


Grade 11U Chemistry

Unit 5: Gases

Lesson # / Topic / Text Ref / HW
1 / - Anticipation Guide: Gases
- States of Matter / p. 418-421 / p. 423 #1-7
- Kinetic Molecular Theory of Gases
- Introduce assignment / p. 421-422
2 / - Pressure / p. 424-428 /
p. 434 #1-4
- Relationship between pressure & volume / p. 428-435
- Dry lab: Boyle’s law apparatus
- Boyle’s Law
- Introduce Gizmo on Boyle’s & Charles’ Law / p. 430-431
p. 432-433 / p. 435 #1-6
3 / (power point)
- Temperature & Volume / p. 436
- Kelvin scale & absolute zero (worksheet) / p. 440 / p. 446 # 5-6
- Charles’ Law / p.440-446 / p. 449 #8-12
- Gay-Lussac’s Law
- Gas law demos / p. 447-450 / p. 450 #13-16
Sec. rev. / p. 451 p.#1-5
4 / - Combined gas law / p. 452-457 / p. 457 # 17-21
- Dalton’s law of partial pressures / p. 459-458 / p. 460 #22-25
- Gas applications (read on own) / p. 458,
p. 462-466
Sec. rev / p. 461 #1-2,3-5
5 / - Molar volume / p. 472-483 / p. 477 # 1-4
- Ideal gas law / p. 484-488 / p. 482 #5-11
p. 487 #12-15
Sec. rev. / p. 488 #1-7
6 / - Applications of ideal gas law / p. 489
- Molar mass and Density of unknown gas / p. 490-500 / p.493 #16-19
p. 500 #20-24
Sec. Rev. / p. 500 #1-5
7 / - Gas law Stoichiometry / p. 501-514 / p. 503 #25-29
p. 506 #29-34
p. 511 #35-39
Sec. Rev. / p. 514 #1-9
8 / - Introduce AQHI Assignment
- Atmospheric Reactions & Pollution / p. 515-520 / p. 520 #1-4
9-11 / - assignment
12 / - Review for test / p. 521-523
13 / - Unit Test


Grade 11U Chemistry