Minutes of the June 13, 2016
GilmoreCity Council Meeting
The Gilmore City Council met in regular session on June 13th, 2016 at the Gilmore City Hall. Mayor Dennis Miller called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm. Council members presentare Fields, Davis, Dickey, Johnson, Frederiksen came late.
Dickey moved, seconded by Johnson, to approve the consent agenda as follows:
- Approval of the Agenda
- Minutes of theMay 9th, 2016 Council Meeting(s)
- Claims Paid/To Be Paid
- Monthly Clerk’s Report
- Delinquent Acct Report
Vote: Ayes- Johnson, Davis, Fields Nays- 0 Abstain- 0 Absent–Frederiksen Motion Carried
Fields made the motion, seconded by Johnson to take the lowest bid for the purchase of a new skid steer with sweeper attachment and air conditioning. Bids were as follows:
$41,447.37 Bobcat
$45,595.00 Case
$44,000.00 John Deere
Vote: Ayes- Johnson, Dickey, Davis Nays- 0 Abstain- 0 Absent–Frederiksen Motion Carried
Fields motioned, seconded by Davis to allow SE C Ave from the corner of S. Gilmore Street up to the corner of SE 1st St to be blocked off for the Memorial Motorcycle ride on June 18th where the Fire Dept will be serving steaks.
Vote: Ayes- Davis, Dickey, Johnson Nays- 0 Abstain- 0 Absent–Frederiksen Motion Carried
Dickey motioned, seconded by Johnson to allow all appropriate streets to be closed off during the various events during Fun Days 2016.
Vote: Ayes- Johnson, Davis, Fields Nays- 0 Abstain- 0 Absent–Frederiksen Motion Carried
Dickey motioned, seconded by Fields to table the application for water/sewer hookup until a variance has been applied for due to a change in the original building permit. Clerk to send applicant a letter explaining the situation.
Vote: Ayes- Fields, Johnson, Davis Nays- 0 Abstain- 0 Absent–Frederiksen Motion Carried
Dickey motioned, seconded by Johnson to approve Building Permit #583 w/ Variance.
Vote: Ayes- Johnson, Davis, Fields Nays- 0 Abstain- 0 Absent–Frederiksen Motion Carried
Fields motioned, seconded by Johnson to approve Building Permit #584.
Vote: Ayes- Johnson, Dickey, Davis Nays- 0 Abstain- 0 Absent–Frederiksen Motion Carried
At this point Frederiksen came into the meeting.
Johnson motioned, seconded by Dickey to approve Building Permit #585.
Vote: Ayes- Dickey, Davis, Fields, Frederiksen Nays- 0 Abstain- 0 Absent–0 Motion Carried
Johnson motioned, seconded by Fields to approve Building Permit #586 w/ Variance of up to 16 ft. sidewalls.
Vote: Ayes- Fields, Frederiksen, Davis, Dickey Nays- 0 Abstain- 0 Absent–0 Motion Carried
Dickey motioned, seconded by Davis to approve Building Permit #587 w/ Variance.
Vote: Ayes- Davis, Fields, Johnson, Frederiksen Nays- 0 Abstain- 0 Absent–0 Motion Carried
Dickey motioned, seconded by Davis to approve Building Permit #588.
Vote: Ayes- Davis, Johnson, Frederiksen, Fields Nays- 0 Abstain- 0 Absent–0 Motion Carried
Johnson motioned, seconded by Davis to approve Building Permit # 589.
Vote: Ayes- Davis, Fields, Frederiksen, Dickey Nays- 0 Abstain- 0 Absent–0 Motion Carried
Johnson motioned, seconded by Dickey to approve the Cigarette Permit Renewal for Casey’s General Store.
Vote: Ayes- Dickey, Frederiksen, Davis, Fields Nays- 0 Abstain- 0 Absent–0 Motion Carried
Dickey motioned, seconded by Davis to approve the Liquor License Permit Renewal for Casey’s General Store.
Vote: Ayes- Davis, Fields, Frederiksen, Johnson Nays- 0 Abstain- 0 Absent–0 Motion Carried
Johnson motioned, seconded by Davis to approve Resolution 2016-11 Transfer of Funds.
Vote: Ayes- Davis, Fields, Frederiksen, Dickey Nays- 0 Abstain- 0 Absent–0 Motion Carried
Dickey motioned, seconded by Johnson to approve Resolution 2016-12 Transfer of Funds.
Vote: Ayes- Johnson, Frederiksen, Fields, Davis Nays- 0 Abstain- 0 Absent–0 Motion Carried
Johnson motioned, seconded by Dickey to approve Resolution 2016-13 Transfer of Funds
Vote: Ayes- Dickey, Davis, Fields, Frederiksen Nays- 0 Abstain- 0 Absent–0 Motion Carried
Fields motioned, seconded by Davis to approve Resolution 2016-14 Transfer of Funds.
Vote: Ayes- Davis, Dickey, Johnson, Frederiksen Nays- 0 Abstain- 0 Absent–0 Motion Carried
Dickey motioned, seconded by Johnson to approve Resolution 2016-15 for the USDA Application and to hold the Public Hearing for such on July 11th, 2016.
Vote: Ayes- Johnson, Davis, Fields, Frederiksen Nays- 0 Abstain- 0 Absent–0 Motion Carried
Dickey motioned, seconded by Johnson to approve Resolution 2016-16 removing excess LOST monies from 50% down to the original 33.3% per the ballot.
Vote: Ayes- Johnson, Frederiksen, Fields, Davis Nays- 0 Abstain- 0 Absent–0 Motion Carried
Johnson motioned, seconded by Dickey to approve Resolution 2016-17 Transfer of Funds.
Vote: Ayes- Dickey, Davis, Fields, Frederiksen Nays- 0 Abstain- 0 Absent–0 Motion Carried
Johnson motioned, seconded by Davis to approve hiring PACE Payment Systems for ability to take Credit/Debit Card payments both online and in the office.
Vote: Ayes- Davis, Frederiksen, Fields, Dickey Nays- 0 Abstain- 0 Absent–0 Motion Carried
- Clerk to explain meter charges on next city newsletter
PWD: Discussed changing locations of where to pile snow in the winter; Wieir for Lagoons is ordered and had to order bags for blocking the lines as our lines are larger than the bags available to us to borrow.
Library: Starting Summer Reading Program July 6 continuing every Wednesday in July.
Garden Club/Hometown Pride: Lavonne Hoover updated the council on projects upcoming.
Fire Dept: There will be a Memorial Motorcycle Ride on June 18th. Fire Dept will be serving steaks beginning at noon, open to the public.
Ambulance: Been very busy.
Johnsonmade the motion to adjourn at 7:40pm and to schedule the next meeting for July 11th, 2016 at 6:30 pm at City Hall.Fieldsseconded.
Vote: Ayes- Fields, Frederiksen, Davis, Dickey Nays- 0 Abstain- 0 Absent–0 Motion Carried
Dennis Miller, Mayor
Chris McKee, City Clerk