P. O. BOX HM 134




Duty Today:George Cubbon & Archdeacon Rev. Andrew Doughty

Duty 8th September:George Dove & Barbara Edwards

Duty 15th September:PP Gary Edwards & PP Bob Flath

Birthdays: (None)


Attendance 25th August:18 of 26 (69%)

Honorary Members:PP Douglas Pullen

Visiting Rotarians:(None)

Guests:Graham Hope, guest of Alan Pailing

President Charles Jeffers reminded all members that their annual dues are still due. (There…it’s in again, much good it will do. Ed.)

President Charles advised the Club that Winette and Glen Phillips will be hosting the Brazilian portion of our exchange students, the young man is scheduled to arrive on 11th September.

President Charles invited past chairman PP Alan Pailing – in public, mind you – to once again ‘chair’ the Children’s Fair meetings for the 2006 Fair. Alan, eventually recognizing the somewhat awkward situation in which he had been deliberately ensnared, accepted the President’s kind invitation on condition that he co-chair it with Barbara Edwards. There was a hush on the assembled group, a pregnant pause, and then, acceptance, too, by Barbara, and the membership was left wondering if there was something more to all of this....

But our thoughts were abruptly interrupted by the baritone voice of PP SAA George Morton about to impose his rotten fines. There was a cowed round of boos and hisses from those keen-eyed members who had spotted young George’s own late arrival at the meeting and were wondering if his guilt would extend to making his own contribution. Undaunted, however, George ploughed on irregardless.

George Cubbon reported that funding has been secured for the (ex-Selley) Children’s Christmas Party, which is to be held on a Sunday 2 weeks before Christmas. Members will be asked to devote 2 hours’ time at a venue to be determined.

President Charles is looking for ideas for fund-raising events to support the various avenues of service. Bob Wood is to be invited once again to organize an Auction, to be held in November.

President Charlesencouraged the Club to actively seek out new members and has decreed September, in particular, to be the month for inviting them. He advised that the Club would pay for their breakfasts. Charlie is also keen to appoint a Public Relations person to assist our exposure. Charles also wishes to appoint more members to serve on committees.

PP Gary Edwards distributed the end of year financials, a brief synopsis of which is that the Club lost some $19,500, included in which is a ‘breakfast and dinners’ loss of over $3,500. Gary reported that the On-Line Raffle is still alive, though it has not yet received Cabinet approval for local sales, where we await the opinion of the Attorney General. Some 5,000 flyers are to be printed for distribution to tourists.

The raffle was won by PP Andrew Caulfield

BUSHISMS (A verbal stumble down memory lane)

“I think we’re making progress. We understand where the power of this country lay. It lays in the hearts and souls of Americans. It must lay in our pocketbooks. It lays in the willingness for people to work hard. But as importantly, it lays in the fact that we’ve got citizens of all walks of life, all political parties, that are willing to say: ‘I want to love my neighbor.’”

George W. Bush, April 11, 2001.

Lying down the rules of grammar in Concord, North Carolina.

Executive Officers 2005/06

President:Charles JeffersInternational Service:Dr. Yvette Swan

President Elect:George CubbonClub Service:PP Gilda Furbert

Vice President:Donato SgobbaCommunity Service:Barbara Edwards

Treasurer:PP John KessaramVocational Service:George Scott

Secretary:Bob WoodSergeant-at-Arms:PP George Morton

Scribe:PP Andrew Caulfield