Tutor: Awatif alhanaya / Subject: / Course/Qualification:
Intermediate English
Week Number:
11 / Date: 13/12/2016 / Location: Room 3.11
Topic: comparatives and superlatives

Previous knowledge of topic required to ensure successful learning in this session: - (this needs to be confirmed and re-capped)

Some students have been taught comparatives and superlatives before in previous courses. This lesson will be revising and recapping the grammar aspects of using comparative and superlatives.

Aim of session – (Teachers intentions)

-to build on students understanding of adjectives of comparatives and superlatives.
-to clarify the differences between comparatives and superlatives.

Learning Outcomes/Objectives (By the end of the lesson the learners should be able to…three objectives is usually enough)

-to be aware of the uses of comparatives and superlatives.
-to distinguish the differences between comparatives and superlatives.
-to practice the use of comparatives and superlatives.

How and when will you confirm that each student has met the learning outcomes (see also assessment column over)

-concept questions to check understanding.
- monitoring of the practice activity.

How will you meet the different needs of individual students (differentiation).

-Handout sheet of the rules of comparatives and superlatives using different colours.
-include a range of activities which ensures the students learning needs are met.

Problems and Solutions: ( Are there any particular problems to anticipate and how would you solve them?)

Materials to be used

Self-Evaluation: (What went particularly well, what would you do differently to improve the session, what key information do you need to take forward to the next lesson)

What I liked about my lesson
What I disliked about my lesson
What I would change about my lesson.

Next Lesson:

See next page for lesson plan stages.

Lesson Plan Part 2 Nam _awatif alhanaya______Date______

Learner Aim / Student activity / Interaction / Teacher activity / Checking of Learning / Timing
Identify differences between two or
More things.
Understand the form of
comparatives and superlatives
understand the grammar for using
comparative and superlatives.
Apply the grammar rules in
Practice exercise. / Students come up with several
Differences between the pictures of
The houses.
Listen to the teacher explain the
Form of comparatives and
Listen to teacher explain the
grammar rules and answer the
concept questions.
Students read the sentences and
Put a tick or across and correct the
Wrong sentences.
Students present the answers. / S.T
S.T / Show students the pictures of houses
And ask them what the differences
are between the houses.
Give the students time to explain the
differences encourage students to give
several differences.
Explain how comparatives and
Superlatives are formed from adjectives.
Write the grammar rules for comparatives
And superlatives on the board explaining
Each stage.
Explain the activity to the students put the
Students in pairs.
Distribute the activity handout.
Walk around the room and monitor the students.
Check the answers with the class. / Elicit ideas from the class
Clarify students understanding
Of the form by asking
Clarify students understanding
Of the rules by asking concept
Checking questions.
Monitor pair work and
feedback as class. / 3 min
2 min
6 min
4 min