Week: 19
What do we do in class?
Text in Focus / We will continuous working on following 2 areas.
AAPPL Testing Practice
Focus on the Chinese listening, speaking and reaing, let the students do a lot of practices.
The American Government
The text helps students learn about the various branches of the US government. A table is used to organize and clarify the functions and responsibilities of the three branches of government.
Goals / AAPPL Test:
·  Students can talk about what you like to read, places you like to go, and ask some questions about school, daily routine, and family.
·  Students can listen someone to talk about somebody’s house, tips from you teacher on stargazing, and the rules of the language classroom.
·  Students can read texts about news headlines, the goals for this year’s PE class, and a letter from the teacher that is about the week’s activities.
·  Students can make inference based on textual details.
·  Students learn about the different governing branches, and their responsibilities in determining specific policies.
Characters & Sentence Patterns / The American Government
Words: 育yù 华huá语yǔ 言yán 决jué 解jiě政zhèng 府fǔ
Phrases: 语言,教育,了解,决定,分明,条约,制定,有关,发放,下水道,法律,公共,公民
Pattern: …… 吧
What can you do at home?
Home Support / AAPPL useful link:
Encage your child practice at home as well.


We will continuous study on Investigation 3, Part 1, Part 2 and part 3 of Measuring Weather. Through the investigation the students will understand:

1.  What does the weather forecast tell us? How does today’s weather compare to the forecast and to historical data?


·  Collect local weather data. Record daily changes in weather, including temperature, wind direction and so on

·  Analyzing and interpreting data

·  Obtaining, evaluating and communicating information

Answer: The weather forecast can tell us what the weather will be like in the future. Meteorologists can predict the temperature wind direction, and precipitation. They measure and collect data so they can look for patterns. We observed that the temperature changed every day, but was pretty close to the temperatures on the same days last year.

2.  What happens to wet paper towels overnight?


·  Developing and using models


·  A paper towel might dry or stay wet depending on where t is placed.

·  Water evaporates when the towel is not covered

·  Water enters the air as water vapor when it evaporates.

3.  How does surface area affect evaporation?

·  Students keep all variables the same except for surface area – for example, same amount of water, same location – and they measure accurately. They record all necessary data.

·  Students analyze and interpret the data they collected (analyzing and interpreting data).

·  Students determine the amount of water that evaporated from each container (using mathematics and computational thinking).

·  Students draw conclusions about how surface area affects evaporation (constructing explanations and designing solutions).

·  Students defend their procedures and conclusions (engaging in argumentation from evidence).

·  Students communication their thinking in their notebook entries (obtaining, evaluating, and communicating information).

Key vocabulary: Weather. Thermometer, degrees Celsius, Temperature, wind vane, compass, precipitation, rain gauge, Evaporation, gas, water vapor. Surface area,

Chinese Homework for week 19:

1). Read aloud textbook Lesson 15《美国政府》” The American Government” fluently 10 minutes a day, and write a brief summary, record it on the reading log with parent signature. The reading log should turn in on next Monday. 读中文, 朗读课文《美国政府》, 每天读10分钟并写出概要记录在读书日志上. 请家长签字. 星期五交上。

2). Practice AAPPL Demo, the link is:


3). Knowing Words and writing from memory:

Words: 育yù 华huá语yǔ 言yán 决jué 解jiě政zhèng 府fǔ



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