Holly Goodman

Lesson Plan Template

Topic: Conduction, Convection and Radiation Date: Day 5 of Energy Unit

NSES: CONTENT STANDARD B: As a result of their activities in grades 5-8 , all students should develop an understanding of

·  Transfer of energy

Grade level: 8th Grade

SOL: Standard PS.7

The student will investigate and understand temperature scales, heat, and heat transfer. Key concepts include

c) conduction, convection, and radiation

Subject: Physical Chemistry

Daily Question: What are conduction, convection and radiation and how are they different? Can you think of examples of each?

Procedures for Learning Experience / Guiding Questions / Materials Needed / Evaluation (Assessment) / Approximate Time Needed
Engagement: Science Starter Unit 4
5. Which energy transformations happen when a piece of wood is burned?
A. electrical energy changes into light and heat
B. kinetic energy changes into light and heat
C. mechanical energy changes into light and heat
D. chemical energy changes into light and heat
6. Which of the following equations can be used to convert a Kelvin (K) temperature to a temperature in a degree Celsius C?
F. C = K-273
G. C = K+273
H. C = K-293
J. C = K + 293 / Science Starter Section of Notebook / Students will answer the two questions and engage in answer discussion from the previous day / 10 min
Popcorn Demonstration:
Make popcorn using the three different methods of heat transfer. Since students have seen a microwave many times before (radiation), use jiffy pop for the conduction and then an air popper for convection. / How is the heat getting from one place to another, one form to another? / Jiffy Pop
Air Popper
Unpopped Popcorn
A Bowl to catch popcorn
A hot plate / Students will orally describe as a class how energy gets from plug to popcorn, explaining change in type of energy / 15 min
SMART Exchange Presentation
Do up until slide about convection, then stop and do lab.
Exploring Heat Transfer Activity
1.  Place the marbles in the bottom of one cup. Fill the cup with hot water until the water just covers the marbles.
2.  Take the temperature of the hot water and record it in the data table.
3.  Place the second cup inside the first one, resting on the marbles. The hot water should touch the bottom of the cup. Fill the cup almost to the top with cold water.
4.  Take the temperature of the cold water IMMEDIATELY and record it in the data table.
5.  Carefully put one small drop of food coloring on the top of the cold water. Hold the dropper close to the surface of the water so you don’t disturb it.
6.  Watch the movement of the food coloring. Draw arrows showing the Questions will be answered in the lab notebook then turned in for a grade, only collect today if they are done. movement of the ink in the diagram of the cups. →
Take a final temperature once all of the water is the same uniform color throughout and record it in the data table.
1.  Define convection.
2.  Define heat.
3.  How does heat flow or move?
4.  Look at your arrows in the cup diagram. Did your experiment show convection? Why or why not?
5.  Explain how the heat energy is moving in the water.
6.  Why does the cold water get warmer?
7.  What do you think happened to the hot water?
8.  Carefully remove the top cup. Take the temperature of the hot water again. Record it.
9.  Does the hot water get colder or warmer?
10. Give an example of where convection takes place on earth.
What other form of heat transfer is taking place in this activity?
Return to Smart Presentation, start at Convection Slide and continue on to end. / Which type of energy are we observing? (convection) / *Science Notebook
*Personal Responders
(One per 4-5 person group)
·  2 clear plastic cups
·  4 marbles
·  Hot water
·  Cold water
·  Food coloring
·  Thermometer
*Students will record their picture and data table in their lab notebook / Mini Formative Quiz at the end of the PowerPoint (students may refer to their notes)
Draw arrows on a drawing of the cup set up
Fill out the data table in the lab notebook / 40 min, if not done, extend into conclusion time period
Go though the review questions at the end. End with questions to left. / What are tires made of? (Rubber)
From the simulation lab is that an insulator or conductor? (Insulator)
If you car got hit by lightning, where would it go?
(It would stay in the car) / SmartFile / Students will record conclusion questions and turn in with their lab report / 20 min

Notes: This lesson is to take place midyear in the unit on energy. All students will work collaboratively in groups of 3-4 to complete lab activities. Circulate and answer questions at this time. On all questions asked in smart document, all students to come up and move the words to match where they belong.