Bhattacharjee Shiben


My objective is to do anything sincerely and be successful in it. I like exploring things and coming up with new ideas. Being a hard working person I don’t give up until my work is successful. Being a good artist, I like to apply my creativity to whatever work I do. I am a good learner too. I would like to establish a successful career for myself.


Degree / College / Percentage
B.Tech (Hons. in Computer Graphics) / IIIT, Hyderabad
(2006) (expected) / 8.2 (CGPA)
Senior Secondary / Kendriya Vidyalaya GCF – 1, Jabalpur
(2002) / 84.6
Secondary / Maharishi Vidya Mandir – 1, Jabalpur
(2000) / 80.6

Academic Achievements

·  Dean's merit list in monsoon 2002 semester, spring 2003 semester

·  Secured 2nd place in Web Designing Contest of IIIT-Hyderabad in 2004

·  Secured 3rd place in ‘story writing in C’ Contest of IIIT-Hyderabad in 2004

·  Achieved All-India Rank of 34 for Architecture entrance in AIEEE 2002.

·  Achieved All-India Rank of 976 for engineering entrance in AIEEE 2002.

Work Experience

·  Worked in Center for Visual Information Technology, IIIT as an honours student in monsoon 2004, spring 2005 semesters.

·  Worked as an intern in Center for Visual Information Technology, IIIT in May-July 2004.

·  Worked for a semester project in LTRC.

·  Teaching Assistant for Computer Graphics, Spring 2005

Software Skills

Programming Languages / C, C++, CG
Operating Systems / Windows 95/98/ME/2000/XP, DOS, GNU/Linux
Programming Environments / GNU/GCC, Microsoft Visual Studio, Microsoft .NET, Matlab/Octave
Scripting Languages / Perl, Shell
Internet / HTML, CGI, PHP, CSS, JavaScript
Software Tools / Adobe Photoshop, Gimp, Microsoft Office, Latex, 3D Studio Max, Movie Maker, Adobe Premier, Sonic Sound forge
Libraries / glut, OpenGL, SDL, VTK, CG
Database Technologies / MySQL, Microsoft SQL

Personal Details

Date of Birth : 13th April 1984.

Permanent Address : H.No.11, Durga Colony,

Shahi Naka Road, Garha,

Jabalpur, 482003,

MP, India

Sex : Male

Nationality : Indian


(For more details about projects please click here)

Terrain Information System
Duration: April 2005 - Dec 2005.
Team Size: 2.
Technical Environment: OpenGL, SDL, SDL_ttf, glut, CG (Platform Independent)
Abstract: This project basically deals with optimizations of previous algorithms used in terrain related projects I have done earlier. Since the name is terrain information system, the terrain now can be shown annotated. Recently, vertex calculations were thrown over to the GPU to improve efficiency gain of 25%. You may click here to open the design document of the work. The video also gives a preview of the project.
Terrain Rendering System
Duration: July 2004 - Jan 2005.
Team Size: 1.
Technical Environment: OpenGL, glut (Platform Independent)
Abstract: Terrains are rich graphic models. This project deals with rendering terrains on the computer screen with efficiency. The level of detail (number of triangles) for farther places, in a camera view, is reduced and is blended when they come closer and many more such efficiency techniques like above are applied. Simple physics like momentum, projectile, forces are implemented too on the engine. Click here to open the document related to this work. A screenshot’s link is here.
3D Shape Search
Duration: Sep 2004 - Nov 2004
Team Size: 3

Technical Environment: QT, lib3DS (Linux)

Abstract: The project was done as a part of the Pattern Recognition course. The team’s objective was to create a small module in a big project for extracting features from 3DS models, which were used for searching.

Cloud Detection and Removal
Duration: Aug 2004-Nov 2004
Team: 2

Technical Environment: Matlab (Microsoft Windows)

Abstract: The project was done as a part of the Digital Image Processing course. Satellite images of various locations of earth contain various artifacts, in which clouds is one of them. Cloud detection basically exploits the fact that removable cloud covered regions have a low saturation value. Click here to see a screenshot.

Play Snooker

Duration: March 2005

Team: 3

Technical Environment: VTK (Linux)

Abstract: This project was a part of the Visualization course. Implementation of various forces on a snooker table is what the project is all about. Click to see a screenshot.

Bank Database System

Duration: Jan 2004 – March 2004

Team: 3

Technical Environment: Microsoft .NET, Microsoft SQL (Microsoft Windows)

Abstract: The project was done as a part of the DBMS course. A web based application was made supporting web services written in ASP .NET which accessed bank database system on a Microsoft SQL server.

Bengali Chunker and POS taggner

Duration: Sep 2005 – Dec 2005

Team: 2

Technical Environment: Perl/CGI, tnt (Linux)

Abstract: The project was done as a part of the NLP course. The task was to divide Bengali sentences into syntactically correlated parts of words through learning.


Duration: Aug 2003 – Nov 2003

Team: 3

Technical Environment: Perl/CGI (Linux)

Abstract: The project was done as a part of the ITWS3 course. Design of a web based dictionary database system in which registered users can create their own dictionary and edit the original dictionary with acceptance from administrator.

Spare Time Works

Duration: -

Team: 1

Technical Environment: Any

Abstract: In free time, I prefer myself involved in some work. You probably would like to go through the link to have a glance at them.


·  I have been the Designing and Decorum head in the core team of Felicity (Annual cultural and technical fest) 2005

·  I have been the organizer of Web Designing contest in Felicity 2005

·  Working as the cartoonist and illustrator for IIIT Magazine for 3 years

·  Worked for Felicity website for 2 years (2004-05)

·  I have been demonstrating my projects for 2 years (2004-05) in ‘R and D’ Showcase, IIIT Hyderabad. Also in Research Excitement 2005, IIIT Hyderabad.

·  Won several medals/certificates in drawing/sketching competitions (list will fill one more page) E.g. 1st price in MBD MP state level painting competition


·  Playing Computer games, analyze and read about them

·  Doing spare time works especially in graphics

·  Listening to music


Dr P. J. Narayanan, Professor, IIIT. E-Mail:

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