SLIS 5420
Story Time Paper
p. 1
Crosswinds’ Daycare Story Time
Age of Group, Setting, and Time Allowed
There were eight or nine kids ranging from two years old to almost five years old at the daycare the day of the story time. The witness allowed me to use the classroom that had mats and small chairs for the kids to sit on along with a bigger rocking chair for me. I had as much time as needed and had told the daycare previously that I would need about twenty to thirty minutes.
Books Used
Henkes, K. (2004). Kitten’s first full moon. New York: Greenwillow Books.
Teckentrup, B. (2008). Grumpy cat. New York: Sterling Publishing.
Lesson Plan for Story Time
1) Start with short rhyme (less than a minute):
“Pussy-cat, Pussy-cat, where have you been?
I've been to London to visit the Queen.
Pussy-cat, Pussy-cat, what did you do?
I frightened a mouse from under the throne.”
2) Read Kitten’s First Full Moon(about 5-10 minutes)
3) Teach Kids “Five Kittens” (about 5 minutes)
“Five little kittens standing in a row, (Hold up five fingers.)
They nod their heads to the children so. (Bend fingers)
They run to the left; they run to the right. (Run fingers to the left and then to the right.)
They stand up and stretch in the bright sunlight. (Stretch fingers out tall.)
Along comes a dog who's in for some fun. (Hold up one finger from opposite hand.)
ME-OW! See those little kittens run! (Let fingers run.)”
4) Teach Kids “The Mouse Ran Around the Room” (about 5 minutes)
“The mouse ran around the room,
(make circling motions with arms)
The mouse ran around the room,
The mouse ran around the room,
And what do you think he saw?
He saw a great big cat.
(Raise arms and make a large circle)
He saw a great big cat,
He saw a great big cat,
So what do you think he did?
The mouse ran into his hole,
(squat down)
The mouse ran into his hole,
The mouse ran into his hole,
Safe and sound at last.
(cover head with arms.)”
5) Read Grumpy Cat(about 5-10 minutes)
6) End with “My Kitten” (less than a minute)
“I have a little kitten,
She's black and white and gray.
When I try to cuddle her,
She always wants to play,
So I drag a piece of yarn
Across the kitchen floor.
She thinks it is a little mouse
To chase right out the door.”
Description of Activities
I started off by introducing myself and telling the kids that I had come to do a story time for them. Most of the seemed to understand what that meant, and asked what books I had.
With all their attention on the books, I decided to skip the introduction rhyme and just start with Kitten’s First Full Moon. I did not stick completely with the words on the page because the kids kept asking questions and interrupting, which actually kept them more engaged. I had to explain some of the events because the pictures were not clear enough for the kids to get it. One such picture was when Kitten tried to lick to moon and ended up with a bug on her tongue. Their favorite comment was about the poor kitten’s face every time he failed to get the moon. They were slightly confused about why Kitten was staring out of the book each time she failed.
Once I finished the first story, the kids were pretty intent on the next book, which I had placed on the floor. I had hoped to do some songs with motions, but got distracted by one of the kids reaching for the next book. So, I started Grumpy Cat. I had to explain to the kids the difference between being mad and being grumpy. Then, for the rest of the story, they pointed at his expression and said he was grumpy. The little smile he gets at the end of the story was a bit too small for some of the kids. We had to pause and discuss whether he was happy about the little kitten being around.
When I finished that story, I saw that a couple of the kids were getting restless. I wrapped up the story time by asking if they had enjoyed it, which they said they had.
Evaluation of Story Time
The kids seemed to really love the story time, but I think they would have enjoyed any break in their normal routine. I should have gone ahead with at least the songs in the middle because it might have focused them a bit more. I think the adult, even though a good portion of her attention was on one the kids, made me too nervous to do the songs. It might have been different with parents to sing along with their kids, but I am sure that they would have had more fun with the songs. I am glad that they enjoyed it regardless, but I still felt like I had not done very well as I left.
How to Improve Story Time
Next time, I will go in with even more practice under my belt including watching some more story times. I will just have to get over my anxiety and put on a show instead of just reading the books. Also, I think I will go with one of my original ideas and get some kind of puppets for the kids to wave around during one of the songs to let them participate a bit more. I may also try to use the bigger books with pictures that the kids can see without sitting right next to me so that all of them can enjoy the pictures.
Time, Date and Place of Story Time
The story time took place on April 1, 2010 from about 9:15am to 9:30am at the Crosswinds High School Daycare in Grand Prairie Texas.
Contact Information of Witness
The witness was Brittney Bush a certified daycare teacher, who is an assistant to the person in charge of the Crosswinds Daycare. The phone number for the Daycare department at Crosswinds is 972-522-2978.
Works Cited:
Jana. (2008). Cat theme. Jana’s Web Design. Retrieved March 30, 2010 from