Due every Friday (approximately every 2 weeks).
1. Every two weeks, you will choose 2 Independent Study Options. The assignments are designed to help you learn the French language as well as about Francophone (French-speaking) cultures.
2. They will be due at the end of the two weeks on FRIDAY BY THE END OF THE DAY.
3. You may do each Option ONCE per Marking Period. There are many Options to choose from (see my school website for details).
4. Late homework is NOT accepted UNLESS ACCOMPANIED BY A PARENT’S NOTE. If you will not be at school on a due date, turn in the assignments early. If you are ill on a due date, the 2 homeworks are due the NEXT CLASS PERIOD. Late or missing homework receives Ø credit for that 2-week period. You may receive detention for missing work.
5. Each assignment will receive a rating of 5 – 10. These rates are listed on the rubric and are up to 100 points, depending on the quality of the work. Homework is a part of Practice assignments which are 25% of your overall grade.
6. Label each assignment as follows. (or use the attached sheet)
a. Use a whole & separate sheet of paper for each different assignment.
b. Unlabeled assignments will receive a 10 point deduction.
Your name, Block and the Date in FRENCH
Assignment name is the Option #____ (use option number from the instruction sheet) &
Option Name ______(use the title from the instruction sheet)
7. Please keep all work school appropriate (G-rated). If you are unsure whether your work fulfills this requirement, ask me before the due date and I will tell you. Inappropriate work receives no credit.
8. Your homework will be kept in a file folder in the room after it is returned. At the end of the marking period it will be returned to you.
9. Please take pride in doing your own work and have the integrity to work independently on your assignments. Plagiarized work or work done by others or with others gets no credit or work that you have done previously and attempt to turn back in will receive a O –ZERO.
Nom: ______Block: ______Date: ______
1. Homework is due every other week on a FRIDAY.
2. Do 2 different assignments from the Independent Study options for each due date.
Grading Rubric:
1. You will receive up to 10 points for each independent study assignment. (Which = 100%)
2. Your score is determined as follows:
10 •exceeds minimum requirements
•highest quality work = 90 – 100 points
9 •shows extra effort, attention and originality
8 •solidly meets requirements = 85 points
•good quality work
7 •meets most requirements
•average quality work = 80 points
6 •meets one or two requirements
•rushed, lower quality work = 70 – 75
•attempts to meet one or two requirements = 60 – 65
3 •poor quality work
1 •no attempt to meet requirements = 50 points
•inappropriate work
0 •not an independent effort
Option #_1: Flash cards
1 Using index cards, make fancy flash cards with the newest words in our vocabulary list, you may not use the same words more than one time.
2 On one side of the index card draw or glue a gorgeous picture illustrating the word and on the other neatly write the word in French spelled correctly.
3 On a cover card write your name, class period, and Option #___ & Option name.
4 Clip or rubberband the cards together. Minimum 20 cards.
Option #_2_: Original sentences
Write 15 original, non-repetitive sentences in French using the vocabulary we are presently working on. Underline or circle the vocabulary word in each sentence. You are not to use any on-line translator.
Option #_3_: Sentences – Using any perspective EXCEPT S/HE form
1 Select the 15 most difficult words for you from word lists (see quizlet or notebook).
2 Write a sentence in French for each word.
3 Write the sentences in any form EXCEPT S/HE form.
4 Circle the vocabulary word.
5 Make sure your sentences are interesting and non-repetitive.
Option #_4_:Puzzles May be Crossword puzzle or word search puzzle
1 Make a crossword or word search puzzle – Use a puzzle maker on line or LARGE size graph paper.
2 Use at least 20 words from the most recent vocabulary.
3 You may only use English or illustrations for the clues.
4 If your clues are on another sheet of paper, cut them out and glue or tape them neatly on with the puzzle. 5 Make a key of the puzzle & hand it in with puzzle.
Option #_5_: Fan fold vocabulary review (there will be 4 parts to this one) any time
1 Take a piece of binder paper and fold it into 3 columns.
2 Decorate the front of the fan fold with special decorations.
3. On the back write: Watched me study ______& Watched me take test ______
3 Label the 1st column “Français” and the 2nd column “Anglais” & the 3rd column “Quiz”
4 In the first column, write in the French column the newest vocabulary words that you need to study (minimum 20 words).
5 In column 2, next to each word in column 1, write the meaning in English of the word in column 2
6 Have an adult available to see you do the next 2 steps.
7 Study the words in column 1 for 10 minutes per night for at least 3 nights (you may lift up column 3 to refer to column 2 when necessary).
8 On the third night, quiz yourself by folding column 3 to cover column 2, then writing the meaning of each word on column 3 without peeking.
9 Check and correct your answers in front of the adult.
10 On the lines on the back, have the adult who watched you study and the adult who watched you take the test sign both lines.
Option #_6_: Chapter vocabulary Review
1 Make a list of the 15 most difficult words from our vocabulary list (refer to quizlet or notebook).
2 Under the list, describe an effective and original way to review the words.
3 Then review the words using the method you described.
4 You must turn in solid proof that you reviewed the words showing the method you used (i.e. written composition, graphics, & parent or teacher signature).
5 You may not do: flashcards, fan fold, word list, or graphic dictionary.
6 You may use a partner activity, if you get teacher permission ahead of time.
Option #_7_: Vocabulary quiz
1 Print in ink on unlined paper or type a vocabulary quiz for the most recent vocabulary words.
2 Use the 15 most difficult words off the recent word list.
3 Your quiz may be fill-in-the-blank, multiple choice, matching, illustration or any other creative format you can think of. (Your quiz may contain more than one format.)
4 Your quiz may be translation format (French to English, or English to French)
5 You MUST include at least 2 extra answers in the answer column to keep students from guessing.
6 Be sure to make a key for your quiz and turn it in, too.
7 They should be typed or printed in pen with places for answers to be written, so that they can be copied without any problem (NO LINED PAPER)
The best quality quiz will become part of the class practice sheets.
Option #_8_: Write a mini-conte
1 Using the word list we are currently practicing, write a mini-conte of your choosing.
2 You may write either a mini-conte we told in class, as it was told in class, including all the details, or use it as a basis to make up one of your own.
3 Make sure to use at least five words from the word list. Circle each word from the word list the first time you use it. (Hint: The words on the list are mostly in the order they occur in the story. However, you may change the order if necessary.)
4Your composition must be minimum 100 words long.
Option #__9_: Chapter mini-conte– any form EXCEPT S/HE
1 Using the word list, write one of the mini-conte from class.
2 You may write any mini-conte.
3 Write the story you choose as it was told in class, including all the details, but with one difference:
A. Write the story in any perspective EXCEPT THE S/HE FORM. (I, you, we, or they)
B. Make sure to use all the words on the word list. Watch your verb endings. Check your verbs.
C. Circle each word from the word list the first time you use it. (Hint: The words on the list are mostly in the order they occur in the story. However, you may change the order if necessary.)
4.Your composition must be minimum 100 words long.
Option #__10_: Sequel to a story
1 Write a sequel to a story that we have done in class.
2 Tell what happens next.
3 You must write at least 100 original words in French. (Do not count any words you copy from a handout.) In the title, tell what story it is in English.
Option #__11_: Word list story
1 Take one of the word lists from any Chapter we are doing & write an original story using all the words from the list.
2 Underline each word the first time you use it.
3 At the top of the page, tell which word list you used.
4 Your story must be minimum 100 words long.
Option #__12_: Writing--open topic
1 Using the recent vocabulary we have been studying, write a story in French using at least 15 of the words (ones that you need to study).
2 You may write a story about any topic you choose as long as you use the Chapter vocabulary.
3 Write entirely in French, and keep it class-appropriate.
4 Your composition must be minimum 100 words long.
Option #__13_: Practice Freewrite
1 Do a timed writing in French.
2 Write for 5 minutes without stopping to look up anything or ask for a word.
If you don’t know a word, you can put it in English – only 5 in total in the freewrite - on any topic you’d like.
3 Make sure someone times you accurately (you need to ask a family member or teacher to time you) & have them sign the assignment.
4 Count up the number of French words you wrote and write the number at the top of the page.
5 Don’t count proper nouns or English.
Option #__14_: Story––Un conte de Noël or Un conte d’hiver DO NOT USE TRANSLATOR
1 Write a story in French about Christmas or winter.
2 Your story should be at least 100 words long.
3 Ask the teacher for any specialized vocabulary you need.
4 You may also look through the vocabulary lists that you have been given to help you with that vocabulary.
Option #_15__: Story about a trip NO ON-LINE TRANSLATORS
1 Write a story about something that happened to you while driving/riding in a car, walking, riding a horse, or bike, etc..
2 You will write the story in the “je” and/or “nous” forms, with a minimum 100 words in French.
3 Make sure to use the correct verb endings for “je” and “nous”.
4. Must be at least 100 words.
Option #__16_: Story about a big mess/ big adventure / a big school function NO TRANSLATORS
1Write a story about a time you made or came in contact with a mess/ had a big adventure/ went to a school function.
2 Describe the mess/ the adventure/ school function, how exactly it happened and how it got cleaned up/ ended.
3 Use the “je” form as necessary.
4 Write a minimum 100 words in French.
Option #__17_: Story about baby you NO ON-LINE TRANSLATORS
1 Write a true story about an important, interesting or amusing event that happened to you when you were a baby.
2 Describe the event in as much detail as possible.
3 Use the “je” form as necessary. USE YOUR VERB SHEETS IN THE VOCABULARY SECTION.
4 Write a minimum 100 words in French.
Option #__18_: Story about an animal and you (NOTE: THIS MAY BE “WE” FORM )
1Write a true story about a time when you encountered a scary animal/lost animal/found a baby animal.
2 Describe the event in as much detail as possible.
3 Use the “je” form as necessary.
4 Write a minimum 100 words in French. DO NOT USE TRANSLATORS
Option #__19_: Un voyage memorable DO NOT USE TRANSLATORS
1 Describe a memorable trip you’ve taken.
2 Write at least 100 words in French.
3 Use “je,” “nous,” etc. as necessary, making sure to use the correct endings on verbs.
1In French, tell what your plans are for the summer.
2 Use “je vais ____r”/“nous allons____r”/etc. to talk about the future.
EX. Je vais nager tout le temps en été. Mes copains et moi, nous allons aller à la plage de New Jersey.
3 Write a minimum 100 words in French. NO TRANSLATORS