President Obama – Who is this Man?

November 5, 2008 The people of the United States elected Barrack Hussein Obama, Jr. as their President. A brief profile of the President follows:

Born August 4, 1961

Father: Barrack Hussein Obama, Sr., an African Muslim turned Atheist from Kenya, East Africa, womanizer, polygamist, deserter of his women and children, alcoholic, political failure, egomaniac.

Mother: Stanley Ann Dunham of Honolulu, Hawaii, by way of Mercer Island, Washington, originally from Kansas, white American Humanist, Atheist, Marxist, radical in worldview.

Thus the present President of the United States, through no choice of his own, was born of the two religions (Secular Humanism and Islam) sworn to the destruction of the United states as we have known her – a free, self-governing Republic, established upon the precepts of the Bible and “the general principles of Christianity.”

His Upbringing

His Father: A strong figure in Obama Jr.’s search for his black identity; although his father had abandoned him and his mother shortly after he was born.

His Mother: The main figure in Obama’s upbringing according to his psychological autobiography.

His Stepfather: Lolo Soetoro, his mother’s second husband, an Indonesian Muslim. From age 6 to 10 Obama lived in Indonesia with his mother and stepfather, where he attended Mosque and practiced Islam.

His white Grandparents: Madelyn and Stanley Dunham, Unitarians, (A “Christian” church, more Humanist than Christian. (Fourteen Unitarian ministers signed Humanist Manifesto II.) From age 10 to 18 Obama’s white grandparents raised him in this Humanist environment and paid his tuition at an elite private school near their home in Honolulu, Hawaii.

His Mentors

Frank Marshall Davis: Black racist, friend of the Dunham family, member of the Communist Party, USA, and columnist for the Communist Party newspaper, the Honolulu Record. Young Obama, by his own choice, spent evenings with Davis who turned him against the white side of his family and encouraged him to identify with his black father’s people.
Of the Davis/Dunham relationship Obama wrote in his autobiography, Dreams of myFather,... "by the time I met Frank he must have been pushing eighty, with a big, dewlapped face and an ill-kempt gray Afro that made him look like an old, shaggy-maned lion. He would read us his poetry whenever we stopped by his house, sharing whiskey with Gramps out of an emptied jelly jar. As the night wore on, the two of them would solicit my help in composing dirty limericks. Eventually the conversation

would turn to laments about women.”

Davis' autobiography, Livin' the Blues, offers this insight into the environment in which he operated during the 1970's. "My neighbors were young men and women mainly from the mainland between eighteen and twenty-five years old, here on vacation or to attend the University of Hawaii. For the most part, they were from California, with a few from as far away as Maine and Florida. In addition there were others from South America, Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia, Canada, the Caribbean, Samoa, Tonga, and the other islands of the South Pacific. Hippies were still numerous, but the majority I thought of as members of the Now Generation...What immediately impressed me about these young Americans, by far the numerical majority and most of them meeting for the first time in Hawaii, was their warm camaraderie and my ability to communicate on their own terms with no hint of a generation gap. Virtually all the young brothers consorted with ofay chicks (at least 80 percent of them longhaired blondes), and the sisters were affiliated with white boys. Occasionally a brother, a honky lad, and two white girls rented quarters together. Young blacks in bountiful Afros and wearing dashikis crashed in pads rented by ofays they never knew before; occasionally I permitted young white girls to sleep overnight on my floor. I saw no signs of racial hangups; these were all members of the Now Generation associating with whom they liked and color be damned. "

Many attempts were made during Obama's presidential campaign to verify his true identity, including his parentage and place of birth.Speculation remainsthat Frank Marshall Davisactually fathered Obama in 1960 during one of these free love episodes. Whether the facts will ever be known is questionable. One fact remains: Never in any presidential election has a candidate emerged from such a murky background as to render his true identity nearly impossible. Perhaps it matters little since Obama is now President of the United States. What remains is the question - is damage control possible, and where do we go

from here?

Black Rage Authors: In his autobiography Obama states that at Punahou School he gathered books from the library – Baldwin, Ellison, Hughes, Wright,DuBois. Closing himself in his room in his grandparents’ home, by his own choice he absorbed the ideas of these anti-American writers. Out of this Babel of warped radical worldviews, all destined to destroy real liberties, emerged politically ambitious Barrack Hussein Obama, Jr., filled with suppressed black rage and on his way to the White House.

My first reaction to Obama’s birth and upbringing is to weep over the tragedy of a mixed-race child, abandoned by his self-seeking radical parents, to be raised by his Humanist grandparents – essentially left to find his own identity among hate-filled, dysfunctional radicals. This deeply felt sympathy is perhaps the intended goal of Obama’s psychological autobiography. Good folks will go a long way to defend, uphold, and support a person when they feel his pain.

Obama’s autobiography, however, is badly flawed and misleading. Understandably he presents a better portrait of his family and mentors than is presented here; although statements throughout his autobiography reveal that the logical conclusions presented here are correct. In any case, upon coming of age, we must all take upon ourselves the responsibility for the worldview we adopt, the company we keep, and the course of action we follow.

1979 At age 18 Obama moved from Hawaii to Los Angeles where he entered liberal arts Occidental College. Obama wrote in his autobiography that at Occidental he chose his friends carefully. What kind of friends would he choose and upon what course would he set his life?

Obama’s autobiography clearly answers this question – “The more politically active black students. The foreign students. The Chicanos. The Marxist professors and the structural feminists and punk rock performers.” “At night,” said Obama, “(we) discussed neocolonialism, Franz Fanon, Eurocentrism and patriarchy.” (Franz Fanon was the African psychiatrist whose revolutionary writings were strongly influential in shaping the revolutionary left of the 1950’s and 1960’s.)

Obama’s carefully chosen friends at Occidental were the same anti-American radicals who corrupted the mind of his mother. – anyone but white, patriotic, hard-working, moderate Americans.

1981 From Occidental College Obama transferred to Columbia University because he reasoned that he would “at least be in the heart of a true city, with black neighborhoods in close proximity.” Little is known about Obama’s life at Columbia. For his own reasons he has chosen to remain silent about his time there. His associations at Columbia include:

Pakistani Sohale Siddiqi - Friend

Edward Said – Professor, literary theorist, anti-Israel, Palestine sympathizer

Rashid Khalidi – Palestinian-American, Professor of Mid-East Studies, anti-Israel

According to John Hagee of Hagee Ministries, Saudi Arabia grants huge sums of money to American universities on condition that Saudi Arabia gets to choose ourProfessors of Mid-East Studies.Incredible!

At this point there is no indication that Obama ever chose to associate with anyone from what might be termed “middle America” – that great majority of ordinary, hard-working, tax-paying, God-fearing, law-abiding, peacable, patriotic, middle class, largely Caucasian Americans.

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1983 After graduation from Columbia, Obama worked as a community organizer out of the Harlem campus of the City College of New York. Apparently reports about Obama’s work in Harlem reached Jerry Kellman, a community organizer in Chicago.

Chicago’s Southside

Jerry Kellman, Mike Kruglik, and Gregory Galluzzo - three radicals of the Saul Alinsky school – according to Obama were “trying to convert the black churches of Chicago’s South Side into agents of social change.” However, they were being met with suspicion by the black pastors because the three were white and two of them were Jewish. They needed a black organizer to head the project and Obama was recruited for the job. He turned out to be the perfect choice to head Kellman’s Developing Communities Project.

Gamaliel and the Barrack Obama Connection by Gregory A. Galluzzo

”President elect Barack Obama has throughout his political career made repeated references to his time as a community organizer on the South Side of Chicago. It is important that we all understand the connection between Barack andGamaliel. In l980 Mary Gonzales and I created the

United Neighborhood Organization of Chicago. (UNO)

In l982 we decided that we needed some expertise from someone who had done faith based community organizing. A person who had worked as such an organizer in Illinois and in Pennsylvania approached me about joining our organizing team. His name was Jerry Kellman… It was Jerry Kellman who put an ad in the New York Times about an organizing position in the Chicago area. Barack responded; Jerry interviewed him and offered him a position. Barack accepted. Almost at this very time, Jerry propositioned an old friend of his to return to Chicago from Texas and work with him in this new organizing venture. His friend was Mike Kruglik. Mike and Jerry were the first mentors of Barack in organizing.

…Jerry asked me to become Barrack’s consultant… I met with Barack on a regular basis as he incorporated the Developing Communities Project, as he moved the organization into action and as he developed the leadership structure for the organization. He would write beautiful and brilliant weekly reports about his work and the people he was engaging.
…Barack has acknowledged publicly that he had been the director of a Gamaliel affiliate. He has supported Gamaliel throughout the years by conducting training both at the National Leadership Training events and at the African American Leadership Commission. He has also attended

our public meetings.

We are honored and blessed by the connection between Barack and Gamaliel.
Gregory Galluzzo, a former Jesuit priest, is the Executive Director of the Gamaliel Foundation. In 1980 Galluzzo co-founded, along with his wife Mary Gonzalez, a Chicago Latino activist organization called the United Neighborhood Organization (UNO). Today, Ms. Gonzalez is the Gamaliel

Foundation’s Director of Western Territory. UNO, also modeled after Alinsky’s methods, is known for using aggressive organizing and confrontational tactics to push for change.”

Jerry Kellman, Mike Kruglik, and Gregory Galluzzo – add three more radicals to Obama’s carefully chosen friends and associates.

Prior to World War I, African-Americans had migrated from Southern states to Chicago’s South Side and established a ghetto there not much different from the conditions they had left behind. There they experienced more racial hatred and discrimination than they had suffered in the South. During the Civil Rights marches of the 1960’s, the Reverend Martin Luther King, referring to his experiences in Chicago, found “that the hatred and hostility here are really deeper than what I have seen in Alabama and Mississippi.”

During the 1930’s, probably because of the Great Depression, it was not uncommon for rank and file Americans to be sympathetic to the Communist cause, ignorantly believing that that despotic system could relieve their economic miseries. Communist agitators of the time were quick to take advantage of this unhappy situation. Among them was Chicago-born Saul Alinsky.

The School of Saul Alinsky

During four decades of political agitation, beginning in the 1930’s, Saul Alinsky developed his political methodology, which has come to be known by the misnomer “community development.” “Community development” by Alinsky’s definition means locating a community of “have-nots,” listening to their problems until you can speak their language, “rubbing raw” their resentments, then organizing them into political action for “change.”

The kind of disciples Alinsky meant to create is revealed in the title of his 1971 book, Reveille for Radicals - radicals such as Stanley Ann Dunham, Obama’s mother, and countless others of the 1950’s, ‘60’s, and ‘70’s radical generation. Alinsky’s reveille for radicals boiled down to just two words - “change” and “power.” “Change” to Alinsky was the same change as first unveiled in 1933 by Humanist Manifesto I – the evaluation, transformation, direction, and control of our institutions, then downward to a one-world secular/socialist state. “Power” to Alinsky meant using whatever means necessary, including lies and deceit, to win elections.

According to Greg Galluzzo, founder and director of The Gamaliel Foundation, Jerry Kellman and Mike Kruglik indoctrinated Obama in Alinsky’s rules for radicals. Obama became so immersed in Alinsky radicalism that he not only taught Alinsky in his “community development” classes but rode to the White House on the back of Saul Alinsky. Whatever may be said of Alinsky radicalism, its “power" at the ballot box elevated Barrack Obama to Radical-in-Chief.

Such a thing could happen only because, for the last two generations, God has been expelled from public schools and the federal government made America’s Schoolmaster. (Go to the “We Hold These Truths” page on this website to clarify this subject.)

Although Saul Alinsky died before Obama arrived at Chicago’s South Side, it is correct to add Saul Alinsky to Obama’s carefully chosen friends and mentors, because of Obama’s political views, methods, and actions.

Incidentally, Obama’s Secretary of State Hillary Clinton clearly studied Saul Alinsky while at Wellesley College. Her senior thesis at Wellesley has been called “a 75 page salute to Alinsky.”

It should be understood that Obama was never a part of the “have-nots,” that he organizes for political gain. He was educated in Hawaii in a posh private school, never suffered racial discrimination of any kind, and graduated Harvard Law School. Even so, he like Alinsky would never allow himself to become any part of the American middle class. Obama, like Alinsky, is simply an elitist using the “have nots” as political pawns for his political ambitions, and for his agenda for social and political “change.”

Incredibly, according to Alinsky, the despised middle class must be deceived until they self-destruct, and themselves become the instruments of this radical “change.”

Should these people re-elect Obama in 2012, Alinsky’s “change” may have been successfully completed to the point of no return.

This study has revealed this unmistakable truth:

The radical takeover and transformation of our once free self-governing republic is a well-organized, well-funded, anti-American movement. It is funded in part by taxpayers through federal grants to radical foundations. It goes about its subversive activity non-stop, with paid political professionals. It finds its home mostly in the Democrat Party; but it does not depend on a political party for political indoctrination, agitation, and action. Its motivational force comes from elsewhere.

Middle America, on the other hand is preoccupied with home and family, business, and church as usual. It depends primarily on the Republican Party to protect their republic from enemies within. This approach has been tried and failed. It cannot match the political power of the radical movement, which is essentially a well meaning, albeit misinformed and misdirected’ movement of a small minority of We the People.

To save America - to match and overcome the radical movement – a “community development” movement in the middle class, separate from a political party, has been made necessary: a movement to “rub raw” our resentment of our government’s use, abuse, and abandonment of middle America; until We the People wake up and bring the runaway radical loco motive to a screeching halt.

This will be a long haul indeed. The radical train will have to be stopped cold, put in reverse, and backed up, clearing the tracks all the way back from despotic government, back through Humanist academia, and all other institutions of communication and influence; until it reaches the rail yard, where it had been switched onto the rails headed toward certain train wreck. Then clear the rails, repair the roadbed, reverse the switch, and send our great American train full steam ahead on her original course that had made her free, that had made her good. Can we do it? You bet, we can. With God’s help we can.