Assignment brief – QCF BTEC
Assignment front sheet
Qualification / Unit number and title
Pearson BTEC HNC in Computing and Systems Development / J/601/1286– Unit 14: Website Design
Student name / Assessor name
Owen Funnell
Date issued / Interim Deadline / Final Deadline / Submitted on
8thDecember 2015 / 12thJanuary 2015 / 9thFebruary 2015
Assignment title / Design a website
In this assessment you will have opportunities to provide evidence against the following criteria.
Indicate the page numbers where the evidence can be found.
Criteria reference / To achieve the criteria the evidence must show that the student is able to: / Task no. / Evidence
LO2 / 2.1 design an interactive website to meet given
Requirements / Task 1
2.2 evaluate website design with other users / Task 2
Student declaration
I certify that the work submitted for this assignment is my own and research sources are fully acknowledged.
Student signature: Date:

Assignment brief

Qualification / Pearson BTEC HNC in Computing and Systems Development
Unit number and title / J/601/1286 – Unit 14: Website Design
Assessor name / Owen Funnell
Date issued
Assignment title / Design a website
Purpose of this assignment: Web sites are now an integral part of IT support for business and personal use. Being able to design websites is an essential skill for an IT career
A small company run by experienced caving and climbing experts who provide day trips caving and climbing in the Mendips Hills and Wales. Due to their technical skill they have been unwilling to start a web presence.
They have discovered that many of their competitors have online presences which have increased their custom. Also many schools, colleges and university groups will only deal with a company without a web presence.
Uventure describe themselves as non-technical with little technical skill.
Scenario Brief
Uventure want an easy to use content management system. They would like it to:
  • Create menus and edit the content via a form
  • Create pages, allocate pages to different menus, make pages visible or not visible and edit the content via a form
  • Manage Admin Accounts being able to create, edit and delete

Task 1: (LO2 AC 2.1, M2, M3 and D2)
Prepare a design portfolio for the UVenture website. It must include:
  • The purpose of the project and the customer including:
  • Why the client wants a website?
  • The client’s needs (functionality)
  • The clients design criteria
  • The target market/target audience
  • The user needs
  • What is in it for you?
  • A structure diagram to show the link information between each page, style sheet, server side includes and the database.
  • Wireframes showing a view of the content on the key pages
  • Features of competitive websites that you need to incorporate or improve on
  • A sitemap: all key pages and their relationships
  • How the overall navigation is structured
  • A specification of the visual style: fonts, font sizes, colours, backgrounds, image
Remember that UVenturewant a dynamic website allowing them to configure features themselves
Task 2: (LO2 AC 2.2, D1 and D3)
Your design portfolio has to be peer reviewed. When it is complete ask them to review your plan for the following:
  • Meeting the needs of Uventure
  • Suitability of the design for the target audience
  • Usability and accessibility of the design
  • Attractiveness of the design
Collect information from your peer review. This can be done using different methods such as a questionnaires or interviews/focus groups. You should gather information from at least 3 different people.
Review the results and compare them with your own evaluation of the solution. Describe any modifications you would make to the solution as a result of the feedback – but do not change your original solution.
Higher Grade achievements (where applicable)
Grade descriptor / Achieved?(tick) / Grade descriptor / Achieved?(tick)
M1: Identify and apply strategies to find appropriate solutions / D1: Use critical reflection to evaluate own work and justify valid conclusions
M2: Select / design and apply appropriate methods / techniques / D2: Take responsibility for managing and organising activities
M3: Present and communicate appropriate findings / D3: Demonstrate convergent/lateral/creative thinking
[Summarise evidence required, e.g. ‘leaflet’, ‘presentation notes’ etc.] / [tick boxes]
Written Report
Sources of information
[Insert useful publications, websites, etc.] See estudy for relevant resources
Assessor's comments
Qualification / Pearson BTEC HNC in Computing and Systems Development / Assessor name / Owen Funnell
Unit number and title / J/601/1286 – Unit 14: Website Design / Student name
Criteria reference / To achieve the criteria the evidence must show that the student is able to: / Achieved?
Task 1 / A design portfolio contain the required information and with labelled illustrations.
Task 2 / Results of the peer reviews along with your analysis and proposed modifications.
Student feedback
Action plan
Assessor signature / Date
Student signature / Date