Directions: Look at the rubric on the bottom of each question to see how it is being graded.. You MUST answer at least 4 questions.


What changes did the Industrial Revolution bring to the world? Do you think these changes were positive or negative? (2 paragraphs)

0 / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
Answer completely off-
topic or missing
completely. / 1 or 2 comments
seem on-topic,
but the idea was
unclear. / 2-3 on-topic answers
were given to at
least half of the
question. / 3-5 on-topic answers
were given to both
main questions in the
essay. Student
referred to the text in
the essay. / 6+ on-topic answers
were given to both
main questions.
Student referred to
the text several times
and used academic
vocabulary in essay.
No attempt to answer
the question. 1-2
incomplete sentences
were written. / 1-2 complete
sentences were
written. / Student wrote a
paragraph without
intro or conclusion. / Student wrote a
paragraph(s) with
proper introduction
and conclusion. / The format of the
answer (sentence
and paragraph
structure) led to a
clear and easy to
understand answer.


What changes did the pigs (leaders) of animal farm have to make to the rules of Animal Farm? What does the author of Animal Farm think about how communism works in real life? (3 Paragraphs)

0 / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
Answer completely off-
topic or missing
completely. / 1 or 2 comments
seem on-topic,
but the idea was
unclear. / 2-3 on-topic answers
were given to at
least half of the
question. / 3-5 on-topic answers
were given to both
main questions in the
essay. Student
referred to the text in
the essay. / 6+ on-topic answers
were given to both
main questions.
Student referred to
the text several times
and used academic
vocabulary in essay.
No attempt to answer
the question. 1-2
incomplete sentences
were written. / 1-2 complete
sentences were
written. / Student wrote a
paragraph without
intro or conclusion. / Student wrote a
paragraph(s) with
proper introduction
and conclusion. / The format of the
answer (sentence
and paragraph
structure) led to a
clear and easy to
understand answer.


What were the goals of countries like Great Britain and France during the Imperial Age? Is it fair to compare the United States today to Great Britain and France during Imperialism? Why or Why not?

(3 paragraphs)

0 / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
Answer completely off-
topic or missing
completely. / 1 or 2 comments
seem on-topic,
but the idea was
unclear. / 2-3 on-topic answers
were given to at
least half of the
question. / 3-5 on-topic answers
were given to both
main questions in the
essay. Student
referred to the text in
the essay. / 6+ on-topic answers
were given to both
main questions.
Student referred to
the text several times
and used academic
vocabulary in essay.
No attempt to answer
the question. 1-2
incomplete sentences
were written. / 1-2 complete
sentences were
written. / Student wrote a
paragraph without
intro or conclusion. / Student wrote a
paragraph(s) with
proper introduction
and conclusion. / The format of the
answer (sentence
and paragraph
structure) led to a
clear and easy to
understand answer.


How have Gandhi’s ideas impacted the civil rights movements of India, the USA, and South Africa? How do the quotations listed above reflect those ideas?

0 / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
Answer completely off-
topic or missing
completely. / 1 or 2 comments
seem on-topic,
but the idea was
unclear. / 2-3 on-topic answers
were given to at
least half of the
question. / 3-5 on-topic answers
were given to both
main questions in the
essay. Student
referred to the text in
the essay. / 6+ on-topic answers
were given to both
main questions.
Student referred to
the text several times
and used academic
vocabulary in essay.
No attempt to answer
the question. 1-2
incomplete sentences
were written. / 1-2 complete
sentences were
written. / Student wrote a
paragraph without
intro or conclusion. / Student wrote a
paragraph(s) with
proper introduction
and conclusion. / The format of the
answer (sentence
and paragraph
structure) led to a
clear and easy to
understand answer.

Themes in Literature—Industrial Revolution

So they established the rule that all poor people should have the [choice] (for they would [force] nobody, not they) of being starved…With this view, they contracted with the waterworks to lay on an unlimited supply of water, and with a corn-factor to [sometimes]supply small quantities of oatmeal, and issued three meals of thin gruel a day, with an onion twice a week and half a roll on Sundays. They made a great many other wise and [nice rules] . . . kindly undertook to divorce poor married people . . . instead of [forcing] a man to support his family, as they [used to do], [they] took his family away from him, and made him a bachelor!


'Please, sir, I want some more.'
The master was a fat, healthy man; but he turned very pale. He
gazed in stupified astonishment on the small rebel for some
seconds, and then clung for support to the copper. The
assistants were paralysed with wonder; the boys with fear.
'What!' said the master at length, in a faint voice.
'Please, sir,' replied Oliver, 'I want some more.'
The master aimed a blow at Oliver's head with the ladle; pinioned
him in his arm; and shrieked aloud for the beadle.
The board were sitting in solemn conclave, when Mr. Bumble rushed
into the room in great excitement, and addressing the gentleman
in the high chair, said,
'Mr. Limbkins, I beg your pardon, sir! Oliver Twist has asked
for more!'
There was a general start. Horror was depicted on every
'For MORE!' said Mr. Limbkins. 'Compose yourself, Bumble, and
answer me distinctly. Do I understand that he asked for more,
after he had eaten the supper allotted by the dietary?'
'He did, sir,' replied Bumble.
'That boy will be hung,' said the gentleman in the white
waistcoat. 'I know that boy will be hung.'

Charles Dickens—Oliver Twist

Charles Dickens wrote about how people lived during the Industrial Revolution. If you were a child of a poor family, or an orphan, what could you expect your life to be like? Pay close attention to the bold sections and what happened to Oliver. (2 paragraphs)

0 / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
Answer completely off-
topic or missing
completely. / 1 or 2 comments
seem on-topic,
but the idea was
unclear. / 2-3 on-topic answers
were given to at
least half of the
question. / 3-5 on-topic answers
were given to both
main questions in the
essay. Student
referred to the text in
the essay. / 6+ on-topic answers
were given to both
main questions.
Student referred to
the text several times
and used academic
vocabulary in essay.
No attempt to answer
the question. 1-2
incomplete sentences
were written. / 1-2 complete
sentences were
written. / Student wrote a
paragraph without
intro or conclusion. / Student wrote a
paragraph(s) with
proper introduction
and conclusion. / The format of the
answer (sentence
and paragraph
structure) led to a
clear and easy to
understand answer.

Themes in Artwork—Apartheid

What was Apartheid? How does the picture above display the feelings of the artist about apartheid?

0 / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
Answer completely off-
topic or missing
completely. / 1 or 2 comments
seem on-topic,
but the idea was
unclear. / 2-3 on-topic answers
were given to at
least half of the
question. / 3-5 on-topic answers
were given to both
main questions in the
essay. Student
referred to the text in
the essay. / 6+ on-topic answers
were given to both
main questions.
Student referred to
the text several times
and used academic
vocabulary in essay.
No attempt to answer
the question. 1-2
incomplete sentences
were written. / 1-2 complete
sentences were
written. / Student wrote a
paragraph without
intro or conclusion. / Student wrote a
paragraph(s) with
proper introduction
and conclusion. / The format of the
answer (sentence
and paragraph
structure) led to a
clear and easy to
understand answer.