03 January 2007

Our Ref.: HS-22713/1000005


Chemical Tanker Committee # 27

8th November 2006


9th Floor

St Clare House

30-33 Minories



Company / First Name / Last Name
Stolt-Nielsen Transportation Group Ltd / Mr. / Lars / Modin
Brostrom Tankers (Europe) / Mr. / John / Fields
MOL Tankship Management Ltd / Capt. / Alasdair / Campbell
Odfjell ASA / Mr. / Svend / Foyn-Brunn
Interorient Navigation Co. Ltd / Capt. / Steve / Hardy
Unix Line Pte. Ltd / Mr. / Alex / Jones
Tokyo Marine / Capt / H / Nara
Iino Singapore Pte. Ltd / Capt. / Moriya / Michihisa
Odfjell USA Inc. / Mr. / John / Salvesen
Camillo Eitzen & Co. ASA / Capt. / Claus / Thornberg
Broere Shipping BV / Mr. / Roel / Vermeulen
INTERTANKO / Mrs. / Margaret / Doyle
INTERTANKO / Capt. / Howard / Snaith

Apologies received from:

Laurin Maritime (America) Inc / Mr. / Bertil / Andersson
Finbeta SpA / Mr. / Luciano / Casella
Anglo-Eastern Ship management Ltd / Capt. / Anuj / Chopra
NYK Bulkship (Europe) Ltd / Capt. / H. / Fujino
Seatrans DA / Mr. / Jan H. / Johansen
Jo Tankers AS / Mr. / Harald / Nesse
Norbulk Shipping UK Ltd. / Capt. / John / Pocklington


INTERTANKO’s policy is to be firmly committed to maintaining a fair and competitive environment in the world tanker trade, and to adhering to all applicable laws which regulate INTERTANKO’s and its members’ activities in these markets. These laws include the anti-trust/competition laws which theUnited States, the European Union and many nations of the world have adopted to preserve the free enterprise system, promote competition and protect the public from monopolistic and other restrictive trade practices. INTERTANKO’s activities will be conducted in compliance with its Anti-trust/Competition Law Guidelines.


The minutes from the last meeting were approved via e-mail in advance of the meeting and circulated as a chemical contact bulletin, and placed on the INTERTANKO web site. The CTC had no additional comments and the minutes were re-confirmed as approved.

3. IIG Update

3.1 Reports to IMO

An update was provided to the committee by the secretary regarding the ongoing work of the Inter-Industry Group, (IIG) and the various ongoing discussions and submissions to IMO on the topic. The committee was also reminded of the INTERTANKO position regarding the outfitting and retro-fitting of Inert Gas systems. The committee, bearing in mind this position, reviewed the submissions from Norway (MSC 82/21/15) and Singapore (MSC82/21/20).

With regards to the Singapore submission the CTC agreed with the principal of the comments except the aspect relating to separate ISM manuals for both product and chemical tankers

With regards to the Norwegian submission the CTC agreed with principals of this submission, specifically regarding the simplification of inert gas regulations, and the application of inert gas to the product rather than the ship.

Action Point 1 The committee agreed that the item of simplification of Inert Gas regulations should be raised with the INTERTANKO Human Element in Shipping Committee (HEiSC) and this will be raised accordingly.

3.2 Human Element Task group Report to MSC 82

The attention of the committee was drawn to the recent submission to MSC 82 from the Human Element task group of the IIG, for Dangerous Cargo endorsements. The CTC took note of this but agreed that the revisions of DCE’s, currently been undertaken by the IIG Human Element task

Group, should include training in the inert gas regulations; this will be raised with the IIG accordingly

Action Point 2 The committee agreed that the revisions of DCE’s currently been undertaken by the IIG Human Element task group should include training in the inert gas regulations, this will be raised with the IIG accordingly

4. MARPOL Annex II

Committee noted the update contained in the agenda and the additional update given by the CTSCA secretary regarding the Annex II revisions and IMO circular letter 2730 and the information contained within. A further overview was provided regarding the USCG NVIC and the input provided by the USCG CTAC MARPOL Annex II working group chaired by INTERTANKO.

For IMO Ship Type 2 chemical tankers, there is a cargo filling restriction of 3000m3 for cargo tanks carrying ship type 2 products, although many of these ships’ cargo tanks exceed 3000m3 by volume. This lead to the question regarding the 3000m3 limitations: would this apply to ship type 2 ships with cargo tanks bigger than 3000m3? The opinion of the CTC was for such owners to seek a waiver from the administration, as it was the committees understanding that some administrations are already issuing such waivers but that this should be requested in writing.

With regards to an IMO Ship Type 3 there is no restriction regarding the quantity of cargo that may be loaded in any one cargo tank, thus by default helping and assisting in eliminating any possible shortage in tonnage availability when these ships carry footnote “k” vegetable oil cargoes under the exemption.

As a lot of the cargo tanks on an IMO Ship Type 3 exceed 3000m3, the committee believed that the arguments given and accepted at the time for the cargo quantity exemption were sound. If the carriage volumes within these ships’ cargo tanks were limited to 3000m3 it would;

·  reduce the stability of the vessel by virtue of the slack tanks and increased free surface effect

·  stripping limitations would be difficult to achieve by virtue of cargo sloshing en-route, (as the cargoes are heated this would result in “cold” clingage on the upper cargo tank bulkheads

·  adequate curing of the cargo tank coatings would not be possible for the same reason outlined above.

The committee agreed that IMO ship type 2 vessels “IF” similarly restricted to 3000m3 would face the same safety and operational problems as outlined above. It was agreed therefore that the secretary would write to the various administrations concerned raising our concerns.

Action Point 3 The secretary to write to the various administrations concerned raising our concerns regarding the different interpretations pertaining to the filling limitations

5. FOSFA Stainless Steel Working Group

The Committee noted the verbal report.

6.  MSDS

CTSCA secretary updated CTC on the lack of a generic MSDS for chemical issues, lack of clarity regarding the MFAG requirements and carriage requirements as required under the revised MARPOL Annex II and IBC code. CTSCA highlighted the lack of a universal standard for MSDS for chemical products. The CTC agreed with the CTSCA suggestion and progress will be explored further regarding the production of a standard MSDS for Annex II products.

Action Point 4 CTSCA to review and explore the production of a standard MSDS for MARPOL Annex II cargoes and how this can be promoted and utilised as a standard within the industry

7.  Update from CTC

7.1  Reports from CTSCA

The committee noted the verbal update given by the CTSCA secretary.

7.2 Recommendations for best management practices to control & reduce inadvertent cargo vapour Emissions.

The CTC agreed to endorse the suggestion from the CTSCA that INTERTANKO should also produce its own guidance booklet for best management practice for INTERTANKO members to actively contribute to the control and reduction of inadvertent cargo emissions from its member’s tankers without the necessity of federal or state regulation. The CTSCA proposal and CTC endorsement will therefore be put to INTERTANKO Council at its meeting in London on the 8th November 2006.

Action Point 5: Request Council to endorse the CTSCA proposal for INTERTANKO to produce its own guidance booklet for best management practice for INTERTANKO members to actively contribute to the control and reduction of inadvertent cargo emissions from its member’s tankers without the necessity of federal or state regulation

8.  Damage Stability Submission to MSC 82

The committee took note of the submission without further comment.

9.  Production of MARPOL Annex II Booklet

The committee took note of the production of this booklet by INTERTANKO and endorsed the initiative and felt this would be very beneficial to all concerned.

10.  Tanker Officer Training Scheme (TOTS)

The committee took note of the report given by the secretariat including the update of work undertaken to date on this project as outlined in the agenda. The committee noted and agreed with the TOTS proposal and that once established this should be fed back into the STCW system via IMO.

11. INTERTANKO Annual Tanker Event Houston 2007.

Committee members were reminded of the forthcoming Annual Tanker event that will be held in Houston and the corporate advertising and sponsoring deals which are available. Committee members were encouraged to share these with their respective boards

12. Administrative Matters

The chairman of the CTC (Lars Modin) advised the committee that he would have to stand down as Chairman at the next meeting of the CTC as he was changing employers and moving to a company that did not own or operate chemical tankers. As a consequence of this the CTC agreed to elect the current Vice-Chairman, (Svend Foyn-Bruun) as the new Chairman upon completion of the next CTC meeting in February 2007. Council will be invited to endorse the election accordingly at its next meeting in November 2006.

Consequently, the CTC chose to elect Roel Vermeulen as the new Vice-Chairman of the CTC upon completion of the next CTC meeting in February 2007. Council will be invited to endorse the election accordingly at its next meeting in November 2006.

Action Point 6: Council will be requested to endorse the election of Svend Foyn-Bruun as Chairman of the CTC and Roel Vermeulen as Vice-Chairman at its next meeting, both of whom will assume their roles upon completion of the next CTC meeting in February 2007.

13. Any Other Business

13.1 Cargo Vapour balance loading

This was a new item of business that was raised the question regarding a question if should INTERTANKO develop a policy regarding vapour balancing? The CTC expressed concerns with current practices regarding the quality of the vapour received back to the vessel. Moreover, the CTC agreed that the vessel did not actually own the gas that was returned and felt there could be legal questions raised in this regard as technically it belonged to the cargo owner. In conclusion it was agreed by the CTC that it was opposed to vapour balancing as the quality and source of the gas could not be agreed and also if the gas was “not” retuned to the ship it will be burnt off ashore via the flare, whereas if the gas was returned to the vessel it would eventually be released to the atmosphere and be more harmful to the environment.

13.2 Standards to clean cargo tanks too.

This aspect related to the possible production of tank cleaning standards (not the tank cleaning techniques) but standardising the cleanliness standard terms for the cargo tanks. However, the committee agreed to undertake an informed debate on this topic at the next meeting

Action Point 7: Include in the next agenda the item regarding Cleaning standard terminology for cargo tanks

13.3 Incident database

The committee was requested to review in house with their own companies the availability of accident incident databases and views regarding the availability of such a system on an international basis within membership but also if such a system would be desirable?

The item will be included in the next CTC agenda and committee members will be invited to review the feedback and discussions and draw a conclusion and action point as may be appropriate.

13.4 Draft Chemical Waste Disposal Clause

The CTC reviewed the draft chemical disposal clause produced by the Documentary Committee and agreed with its contents. CTC approval will be passed to the Documentary Committee accordingly

14. Date and Place of next meeting

As previously agreed the next two meetings will be as follows

Wednesday 7th February 2007 Joint CTC/CTSCA meeting Houston (Venue to be advised)

Wednesday 30th May CTC Meeting Singapore (Venue to be advised)

Wednesday 18th October 2007 CTC Meeting London (INTERTANKO Offices)

Minutes from the 27th Meeting of the CTC Page 1 of 6

Held in London on the 8th November 2006. Issue No 1

Our Ref.: HS-22713/1000005 Approved by: H.N. Snaith