Institutional Biosafety Committee


Present: / Absent:
Steven Broyles
Cookie Bryant-Gawthrop
Robert Golden
Avtar Handa
Richard Kuhn
Suresh Mittal
Craig Rich
James Schweitzer
Rachael DeRudder** / Janice Kritchevsky
Stacy Rogers
Mohamed Seleem
Carol Shelby***
Howard Zelaznik*
Guest: Joshua Brown, REM

* Ex-Officio

** Non-voting Member

*** Non-voting Corresponding Member

1)Meeting Date and Start Time: July 13, 2017, in BCHM, Room 110. After establishing quorum, the meeting was called to order at 10:02 a.m. by the IBC Chairman.

2)Minutes Approval: The minutes from the May 11, 2017 meeting were approved.

3)Chairman Remarks: The issue of changing the number of members needed for quorum was revisited since more members were present at this meeting and before the IBC charter is updated. It was proposed that if the committee member whose subject expertise related to the protocol being reviewed is absent, the protocol will be postponed until the next meeting. Vote for changing the minimum number required for quorum to five voting members was five voting to approve, two voting not to approve, and one abstention.Also, when the meeting reminder emails are sent by the Committee Secretary, there will be an RSVP request.

4)Biosafety Officer Report: The BSO brought to the committee a request to postpone the annual recertification of the HOCK BSL3 facility (due in July) for two months.The most recent shut down caused a backlog of work for that area that will require at least two months for completion.At the end of this two month period the BSL3 lab be temporarilychanged to a BSL2 lab. This would be for approximately five to six months to allow for temporary use of the microscope by people who are not trained for working in a BSL3 laboratories. The CDC requires annual inspection/certification, the request to extend needs to be approved by the IBC. Vote was unanimous to approve the 2 month extension.

5)Committee Remarks/Concerns Reported: No comment.

6)New Business: No new business.

7)rDNA Protocol Review (NIH III-D):

PI Name: Tiffany Lyle

Approved for BSL: 2

NIH category: III-D-2

Safety Training Provided: CITI online biosafety courses, Notified of appropriate OSHA related trainings, andLab facility inspection.

Title: #16-014, “A Molecular Analysis of Blood-brain Barrier Permeability in Brain Metastases of Lung Cancer”

Discussion: PI should specify what animal model will be used for this amendment.

Vote: Unanimous to Approve pending verification of above information.

PI Name: Michael Childress

Approved for BSL: 2

NIH category: III-D-1+4

Safety Training Provided: CITI online biosafety courses, Notified of appropriate OSHA related trainings, andLab facility inspection.

Title: # (new)” Defining PK and Biological Activity of Systemic Oncolytic Vesicular Stomatitis Virus (VSV) Within a Dose/Schedule Optimization Study”

Discussion: Committee deliberated concerns of returning pet dogs to owners in home within 72 hours. The study needs to demonstrate the percentage of virus in the blood.

Information needs to be added explaining where the virus will be grown, or the source of the virus. Also details about who will be handling the virus needs to be specified.

The protocol should be amended to do the appropriate type of testing, and also holding the dog until not infectious. A PACUC protocol should also be submitted before the IBC protocol is reviewed.

Vote: Unanimous to reject this protocol as written.The Chairman will send a letter of rejection to the PI explaining the need for changes.

PI Name: Tsang Long Lin

Approved for BSL: 2

NIH category: III-D-2

Safety Training Provided: CITI online biosafety courses, Notified of appropriate OSHA related trainings, andLab facility inspection.

Title: #99-023-17, “Investigation of DNA-medicated Vaccination to Confer Protection against Infectious Bursal Disease in Chickens”

Discussion: Good to go.

Vote: Unanimous to Approve.

PI Name: Mathew Tantama

Approved for BSL: 2

NIH category: III-D-2

Safety Training Provided: CITI online biosafety courses, Notified of appropriate OSHA related trainings, andLab facility inspection.

Title: #14-018-17, “Molecular and Cellular Mechanisms of Neurodegeneration”

Discussion: Good to go.

Vote: Unanimous to Approve.

PI Name: David Sanders

Approved for BSL: 2

NIH category: III-D-1+3

Safety Training Provided: CITI online biosafety courses, Notified of appropriate OSHA related trainings, andLab facility inspection.

Title: #(New), “Generation of Recombinant Adeno-associated Virus for Gene Therapy”

Discussion: Good to go.

Vote: Unanimous to Approve.

PI Name: Chang Kim

Approved for BSL: 2

NIH category: III-D-1+3+4

Safety Training Provided: CITI online biosafety courses, Notified of appropriate OSHA related trainings, andLab facility inspection.

Title: #02-051-17, “Identification of Function and Molecular Entities of Immune Regulatory T Cell Subsets”

Discussion: Good to go.

Vote: Unanimous to Approve

PI Name: Steven Broyles(As the IBC Chair Steve removed himself from the discussion)

Approved for BSL: 2

NIH category: III-D-1+2

Safety Training Provided: CITI online biosafety courses, Notified of appropriate OSHA related trainings, andLab facility inspection.

Title: #02-051-17, “Vaccinia Virus Transcription”

Discussion: Good to go.

Vote: Unanimous to Approve

8)Meeting Adjourn Time:11:28a.m.