Teacher Based Data Teams (TBT)

Teacher / # Students who took test / # Students proficient & Higher = (advanced + benchmarked) / # Students NOT proficient = (targeted + intensive)) / # and names of students that have mastered this content and need enriched learning activities
Advanced / # and names of students that are proficient with this content and could use reinforcement to reach mastery
Benchmarked / # and names of students that need additional supports to become proficient with this content
Targeted / # and names of students that need high support with intensive interventions (and additional time) to become proficient
_ /
TOTALS for all classes in this TBT

Teacher Based Data Teams (TBT)

Analyze questions from the common formative assessment by:

Strengths (The 3 highest scoring questions in my class were)
Obstacles (The 3 lowest scoring questions in my class were)
Prioritized Student Needs:
1. Advanced:
2. Benchmarked
3. Targeted
4. Intensive

Teacher Based Data Teams (TBT)

Note: Learning from team members, colleagues, consultants, etc. how to implement the specific intervention strategies in the classroom through job embedded professional development may be needed. If so,

Step 3: “IF we learn how to use this strategy well, we will need:

What (content to learn)

How (method, e.g., modeling, coaching, workshop, demonstration, co-teaching)

When (timeframe for learning within school day)

Follow-Up (continued support to internalize learning)

Step 3: “IF” these strategies are put in place….. / Step 4: and We…..
(Adults who will deliver the strategies)
Strategies for Enrichment/Intervention / Instructor Name/s
Advanced / Delivers Instruction =
Administers Assessment =
Benchmarked / Delivers Instruction =
Administers Assessment =
Targeted / Delivers Instruction =
Administers Assessment =
Intensive / Delivers Instruction =
Administers Assessment =

Step 5: Collect, Chart and Analyze Post-Assessment Data (after common formative post-assessment has been given)

Each teacher comes to the TBT meeting with these sections completed for their class. / Learning Target (Standard/Indicator) =
Teacher / # Students who took test / # Students Proficient & Higher =
(Blue & Green) / # Students NOT Proficient = (Yellow & Red) / # and names of students that have mastered this content and need enriched learning activities
Blue-Advanced / # and names of students that are proficient with this content and could use reinforcement to reach mastery
Green-Benchmarked / # and names of students that need additional support to become proficient with this content
Yellow - Targeted / # and names of students that need high support with intensive intervention and extra time to become proficient with this content
Red - Intensive
Pre / Post / Pre / Post / Pre / Post / Pre / Post / Pre / Post / Pre / Post / Pre / Post


Level of Implementation / Reasons Expected Outcome Did or Did Not Occur (Successes and Obstacles) – What We Learned / Recommendations / Reflections
Expected Outcome / Actual Outcome / Fully / Partially / Not at All / Continuation Implementation & Monitoring / Get Additional PD / Abandon / Select Alternative / Adapt