Apostolic Youth Corp


July 14-21, 2009

We are excited about your interest in the upcoming AYC trip in the summer of 2009. Once you have read this packet in its entirety, please feel free to e-mail or call me with any questions.

Airline Information:

You will fly into Miami, airport code (MIA) on Monday July 14th, 2009. When you book your tickets into Miami you can come in anytime on the 14th. We will be staying the night in Miami at the airport hotel. Please be sure to book your return flight to your home airport on July 21st after 3:00 pm. We will not be back into Miami until 1:00 pm on the 21stof July.

Passport Information:

You will need a passport for this trip. If you do not have a passport, you will need to get it as soon as possible. In the past year, many citizens have had trouble obtaining their passports in a timely manner, so be sure to give yourself at least 8 weeks for the government to process your passport and mail it back to you. For a list of post offices that issue passports, please go to usps.com and follow the instructions.

You will also need a Religious Visa for this trip. The cost will be 150.00 per person this number is subject to change before the trip based on the Cuban Government.


1)Have fun on this missions trip

2)Come with a expectation to leave with a burden for missions

3)Stay with your adult leaders at all times

4)Do not have a member of the opposite sex in your hotel/dorm room

5)Be in your room by 11:00 pm every night

What to expect:

  1. Expect it to be hot; the average temperature for this time of year in Cubais 93 degrees.
  2. Expect to leave this trip with a burden to do missions work for God.
  3. Expect to experience the power of God’s Spirit!
  4. Expect to be ready to sleep for days, weeks, perhaps months upon your return home, because we are going to be very busy. We will only be taking one day to explore and rest.
  5. You should expect to go to church, church, church and it will be awesome, awesome, and awesome!
  6. Dress will be business casual and bring work clothes

(Please keep for your records)

Estimated Cost of trip:

Airfare from Miami 450.00

Hotel room 550.00

Religious Visa 150.00

Registration 150.00

Total 1300.00**

**Please keep in mind this figure does not include money for daily food, and we will also be shopping on the last day.


All checks need to be payable to the Apostolic Crusaders and should be mailed to:

Faith Apostolic Church

Attn: Josh Wilson, AYC

1212 E 116th St.

Carmel, IN46032.

Dates to remember:

July 14 – July 21:

Dates of the trip; we will be staying in Havana, Cuba. Everyone will be well supervised throughout the entirety of the trip.

March 30th:

We need your $150.00 non-refundable registration check and the envelope must be postmarked by March 30th. Also, you should note the maximum amount of participants we are allowed to take on this trip is 20, so you may want to act quickly. Your registration money will lock in your spot. If you are not able to make the trip please contact me as soon as you know so we can allow those on a waiting list to attend.

April 30th:

Please mail your $150.00 check for your Religious Visa, made out to Apostolic Crusaders.

May 31st:

Your airline check of $450.00 must be sent to me by this date. Please make all checks out to

the Apostolic Crusaders.

June 30th:

Your hotel and dorm money is due on June 30th. The total amount for the hotel is $550.00.

Please keep in mind these dates are not flexible; they must be followed and maintained. Again once you send in the $150.00 registration, these funds are non-refundable. The registration money will cover other expenses and transportation while we are on the island.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact me at anytime. My email address is , and my phone number is 317-371-7679.


Josh Wilson

AYC Coordinator

(Please keep for your records)

Cuba AYC 2009

July 14-21

Please provide one registration form for each mission trip participant.

Full Name (exactly as it appears on passport): ______

Home Address: ______

City: ______State: ______Zip: ______

Home Phone Number: ( ___) ______Cell Phone Number : (___)______

Email Address: ______

HomeChurch Name: ______

Church Address: ______

City: ______State: ______Zip: ______

Church Phone Number: (___)______Pastor’s Name: ______

Name of Parent(s) or Legal Guardian(s): ______

Parent(s) or Legal Guardian(s) Phone Number: ______

Parent(s) or Legal Guardian(s) Address (if different from participant): ______

Passport Information (exactly as it appears on passport:

Type of Passport: ______Authority: ______Passport Number: ______

Nationality: ______Date of Birth: ______

Sex: ______City of Birth: ______State of Birth: ______

Date of Issue (ex 28 Apr. 2002): ______Date of Expiration: ______

Room assignments: There will be a minimum of two people per room in the hotel. Please name your desired roommate: ______If you do not name a roommate, we will assign one to you.

(Please mail this paper in with your registration check)

Dear Pastor,

My Name is Josh Wilson and I am in charge of planning our Apostolic Youth Corp trip for the summer of 2009. You are receiving this letter because a young person from your church needs your permission to go on our mission’s trip to Cubain July of 2009 with the Apostolic Crusaders of the ALJC. On behalf of the Apostolic Crusaders, I want to be the first to let you know we are very excited that a young person from your assembly is showing an interest in missions. Their burden for souls and foreign missions is a direct reflection of your leadership and passion for souls. Thank you for being a great leader.

Each young person who is interested in our mission must send in a letter of recommendation from their pastor. Please take a moment to answer the following questions:

Name of Young Person: ______

Does this person live a holy life: ______

Would you recommend this young person for the Jamaica trip? ______


Do you think this young person would be an asset to this journey and why? ______




Any additional information on this young person:







Pastors Signature: ______Date: ______

(Please mail this paper in with your registration check)

Medical Release Form

Name of Parent(s) or Legal Guardian(s): ______

Parent(s) or Legal Guardian(s) Address: ______

City: ______State: ______Zip: ______

Phone Numbers: Home (____) ______-______

Work (____) ______-______

Mobile (____) ______-______

Child’s Name / Please list all known medical conditions, including food allergies and or drug allergies. In addition, please list all over-the counter and or prescription drugs taken regularly.

Emergency contact #1: ______Relationship to child: ______

Phone Numbers: Home (____) ______-______

Work (____) ______-______

Mobile (____) ______-______

Emergency contact #2: ______Relationship to child: ______

Phone Numbers: Home (____) ______-______

Work (____) ______-______

Mobile (____) ______-______

Physician’s Name: ______

Address: ______Phone Number: (____) ______-______

Dentist Name: ______

Address: ______Phone Number: (____) ______-______

Primary Insurance Company: ______

Phone Number: (____) ______-______

Billing Address: ______

Policy Holder’s Name: ______

Address: ______

Relationship to child: ______

ID #: ______Group/Policy #: ______

(Please mail this paper in with your registration check)

Apostolic Youth Corp 2009


I, ______, the parent or legal guardian of ______, a minor (under 18 years of age) hereby acknowledge that said minor is presently under my care, custody, and control. I hereby give my child, the said minor, my express permission to go on the Mission’s trip to Jamaica, July, 14-21 2009, with the Apostolic Youth Corp. In the event there is an emergency, necessitating medical or surgical attention, I hereby consent and give my permission to the staff of the AYC, individual sponsors, or any attending physicians to make such decisions and to perform such medical treatments and/or surgery upon said minor which may be necessary and proper under circumstance. I, the undersigned parent and/or guardian of said minor, do release, acquit, discharge, and covenant to hold harmless the AYC staff and sponsors any and all actions, damages, and liabilities out of the treatment of any sickness or accident incurred by my said child during the above marked dates while attending the above named trip. I understand and hereby agree to assume all of the risks which may be encountered with my child’s participation, in the above named trip, including activities preliminary and subsequent hereto, transportation to and from destination, and emergency medical treatment of my child during the said expedition.



Parent/Legal Guardian Date


Student Traveler Date

(Please mail this paper in with your registration check)