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ATTENDEES:Bryan Harrison, City of Burlington, Administrator

Chet Griffith, SCFPD #8

Shane Sanderson, Consumer

Marty Coble, SCFPD #14

Eron Berg, City Supervisor/Attorney, Sedro-Woolley

Rusty Feay, SCFPD#8

Bryan Brice, City of Mount Vernon, Fire Chief

STAFF:Jada Trammell, Director

Carole Knipper, Business Manager

Ilona Herbert, Administrative Assistant

Rebecca Dane, PM/MSO

GUESTS:Levon Yengoyan, City of Burlington, Fire Chief

Jennifer Hahn, PM

The Central Valley Ambulance Authority was called to order at 10:00amat Burlington City Hallat 833 S. Spruce.

CONSENT AGENDA: A motion was made to approve the following items on the Consent Agenda: Minutes from the August 17th ,2017 Regular Meeting;Medical Necessity Write-Offs Batch 120, Approval of Resolution 20170009 Approving the monthly financials and expenditures for August2017. Motion: (Chief Brice), Second: (Chet), Approved: (Unanimously).

MSO REPORT: Rebecca informed the board that we are working with Mount Vernon FD on an MOU to start merging our purchasing of supplies and rotating stock, off the rigs, for items that would set to expire (medications, etc). Appointments are being set up for the new MSO rig – striping, radios, light bar, etc – which is set to be completed within the next 30 days. We have obtained an agreement with a new medical supplier, Cardinal Health, which could cut the costs of our medical supply purchases by 30%. Additional discussion ensued. Eron suggested that we reach out to the EMS office and inform them of this company so that they, too, can potentially save money on medical supply purchases.


1. 2018 Budget Committee – Jada stated that she and Carole had met with Bryan and Chet to discuss the budget. A letter from Kevin Chao was handed out to the board which stated that the county has approved the amendment to the 2017 budget. And to expectan increase to the 2018 EMS levy funding of 2%. Both Chief Brice and Eron would like to see the Actuals from 2016. Eron stated that we should respond to the letter, from the County, and include the LEOFF Eligibility line item which was not addressed in their letter to us. Chet suggested setting up another committee meeting to discuss proposed increases.

2. MOU with the City of Sedro Woolley (BLS Integration) –The MOU has been signed and the first day was September 15th. Once we starting receiving data, the board will receive a briefing as to how it is working.

3. Purchasing Cards Policy –The drafted Purchasing Card Policy (along with the draft of the Purchase Card Agreement and Records form) was presented to the board, with the recommendations made by the board, in August. A motion was made to approve the Policy and move forward. Motion: (Marty), Second: (Shane), Approved: (Unanimously).

4. 2018 Benefits Committee – The first meeting is scheduled for September 28th. Chet will be attending along with a representative of the Labor Group.

5. Union Presentation Scheduling Changes–No information/updates to give.

EXECUTIVE SESSION: The CVAA Board went into executive session at 10:26, for an estimated 30 minutes, to discuss the labor negotiations. The meeting reconvened at 11:15am. There was no action taken.


1. Updated By Laws - A motion was made to approve the updated by laws, with the amendment that verbiage will be changed from Director to Ambulance Operations Manager/Director in order to prevent delay from the County Commissioners. Motion: (Eron), Second: (Marty), Approved: (Unanimously).

2. Billing Rate Increase – Carole presented the Board with a letter from Systems Design, proposing an increase, of their fees, of $1.00 per record/claim. It has been seven years since the last increase. The Board suggested that we attempt to negotiate the increase to $0.50. Carole will follow up.

3. City of Sedro-Woolley Billing Agreement Amendment– Item to be tabled until October’s meeting. It is currently with our attorneys, being reviewed.

DIRECTOR’S REPORT: Jada touched back on the program that was discussed, last month, regarding potential PTSD among crew members. A program entitled Raise Your Resilience will be made available for crew members to attend, as well as administrative staff. The Board voiced their support for the program and hopes that members from Mount Vernon and Burlington FD attend, as well. Jada, briefly, discussed the Active Shooter Drill in Sedro-Woolley, on August 22nd. Not only did she participate but two of our medics – Nick Jessen and Dean Junell – participated as well. It was a successful drill.

Meeting adjourned at 11:51am.

The next CVAA meeting will be onOctober 19th 2017 at 10:00 AM.

The Board approved these minutes on ______, 2017 and they are accurate in describing the Business of the meeting.


Ilona Herbert-Administrative Assistant Original DRAFT meeting minutes submitted by Ilona Herbert