By Leslie L. McGee


The “Fast Fast” we experienced this January, 2003 at InterSeed-- where the reaper was overtaking the sower-- has really given us a strong sense of anticipation for the year ahead. Our sense is that is that God is up to something BIG.

But at the same time, the sense I seem to be getting so clearly for this year, is that the LORD is beginning to move the Church into a phase, which could easily be interpretted as a waning, or “negative progress.” Some may even conclude that feeling “less of the Spirit” in their lives, must be because they’ve sinned and God’s withdrawn from them. But if we understand what’s happening, we will not fret; we need not assume there is sin-caused separation. (Just as we should not assume that it was our “holiness” which caused God to show up in the first place.)


When Jesus fed the 5000 and the 4000 (see Mark 8), he was at the “height” of his earthly “popularity,” whilst on earth. There were crowds in the 5 digits thronging to him. I imagine Judas was quite hopeful at that point, that his own (probable) agenda, of power-- overthrowing the Romans and gaining a place of rulership-- seemed well on it’s way to being realized.

But Jesus’ response to “numbers” was different. He prefers quality over quantity, in his disciples. Those who were impressed with Jesus, merely for his ability to gain thronging (and seemingly adoring) crowds at his meetings, were soon to go away disappointed.

Jesus knew that the crowds were there because they’d been fed, miraculously. They were feasting at Jesus’ table. Life was good. But Jesus wanted to see who among the crowd were not merely fair-weather friends, but would be committed to him through thick and “thin”; better or “worse.”

So he gave them something to eat, which a little more difficult to swallow then the bread and fish. He gave them spiritual bread-- himself. Jesus says in John 6,

“I tell you the truth, you are looking for me, not because you saw miraculous signs but because you ate the loaves and had your fill… I tell you the truth, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in you. Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up at the last day. For my flesh is real food and my blood is real drink. Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood remains in me, and I in him. Just as the living Father sent me and I live because of the Father, so the one who feeds on me will live because of me.”

The chapter goes on to say:

From this time, many of his disciples turned back and no longer followed him. “You do not want to leave too, do you?” Jesus asked the Twelve. Simon Peter answered him, “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life. We believe and know that you are the Holy One of God.”

It is not enough to eat of the supply God provides. We must have relationship with Jesus. Unless we are one with him through partaking of his very life; his very self, we will not remain with him through the times when he gives us things which are difficult to swallow.


The Church has been receiving revival over the past several years. We’ve feasted at His table, and grown in God because of it. The LORD has graciously provided His miracles and His presence to us. People have been flocking to various revival “hotspots” around the world and been receiving from God. God’s become more “popular,” if you will, even among His own.

I believe the phase God is now bringing the Church into, is one where He wants to separate the fair weather party-ers from those who are the Bride-- those who have made a vow to Him, “for better or for worse.”

So, if the “revival” seems to be waning on the surface, will we shrug and say “tsk tsk. That’s too bad. Party’s over-- I miss it, but I’m outta here. There’s nothing exciting going on in these services anymore.” Or say, “oh no! The ‘level of Spirit’ in our meetings seems to be decreasing-- we've got try to drum it up, to keep this party going. We can’t have the people leave!”

It’s not about the party. It’s not about the cool manifestations that happen. It’s not about the intensity of what we feel. It’s not about getting enough “Spirit” (manifested) in our meetings to keep the people happy, and coming back for more.

If these things wane, what’s left? The relationship with Jesus we’ve forged, that’s what.


The party is good; it’s been helpful, but it is not the goal. It has made us spiritually warmer. Many of us are not as lukewarm as we were; we are on fire for God.

But the LORD wants to reveal to us, whether we are on fire merely because of the external atmosphere of revival we’ve been soaking in, or whether the fire has now become internal, inside us.

Are we now burning lamps? Can we take the fire with us, wherever we go? Does it matter if there are any revival meetings to go to, to get recharged? Or have we learned how to get and stay revived, via direct relationship/connection with our LORD?

What I like to call, “Cold Blooded Christians,” are those who need an external source of spiritual heat to shine upon them in order to keep “fired up” (spiritually supple and active, rather than stiff and sluggish-- like the cold blooded creatures of the earth get, without sunshine). Sources like the wonderful revival services and prayer meetings God graciously provides. And if they don’t keep going back for more, they find they can get very dry in between.

“Hot Blooded Christians” walk with the LORD in such a way that they often find themselves more revived in their own prayer closet than in a meeting. They have an operational “internal heat source.” They’ve learned how to drink daily from the rivers God places inside them, which spring to everlasting life. They walk hand in hand with Jesus through every moment of the day, “praying without ceasing.”

And if they go to a meeting, it’s not to get another fish to sustain them. For they’ve learned how to fish. Hot Blooded Christians go, not because it’s a party. They go because they get to be with Jesus. At a party. :-) It’s fun to go out with the one you love, sometimes.


So beloved, let us seek our LORD whether we feel an intense presence or not, whether we see any manifestations or answers to our needs or not. Let us know He has not abandoned us if the “revival” wanes; He is still as close as ever.

Let us know that if the generalized “wave” of the Spirit over the earth recedes for a time, until the next wave hits, we need not be helplessly washed out with the tide-- “backsliding;” growing more lukewarmjust because theredoesn’tseem to be as much “spiritual heat”around.

Let us not be Cold Blooded Christians; flotsam on the tide. Let us learn how to swim-- supported by the waves; propelled forward in power like the surfer, but not sucked back out again like a dead fish.

Let us learn how to not only be IN the Riverm but have the Rivers flow OUT of us. Then the power of the Kingdom can truly flow in the streets, not just in the sanctuary.
