DATE / January 2014
INDIVIDUAL’S NAME / Philip Durocher / PHONE 212 . 310 . 2000
IMMEDIATE MANAGER’S NAME / Juan Pablo Zamorano / PHONE 212 . 310 . 2000
COACH NAME / Vivian James Rigney / PHONE 646 . 684 . 5353
HR CONTACT / Marian Lipping / PHONE 212 . 310 . 2000

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coaching focus: Developmental Transitional Situational

assessment tools used
  • JCA Emotional Intelligence Audit
  • 360 Interviews with:
  • Juan Pablo Zamorano, Noel Wallace, Nigel Burton, Patricia Verduini, Elyse Kane, Saada McNamee, Greg Ross, Esi Seng, Laura Vogel

assessment Summary
  1. Talented and recognized marketer
  2. Intellect and ability to be an intuitive thinker (has a good sense for the business, what will and will not work)
  3. Analytical and incorporates data to make decisions
  4. Strong team motivation skills (particularly directs and owns team)
  5. Strategic thinker yet customer focused
  6. Positive and approachable
development needs
  1. Listen more effectively and be more present when discussing with seniors and peers
  • Incorporate the subtleties needed for communication at this level
  • Realize the give and take needed when coming to an agreement with this audience
  • Show more openness and willingness to incorporate the views of others
  1. More decisive leadership style within own team
  • Be less of a pleaser (less need to be liked) and instead be more authentic when communicating
  • Be more direct with peers and own team, i.e. share own opinion, disagree if that’s what you really feel and be courageous in giving honest and constructive feedback
  • Take more credit for being the leader of the team (less over-reliance on promoting own team’s achievements)
  1. Manage emotions effectively, when things might not go your way and exhibit the executive gravitas expected at this level
  • Read the room and the audience
  • Prepare for possible outcomes ahead of time
  • Socialize ideas/thoughts and propositions with others ahead of time

coaching plan
COACHING SESSIONS Face-to-face meetings, plus phone/email interaction and support (if applicable) in-between to reflect and review progress.
COACHING APPROACH Philip has fully embraced the coaching process and established a trusting and open relationship with his Coach. The assessment feedback has been fully accepted by him and will provide a solid platform from which to progress on his coaching goals.
Philp responds well to direct and full feedback and observations. The coaching will have a highly developmental and supportive approach, guiding him to understand and apply a new way of thinking and behaving with those he interacts with and leads – strengthening his Emotional Intelligence (EI) and effective leadership competencies.
How will results be assessed?
Progress articulation and measurement by coachee and their manager
start date / anticipated end date
September 2013 / April 2014

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