Mildura FReeZA Committee - Terms of Reference
Mildura Rural City Council’s FReeZA program is part of the Victorian State Government funded initiative that gives young people the opportunity to lead the planning and staging of live music and cultural events in our community.
Goals and Objectives
FReeZA’s goal is to enable young peoples’ participation in the community through the planning, development, and delivery of music and cultural events, in a ‘by youth, for youth’ approach. This is achieved through the establishment and support of a self-determining committee of young people.
The establishment and support of the committee is integral to the program and the successful delivery of events, the staging of accessible local music and cultural events in their community.
The objectives of the FReeZA program are to:
- Implement a youth participation approach for engaging young people in the planning and staging of FReeZA events.
- Stage a broad range of events that is reflective of the youth population in the community.
- Develop young people’s skills through youth development and training activities.
- Improve young people’s career pathways into further education, training, employment and other volunteering opportunities.
- Improve the recognition of young people’s volunteering by acknowledging their contributions to the local community.
- Strengthen connections and partnerships with local businesses, schools, training institutions and other youth service providers in the staging of events and increase young people’s access and participation in the program.
Mildura Rural City Council must ensure the following is undertaken:
- Hold five contracted events and meet 1,400 attendance targets per year.
- Ensure all events are drug, alcohol and smoke-free, fully supervised with no pass-outs.
- Ensure all events are attended by fully qualified first aid officer(s), security personnel who are registered in accordance with the Private Agents Act 1966, and a youth worker with drug and alcohol training to provide advice / support to young people.
- Develop a Risk Management Plan for each event.
- Complete a Working with Children Check on staff and people aged 18 and over who come into regular, direct and unsupervised contact with young people.
- Lodge details of all events with the Community and Economic Participation Branch that will then be posted on the FReeZA website.
- Funding and revenue raised at a FReeZA events is spent within the calendar year.
The committee comprises a maximum of thirteen (13) members aged 14 to 25 years. Membership of the Mildura FReeZA Committee is for 12 months. Mildura Rural City Council will call for nominations to the Committee after 12 months.
The selection criteria will include:
- Be aged between 14-25 years.
- Live, work or study within the municipality of Mildura.
- Ability to attend at least 80% of monthly meetings (dates and times to be confirmed).
- Ability to attend all FReeZA events.
- Able to attend at least 80% of training sessions and activities.
- Demonstrated ability to be an active participant until December of the active year.
- Young People shall serve on the Mildura FReeZA Committee in a voluntary capacity.
- All members over the age 18 years must successfully complete a Working with Children’s Check.
- Membership will cease if a member is absent from three consecutive meetings of the committee without providing acceptable reasons for their absences.
Committee Facilitator
The designated Committee Facilitator is Council’s Youth Programs & Participation Officer, with support from the Youth Development Officer.
The Committee Facilitator is responsible for:
- Establishing the meeting agenda.
- Ensuring the agenda and minutes are circulated to all committee members.
- Ensuring that relevant matters are brought before the Committee and ensuring that the decisions of the Committee are incorporated into Council activities and followed up appropriately.
- Ensuring each member of the Committee performs consistently with the principles outlined in this document.
Casual Vacancy
In the event that a casual vacancy is caused by the resignation of a member, the Youth Program & Participation Officer will advise the Committee at its next meeting that a vacancy has arisen. The Committee will then provide a recommendation to the next meeting, having regard for the selection criteria.
A quorum is three (3) members. The Chair shall adjourn the meeting after 15 minutes should a quorum not be met.
General Requirements
Mildura Rural City Council is responsible for five key components in the delivery of the program:
- Implement a youth participation approach to establish a FReeZA committee which is representative of the community, with committee members between the ages of 14-25.
- Support the FReeZA committee by identifying skill needs and providing training opportunities.
- Oversee the delivery of music or cultural events (as determined by young people).
- Identify further education, training and employment pathways and other local volunteering opportunities for young people.
- Implement strategies to ensure FReeZA is inclusive and accessible to all young people.
- Make staffing resources available to ensure the safety of young people participating on the FReeZA committee, with a high priority on youth participation.
Expectations of FReeZA Members
The establishment of a FReeZA committee is a key responsibility of the Mildura Rural City Council. The committee’s role is to lead the planning and staging of events in the local community where young people themselves are the leaders, administrators and decision makers.
FReeZA committee members must demonstrate a commitment to promoting a positive image of young people and advancing their needs and representation in the community.
Responsibilities of the FReeZA Committee include:
- Ability to actively consult young people and provide feedback.
- Plan and deliver five events in one calendar year.
- Attend meetings.
- Advise of their inability to attend meetings (if required).
- Formally resign from the FReeZA Committee if they are unable to attend meetings on an ongoing basis.
- Work cooperatively with other members in achieving the objectives of the FReeZA Committee.
- Assist with projects and initiatives undertaken or assigned to the FReeZA Committee.
- Determine the types of events and cultural activities they want in their community.
- Assist with the circulating of information to other young people through schools.
- Promote the achievements and positive contributions that young people make to the community within the Mildura Rural City Council municipality.
- Lead decision making.
- Be involved in volunteering.
- Establish relationships between young people and the broader community.
All committee members will undertake Mildura Rural City Council’s Volunteer Induction Training that will cover the following:
- Vision & Culture
- Organisational Structure
- Policies including the Corporate Gift Policy, Equal Opportunity & Workplace Policy (OP01 3), Discipline Policy (OP033) and the Alcohol & Mood Altering Drugs Policy (0P085).
- Police & Working with Children’s Check
- Employee Confidentiality
- Privacy and Protected Disclosure Information
- Fraud Prevention
- Internet & Intranet
- Social Media
- Media Statements
- Occupational Health & Safety information
- Volunteer’s OHS Handbook
Other training provided may include:
- Food Hygiene Certification
- Level II First Aid Training
- FReeZA Summits (Dates and venue to be advised)
- Event Promotion Mentoring
- Event Management Mentoring
Frequency of Meetings
The following meeting/workshop dates are to be confirmed, subject to committee member’s availability.
A calendar will be developed at the competition of the first meeting.
- January 30 January – 1 day Induction Worksop 10:30am – 2.00pm (Date to be confirmed)
- February 4.00pm to 6.00pm (Date to be advised)
- March Saturday 18 March – Event ManagementTraining (Times to be advised)
Video and/or phone link up will be available to all members in outlying areas.
The committee has no executive powers except those expressly provided by the Mildura Rural City Council. In carrying out its responsibilities, the committee must at all times recognise that primary responsibility for management of the Council resides with Council and the General Manager as defined by the Local Government Act. The responsibilities of the committee may be revised or expanded by Council from time to time.
Conflict of Interest
Committee members must declare any conflicts of interest at the start of each meeting or before discussion of a relevant agenda item or topic. Details of any conflicts of interest should be appropriately minuted.
Where members or invitees are deemed to have a real or perceived conflict of interest, it may be appropriate that they be excused from committee deliberations on the issue where the conflict of interest may exist. The final arbiter of such a decision will be the Youth Development Officer.
Public Participation – Attendees and Invitees (non-voting)
A person who is not a member of the FReeZA committee (including a Councillor) is entitled to attend the committee meeting.
However attendees who are not members of the committee are not entitled to:
- Give notice of business for inclusion in the agenda for the meeting.
- Move or second a motion at the meeting.
- Vote at the meeting.
- Speak unless prior arrangements have been made with the Committee Facilitator.
No voting by proxy is permitted. Only members present at the meeting may participate in voting on any matter before the committee.
Public Statements
Mildura FReeZA Committee members cannot make public statements on behalf of Mildura Rural City Council as an independent group without prior approval of the Youth Development Officer or the Council Media Unit.
If a member of the committee has a concern with any aspect of the group (members, team cooperation, peer conflict, etc.), they are encouraged to approach the Youth Program & Participation Officer with their concern(s). From there, the Youth Program & Participation Officer will record the complaint and determine if further action needs to be taken in order to rectify the problem. The identity of any individual filing a complaint will be kept confidential.