Stockbridge Schools PTO Meeting Minutes

Date: August 27, 2012 Time: 6:00 p.m.

Meeting Location: Cafeteria

Attendees:Lisa Averkamp, Liz Spreeman, Peggy Hermann, Jill Unser,Val Zweirs, Mike Jeffers, Elizabeth Langteau, Jenny Funk, Aggie Mader.

Called to order at6:00p.m.


Treasurer’s Report – Our budget for the year is about $3000.

Whiteboard Update– We still have $500 in safe at school. Whiteboards are needed. Elizabeth found a company that has whiteboard adhesive panels that you put right on over the existing board. One panel costs $189. Shipping & Handling cost is $98 no matter the number of boards you purchase. They have a Lifetime warranty. The company has only replaced very few. 7 boards cost - $1421 which includes S&H ($98). This would cover the elementary classrooms (K4, K5, 1,2,3,4,5). There was discussion on the middle school whiteboard need. The 6th grade room is in need of one. High School rooms all have them. Elizabeth moved to pledge another $500 towards whiteboards, Lisa 2nd it, all agreed. This brings our pledge amount to $1000 for whiteboard resurfacing. Elizabeth will connect with Mr. Marx regarding the cost difference. If Mr. Marx can come up with $421, we will pledge a total of $1189 to help resurface the 6th grade whiteboard. This will cover 7 boards in the elementary wing and 6th grade. (8 total).

Basket Raffle Update– Over $4,000 was raised at the basket raffle back in July. Thank you to all who donated and helped in any sort of way to make our major fundraiser of the year a success!

Teacher/Originization Request

  1. Trees for Tomorrow-Ms. Schulz asked for additional donations to help fund the 5th & 6th graders. Two years ago we pledge $250. Elizabeth motioned to give $250 again. Jenny 2nd it, all agreed.
  2. Second Grade Classroom Carpeting-Mrs. Rohloff asked for a donation of $325 to put a new area carpet (7’8”X10’9”) in the 2nd grade class. Jenny mentioned that Shelly had two at the day care not being used. She will ask Shelly if carpet is available for donation. Jenny will let us know what Shelly says. If it is not, Peggy motioned to pledge $325, Liz 2nd, all agreed.
  3. Weekly Readers –Mrs. Schorer (Kindergarten)Mrs. Rohloff (2nd grade) requested us to pay for the Weekly Readers. Lisa motioned that we cover the cost for this year for both rooms, Jill 2nd, all agreed.

Back to School Social– Wednesday, August 29, 4-6. We will be serving ice cream in the cafeteria. Peggy will set up and help out until 4:30. Liz will be around and Lisa will do the clean-up. If anyone else is able to help out during this time, feel free to jump in. Jenny said there was ice cream left from the church festival. She was going to check to see if some of that was available. She will contact Peggy and let her know and Peggy will do the shopping. FYI: The football team has their spaghetti dinner at 6:15. Volunteers will be in the kitchen preparing the meal prior to. The team will eat in Mr. Resch room.

School Directory Preparation– Lisa added the question if people have text capabilities. Jill suggested changing the way the name and grade was set up. Lisa will make these changes and check with Shantel (secretary) regarding the copying and distribution. It is requested that the forms be returned by September 28. Jill will then put them together. Our mass PTO email list comes off of this form.

2012/13 Fundrasing Opportunities -

  1. United Community Card Fundraising – We should have forms available on Wednesday. Card renewal is $1.50. $3.00 for activating new card. Peggy wants to contact people who haven’t used the card to see if they will use it. For the month of July, $52.71 was raised.
  2. October in the Park – Chili/Pumpkin Dessert Contest – idea from Lisa. Due to possible food restrictions, we can’t sell but could put out donation bucket. Much discussion went on regarding the food sales. Idea of just sellingindividual desserts or do a bake sale. We also talked about doing a 50/50 raffle or a onetime $100 raffle. Lisa will do a little more checking into this. In next week we will know.Email Update: An email was received on 8/28/12 from Lisa that there was already a Chili contest and 50/50 raffle. We could still do a bake sale. Lisa was looking for feedback and two people to oversee it.
  3. Big Ticket Item Raffle – 4 wheeler, cash, big screen tv, etc. This is a fundraiser Lisa would really like to do.
  4. PTO now has theirown WI Raffle ID number – we are legit. Lisa hasn’t had time to look thru the information to see if we have to renew it every year or every other year. She will let us know.

2012/13 Initiatives – Set goals- Possibilities: whiteboards, playground ride toy, tether ball, swings. The question came up if there were any needs for middle or high school. We plan to continue with movie nights.

PTO Meeting Nights – We plan on setting our meetings to be on Tuesday nights for this school year due to some personal Monday evening conflicts. We will see how this works. We plan on meeting at 6:30. Meeting dates we be set at the end of each meeting. Check website or school calendar for next meeting.

Miscellaneous Items – Mrs. Vanderloop (4th grade) will be collecting the Box Tops this year.

Next Meeting: Tuesday, September 11thin the Cafeteria at 6:30 p.m.

Everyone is welcome to attend!

Adjourned: 7:10 p.m.