To: RCIA Directors, Pastors, Administrators and Parish Life Coordinators

From:Joanna Haston, Office of Liturgy and the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults

Date:13 December 2017

Re:2018 Rites of Election

The 2018 Rites of Election –the combined “Celebration of the Rite of Election of Catechumens and of the Call to Continuing Conversion of Candidates Who Are Preparing for Confirmation and/or Eucharist or Reception into the Full Communion of the Catholic Church” –are scheduled as follows:

Place:Our Lady of Grace Church, Artesia, NM

Date:Sunday, 11 February

Time:3:00 P.M.

Format:Liturgy of the Word with First Sunday of Lent Readings

Place:Immaculate Heart of Mary Cathedral, Las Cruces, NM

Date: Sunday, 18 February

Time:4:00 P.M.

Format: Liturgy of the Word with First Sunday of Lent Readings

This rite is for three groups:

  1. Catechumens - Those adults and children of catechetical age who have journeyed a full liturgical year in the Catechumenate and are preparing to receive Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist at the 2018 Easter Vigil.(Seepgs. A-4to A-7 inthe July 2015 Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults Guidelinesfor moreinformation.)Their names should be enrolled in the parish Book of Elect, preferably in a parish Rite of Sending, before coming to the Rite of Election.(See RCIA nos. 106-117 or 530-546.)
  1. Baptized Christians Candidates - Those adults and children of catechetical age baptized in another Christian tradition who will make a profession of faith, be received into full communion within the Catholic Church, and receive Confirmation and Eucharist at the 2018 Easter Vigil or anytime during Easter or Ordinary Time 2018.
  1. BaptizedCatholic Candidates - Those formerly uncatechized baptized Catholic adults preparing to complete their sacraments of initiation who have needed a longer time of preparation and who have been catechized through the RCIA process – but will not be receiving the sacraments at the Easter Vigil as Bishop Cantú reserves the right toconfirm all baptized Catholic candidates.(Note that this does not include those catechized Catholic adults and youth who will prepare for and receive Confirmationat another time in the spring.See pgs. A-9 and A-10 inthe July 2015 Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults Guidelinesfor moreinformation.)

A parish registration form for you to fill out and return to the Pastoral Center by 15 Januaryfollows on the third page…Please fill out the form completely.

  1. All RCIA directors are expected and all parish clergy are welcome to attend. Please write in their names.
  2. More information about the celebration of the rite and the need to bring both your parish Book of the Elect and name tags for all of your catechumens and candidates will be sent to the RCIA Director the week of 29 January.(Please wait until you receive that information to create your name tags!)
  3. Indicating the location at which your parish will participate and noting the number of your catechumens and candidates – including marking zero (0) if you have none of any category – will enable us to plan adequate seating for your group of catechumens and godparents and candidates and sponsors/godparents.

Have questions about the Rite in general?

As stated in our July 2015 Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults Guidelines on page A-7:

Unbaptized persons who have gone through preparation appropriate to their age and development as catechumens are brought to the Cathedral or other designated church on or near the First Sunday of Lent for the “Second Step: Election or Enrollment of Names,” the Rite of Election. During this rite the Church judges their readiness, makes its election, and by the bishop or his delegate, welcomes and receives these persons as those elected to receive the sacraments of initiation at the coming Easter Vigil. Now officially referred to as “the elect,” they are to participate in the scrutinies and other rites designated throughout the Lenten season.(RCIA nos. 118-119, 121, 125) As with the first step, before the rite is celebrated, the entire community should arrive at a judgement about the catechumen’s state offormation and progress. This deliberation may take various forms.(RCIA nos. 121-122)It is recommended that every parish with catechumens being sent for election celebrate the “Sending of the Catechumens for Election” before the diocesan rite. This rite offers the local community the opportunity to express its approval of the catechumens and to sendthem forth assured of theparish’s care and support.(RCIA nos. 106-117)Persons still in irregular or invalid marriages are not to be enrolled for election until their marriage is in right order with the marriage laws of the church. This Second Step, optional in the RCIA for children of catechetical age, has a specially adapted celebration.(RCIA nos. 277-290)However, children who will receive their sacraments of initiation at the next Easter Vigil/Sunday (or during Eastertime) are also to celebrate the “Sending of the Catechumens” and be sent to one of the diocesan rites of election held the first weekend of Lent. It is during the sending that the catechumens should sign the parish Book of theElect.(RCIA no. 132; see Part V – RecordKeeping) The Book of the Elect is then brought to the Rite of Election for Bishop to sign.

Have questions about the godparents, who are to be present for the Rite of Election?

As stated in our July 2015 Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults Guidelines on page A-3:

The sponsor may also become the godparent at the time of receiving the sacraments, but if the catechumen so chooses, another person may become the godparent. (RCIA nos. 11, 80, 123) All the qualifications and requirements of a godparent that apply to infant baptism also apply to the godparent of an adult or a child of catechetical age; the godparent is to be a fully initiated Catholic who is free to receive the sacraments of the Catholic Church. For adult baptism, only one godparent is required, however two may be chosen, one male and one female. *The parents of children to be baptized cannot also serve as godparents. While there is no church law that prevents a fiancé or spouse from being the sponsor/godparent, the catechumen is encouraged to have someone else serve in this capacity so that the relationship with the larger Christian community is broadened and strengthened.(Christian Initiation, General Introduction, nos. 8-10)

2018Rites of Election - Parish Registration Form


Parish Phone Number:______

Parish E-Mail Address: ______

Pastor:______□ Will attend.□ Will not attend.

Priest:______□ Will attend.□ Will not attend.

Deacon: ______□ Will attend.□ Will not attend.


Director: ______□ Will attend.□ Will not attend.

If will not attend, person attending instead: ______

Director Mailing Address: ______

Director E-Mail Address: ______

Check box of location of attendance.

□ Our Lady of Grace, Artesia□ Cathedral Immaculate Heart of Mary

Sunday, 11 February, 3:00 PMSunday, 18 February, 4:00 PM

Note number of adults (and children) for your location of attendance.

# _____ Catechumens# _____ Catechumens

for Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist for Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist

# _____ Baptized Christian Candidates# _____ Baptized Christian Candidates

for Full Receptionfor Full Reception

# _____ Baptized Catholic Candidates# _____ Baptized Catholic Candidates

completing Initiationcompleting Initiation

# _____ Additional Godparent/Sponsors# _____ Additional Godparents/Sponsors

if more than one per candidate. if more than one per candidate.

Please return this form by any of mail, E-mail, fax or personal delivery by 15 January 2018to: Joanna Haston

Office of Liturgical Formation, Art & Environment and the RCIA

1280 Med Park Drive

Las Cruces NM 88005

Diocese of Las Cruces – 1280 Med Park Drive – Las Cruces NM 88005 – 575.523.7577 –