Carine Cats Ball Club

Teeball Division


Umpires Booklet

2014/2015 Season

2014/2015 Committee

Tee Ball Division

Chairperson Jane Upson

Vice Chairperson Vacant

Secretary Luisa Wilkinson

Registrar Karen Worth

Treasurer Jane Upson

Coaches Coordinator Ian Davies

Umpires Coordinator Rob Reimers

Uniform Coordinator

Property Officer Tony Hollander

Sponsorship Coordinator

Canteen Coordinator

Trophy and Photo Coordinator

State Championships Coordinator

TBAWA Delegates (x2) Ian Davies

General Committee Tanya Takayama

Table of Contents

Introduction Page

Opening Ceremony Page


Reduced Sized Diamonds

Local Rule Modifications

Game Procedures and Information


Mouth guards

Club Policy

Cancellation of Games due to Inclement Weather

Closing Ceremony


Umpiring Clinics


Welcome to the 2014/2015 teeball season and thank you for taking on the role of Umpire.

Umpiring is an important job and the following outlines the commitment required of umpiring and provides some suggestions for how you can make the best of it and enjoy this role throughout the season.

Like all positions responsible for the care of juniors, umpiring carries a duty of care. This responsibility is something that people should take seriously.

To help discharge this responsibility, there are two things the club suggests you do:

1.  Rapidly apply basic safety rules

2.  Know the rules well, have fun and be confident.

By following these guidelines, you should run safe and enjoyable games. The club puts on clinics to assist you to achieve this. The rest is up to you.

Basic Safety.

There are lots of safety tips throughout the rule book and guidelines. Some of the more important ones that you should always follow include:

·  Pick up the tee - for every play

·  After removing the tee – get out of the way

·  Throwing the bat – Simply do not allow it

·  Injuries – Stop play immediately

·  Enclosed footwear – must be worn by all persons (players, coaches and umpires) on the diamond (crocs are not considered enclosed footwear)

There are many more rules and guidelines that relate to safety – most of them are common sense. Make sure you know and understand them and put them into practice. Ensuring the safety of players, spectators, coaches and yourself is your most important role whilst umpiring.

Preparing and Improving as an Umpire

Study the rulebook and guidelines. The club also conducts clinics for umpires.

The TBAWA website provides a questionnaire you can test your knowledge on.

During the season there is a simple multiple choice exam for umpires, run by TBAWA. This is perhaps the best learning experience for anyone involved in umpiring and is recommended for everyone who umpires Teeball. It makes you a smarter and better umpire which in turn, leads to better, more enjoyable and safer games for the players.

Set yourself the goal of becoming a TBAWA accredited umpire this season – it is not hard, does not take much time and makes a large difference to the games you umpire (See last page for details).

Should you have any queries or questions regarding this booklet or umpiring Teeball, please contact the Umpires Coordinator.

For umpires in the Under 11 and Under 13 grades please also refer to the Wembley Teeball Association booklet.

Generally, make your call promptly and stick to it. If coaches want to discuss your decision do so quickly or after the game is complete.

During a game, if you are unsure of a rule or a judgment, consult with the other umpire and agree on a path forward.


The opening ceremony will be conducted between the two fixtures of the opening round on Saturday 18th October 2014 immediately after the Under 7’s and Under 9’s games are complete.

Note that games are 60 minutes in length. Under 7’s and Under 9’s commence at 8:00am and the Under 11’s and Under 13’s commence at 10:15am.


Unless otherwise notified all Under 7’s and Under 9’s games are played at Carine Regional Open Space. Most games are played Saturday morning with usually 2 mid week twilight games during the season. Under 11’s and Under 13’s are played as a home and away series with home games at Carine Regional Open Space.


Under 7’s boys and Under 7’s Girls are played on reduced sized diamonds, approximately ¾ the size of a standard Teeball diamond. Games scheduled for these age groups will be on diamonds that are marked to reflect this reduced size.


SAFETY BASES will be used in Under 7’s boys and all girls age group games. Fielding players must not stand on the safety base (yellow portion)

3 STRIKES is not enforced in Under 7 boys and Under 7 girls age groups. If the batter is having difficulties hitting the ball simply ask the coach to help.

In Under 9’s boys and Under 9’s girls age groups only enforce the 3 strike rule after the Christmas break and only on agreement between the umpires and coaches. Remember Teeball is about enjoyment and participation.


For Under 7’s and Under 9’s there will be no automatic out when there are less than 9 players. For those age groups batting will continue until the 9th batter has had their turn at bat or there are 3 outs. This will mean that 1 or more players will receive a second turn at bat during an innings that goes to the 9th batter.

Coaches can accommodate less than 9 fielders on the diamond by:

·  Younger age groups – not having a centre field position

·  Older age groups – player starts at pitcher’s position then moves to catcher’s position if he/she does not field the ball at the pitcher’s position.

Opposition coaches are encouraged not to take advantage of gaps caused by teams fielding with reduced numbers and instill a sense of fair play into the attitudes of our children. Please make the game enjoyable for all involved and accommodate those teams that may have reduced numbers for whatever reason. Under 7’s and Under 9’s teams may also “lend” a player to their opposition should they have sufficient to do so.

For Under 11’s and Under 13’s the automatic rule (Rule 7.d) will apply.


The HOME TEAM is mentioned first on the fixture. They are responsible for:-

1.  Supplying the PLATE umpire

2.  Setting up the diamond with bases provided in the coaches equipment bag and removal after the completion of the game.

3.  Collecting and erecting a shelter and bat stand available from the equipment shed (first game) and returning to equipment shed (unless advised otherwise). Benches are also available from the equipment shed for teams that wish to use them. Each equipment bag contains a hammer to assist in erecting the shelter. Do not use bats for banging in the pegs.

4.  Collect prior to the game the pre-printed scorecard from the equipment shed, complete and return in the box at the equipment shed at the completion of the game.

5.  In Under 11’s and Under 13’s the home team is also required to erect and return a shelter and benches for the visiting team.

The AWAY TEAM is responsible for:-

1.  Supplying the base umpire.

2.  Supplying a scorer.

3.  Under 7’s and Under 9’s collecting and erecting a shelter and bat stand for their team from the equipment shed (first game) and returning to the equipment shed (unless advised otherwise). Benches are also available from the equipment shed for teams that wish to use them.


If helmets are supplied in the equipment for your age group then it is club policy that each batter, catcher and pitcher wear a helmet during every game and at each training session.


Carine Cats Teeball strongly recommends the wearing of mouth guards by all players.


“There will be a compulsory rotation of all players through different fielding positions such that in every 4 innings each player will have played a minimum of 2 infield positions , 1 outfield position and rested once.” This applies to a 12 player rotation. If less than 12 players are allocated to a team then rotate the players with a 2 infield 1 outfield ratio and share the resting evenly.


The Club will use its discretion whether to cancel games due to bad weather. In the event of bad weather, a cancellation notice will be posted at the equipment shed.

For Under 11’s and Under 13’s refer to Wembley Teeball Association Regulations.


The closing ceremony for Teeball will be held on Saturday 21st February 2015. Details will be finalized closer to the date, players and parents will be notified.


With so many teams, communications can be difficult, so please take the initiative and contact the appropriate Committee person if you have any issues.

Please remember the committee consists entirely of volunteers who undertake their ole in their spare time.

Your efforts are greatly appreciated. The committee is committed to the development of our children under the 4 “F” philosophies:

Fun, Fundamental Skills, Fair Play and Family Involvement


This has been prepared for the Carine Cats Ball Club – Teeball Division September 2014