Spanish Family Tree Project
· Make a design of your family tree on a standard poster board.
· Please use your vocabulary list as a reference. (Don’t forget about your pets if you have them!)
· Your family may be real or fictional. You may create your own family! For example, Mickey & Minnie Mouse could be your parents, or Selena Gomez could be your sister. This project will count as a MAJOR (test) grade.
· For every member of the family tree, you need to type a paragraph that must include five sentences with the following information: their name, the person’s relationship to you, a descriptive sentence, what they like to do (Le gusta . . .) and a sentence indicating something they do (use an ar/er/ir verb).
There are several ways to accomplish this. Here are a few examples:
· Sample sentences for female family members:
· Ésta es mi madre. (This is my mother)
· Ella se llama María. (Her name is Maria)
· Ella es alta. (She is tall.)
· Le gusta bailar y leer libros. (She likes to dance and read books.)
· Ella baila muy bien. (She dances very well.)
· Sample sentences for male family members:
· Éste es mi padre.(This is my father.)
· Él se llama Juan. (His name is Juan.)
· Él es alto. (He is tall.)
· Le gusta jugar al golf.. (He likes to play golf.)
· Él juega muchos deportes..(He plays many sports.)
ü The entire project must be written in Spanish. You will lose points for English usage.
ü Family members must be in sequential order.
ü Each paragraph must contain five sentences and be typed.
ü The project must be neat and creative.
ü You may use photos (copies of the real photos would be best), drawings (if you are an artist), clip art, magazine cut outs (neatly trimmed), etc…
ü Do not use online Spanish translations.
Spanish Family Project
Student:______Class Period:______
You will be graded on the following:
At least 10 family members are pictured ______/20 points
At least three generations are represented & labeled ______/15 points
Grammar, punctuation, spelling ______/30 points
Title: “La Familia de First Last Name”______/05 points
Overall impression (colorful, neat, creative) ______/10 points
Oral Presentation ______/05 points
Neatness ______/05 points
Student & Parent Signatures (see below) ______/10 points
Total ______/100 points
***Turn in by Friday, March 22nd and receive 10 bonus points!***
DUE DATE: Monday, March 25th
Student Signature ______
Parent Signature ______
*This signature page is worth one daily/homework grade as well as 10 points on your project grade.
Please note that this project is a major test grade!!!