Region 13 ESC

Master Reading Teacher Awareness

Questions and Answers

Q: Who can apply?

A: Any teacher can apply who has at least three years of teaching experience as a fully certified teacher.

Q: What if I taught in a private school?

A: Your 3 years teaching experience must have been with a Valid Teaching Certificate and

recognized by the state as a valid teaching experience.

Q: How does a teacher qualify as a Master Reading Teacher (MRT)?

A: There are two ways to qualify to be a MRT, depending upon the teacher’s current certification:

(1)  If an educator holds a Reading Specialist certificate, then he/she must complete satisfactorily a MRT preparation program approved by the State Board for Educator Certification (SBEC). This person is not required to take the MRT certification exam.

(2)  If an educator holds a valid Texas teaching certificate and has at least 3 years of teaching experience in Texas, then he/she must satisfactorily complete a MRT preparation program approved by SBEC and perform satisfactorily on the MRT certification examination prescribed by the board.

Q: When is the MRT certification exam administered?

A: The MRT exam is taken after completion of the MRT preparation program. The next available exam date is TBD Fall 2016. Visit the SBEC Texas Educator Certification website at for assessment dates.

Q: When do I need to apply?

A: The application timeline is from December 1, 2015 through April 1, 2016.

Interested participants can access the electronic application form from the ESC website at

Each applicant is required to attend an Information / Pretesting session and take a pre-assessment as part of the application process. The pre-assessment can be taken on:

January 19, 2016 from 5:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. (Tuesday) or

February 20, 2016 from 8:30 a.m. – 12:00 noon (Saturday) or

March 22, 2016 from 5:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. (Tuesday)

Location of Information Session / Pretesting:

ESC Region 13

5701 Springdale Road

Austin, Tx 78723

Each applicant’s pre-assessment results will provide valuable data to the MRT Coordinator and instructors regarding areas of strengths and weaknesses in the area of reading and will be used as part of the application process.

Q: Is there an application fee?

A: Yes, there is a $50 nonrefundable application fee required to establish eligibility for program entrance.

Q: What is the cost for the yearlong ESC Region 13 MRT Certification Training course?

A: ESC Region 13 Program Fee: $3000

Program fee breakdown

·  $500 online learning

·  $1500 face-to-face learning and instruction (summer intensive coursework) and inclusive of book resources

·  $1000 internship / field visits / observations and support

*Program fee can be arranged to be paid in three installments with the initial payment made by the starting date April 14, 2016.

TExES Examination Fee – Upon successful completion of the online and face-to-face learning, participants will be recommended by ESC Region 13 to register for the TExES exam. It is the participant’s responsibility to register for and pay the $131 examination fee to ETS – Texas Educator (pending update changes posted by the agency).
SBECCertification Application Fee: Upon successful passing of the TExES exam, it is the participant’s responsibility to pay $77 to TEA SBEC (pending update changes posted by the agency) to pay for the state certification.

BONUS: Each MRT participant will be provided the opportunity to attend a selected reading related workshop at ESC Region 13 during the 2016-17 school year at a 100% off discount.

Q: Whom do I pay the $3000?

A: Payment will be made to the Region 13 ESC. Payment in full is due on April 14, 2016. *Program fee can be arranged to be paid in three installments with the initial payment made by the starting date April 14, 2016, and the final payment due no later than August 1, 2016.

Q: Will anyone who applies be accepted?

A: Not everyone that applies will be accepted into the MRT certification program. Letters of recommendation and the application process must be completed as requested. Appropriate credentials will be checked. Our goal is for every person who applies to successfully complete training.

Q: Do those who are already Reading Specialist have to take the MRT TExES exam?

A: No.

***If you have a current Reading Specialist Certification from the State of Texas, please provide

Q: What are the duties of a MRT?

A: A MRT teaches reading and mentors fellow teachers for the amount of time and in the manner established by the school district, in conformance with the definitions set forth in the Commissioner’s Rules.

Q: Can a district choose to address only certain grade levels with the MRT program?

A: Yes. The identification of grade level and teacher is a local decision.

Q: Can middle schools and high schools that do not have reading classes by that name still designate a MRT?

A: Yes. Since reading at the middle school and high school levels may be taught as part of other subjects such as language arts, English as a second language, or bilingual classes, a district may designate the teacher of such a subject as the reading teacher who will be the MRT on that high-needs campus. That teacher must have appropriate certification and perform the MRT duties as set forth in the Commissioner’s Rules.

Q: Who will supervise my training?

A: The ESC Region 13 MRT Certification Program is a collaborative effort with several
ESC Region 13 specialists involved in the instruction. Susan Patteson will be your MRT Certification Program Coordinator.

Q: Is it OK for me to miss class?

A: All absences must be made up with similar content. It is VERY important you do not

miss class. All absences must be approved by the specialist or MRT Coordinator. You

cannot have more than two absences.

Q: I have a vacation planning in June/July, can I miss a week of class?

A: That would put you over the number of allowed absences for the program.

Q: Will ESC Region 13 find a job for me?

A: It is the participant’s job to have an position in a school.

Q: How do I find out about open jobs?

A: Check district websites for job openings.

Q: Are all classes held at Education Service Center Region 13?

A: No. Most of the face-to-face classes will be held at a school site TBD. The pretesting

sessions and the initial class on April 16th will be at ESC Region 13.