Alzheimer Association Materials Grant

Technology-Content Team (Mary, Scarlett, Boyd, Louise) Meeting

24 October 2005 1

I. Format workout:

  • we uploaded into Moodle from a CD to test individual files in each format: all played
  • PDF, power point, mp3, wmv, jpg, qt, wav, mp3, mpg, gif, animated gif

II. Format constraints

  • A web-based course is NOT paper-pencil: traditional instruction on how to take notes, etc., needs replacement by simulation and voiceover. Writing is done on computer inside of web-based forms when needed, keyed to objectives for traditional CNA-course, i.e. journals, feedback, chats, etc.
  • Think composition in terms of hypertext, interactivity, and radio; computer as partner
  • a Moodle page can handle any format; however, there are several specific constraints
  • students who do not have dsl at home really do need to use school labs
  • audio and video clips should be 30-45 seconds and must be contextualized; captioned whenever possible (once we find out how and where)
  • 100 megabytes limit per moodle ‘page’ which is typically a topic
  • earphones are needed for (on-campus) computer-delivered audio or video
  • audio and video and possibly simulations also need to be placed on videotape
  • ‘voice-over’ tutorials using stills and screenshots are super for directions and for mini-tutorials; they work beautifully also for contextualizing AV clips
  • java applets, voice-overs will be produced at CPCC; some back-up at UNCC
  • all uploading will be handled by CPCC IT professionals; content will be delivered to them on flash drives and/or CDs for final production and infusion into course(s)

III. Flow chart for Module 1

Mary’s Moodle for ESL class Mary’s Moodle for Traditional Class

VESL forms and functions Content Module AlzAssn Groups

Gilda, Rebeca, Beth Boyd, Lisa Louise

Cultural identity and cultural sensitivity: WSSU and Dena

Nursing review: Mary and Linda

IV. New resources needed: (budget discussion)

  • Software: Impatica for CPCC (roughly $200); Captivate for UNCC if don’t have
  • Two voices for voiceover simulations/tutorials
  • Photographer (have equipment; have located photographer)

V. Module I will be tied to Unit 2, Mary’s Moodle (won’t cover ALL of it) Communication and Interpersonal Skills

 Read the textbook Chapters 4, 5, 7 and 23
Thenwork your way throughthese topics [hyperlinks removed; each topic has multiple components]

Terms to Master
Interpersonal Skills
Communication Skills
Telephone communication skills
Talk with your classmates
Communicating with residents and their family members
Other things to consider
Communication awareness
Observation and Reporting
Communication and Documentation
Assignment- 2 Topic Journal - Communication
Review North Carolina Nurse Aide Registry Information
CHOICE ACTIVITY - Rate this outline- Communication and Interpersonal Skills
Performance Check list # 1 - Looks like this

VI. Content for Module I to include

  • Script for 5 audio voiceovers plus screen shots or stills and reading material
  • 1 to 3 good quality video clips
  • 1 to 3 good quality audio clips
  • 3 power points for content (include still shots, clip
  • 3 java ‘games’/interactions

VI. Timeline for Module 1 to be ready for TARGET-TEACHING DATE 5 JAN 2006

Oct 19WedMaterials meeting, Content team

Oct 24MonTechnology team meeting

[Nov 2WedMaterials meeting]

[Nov 9Wed Group meetingset up by Louise; review eval section]

Nov 10ThursJava content delivered for production

Nov 18FriVideo content delivered

Dec 1Thurs Audio voice-over scripts and audio clip(s) delivered

[Dec 9FriCohort 1 selected]

Dec 15ThursProof of concept mounted inside Mary’s Moodles