
Geology 101

Physical Geology
Spring 2012


Antony Giles
164 Beauregard Hall
448-4254 (office)

Office Hours:8:30-10:30 MWF

9:00-10:00 and 12:00-1:00 TTh

Or by appointment

Course Section


Lecture times: 7:30-8:25 MWF

Catalog Description

GEOL 101. Physical Geology: 3-3-0. Study of the earth, its constituents, agents, and processes modifying it; also geologic structures and landforms. (40.0601)

Suggested Text

Earth: An Introduction to Physical Geology, 10th Ed. By Lutgens, Tarbuck, and Tasa

Other Materials (required)

iClicker personal response system

Access to Mastering Geology website

General Education Student Learning Outcomes

Geology 101 is a Core Curriculum course that fulfills three hours of general education requirements in the area of the natural sciences.
The goal is for students to be able to comprehend and apply the basic principles of science and methods of scientific inquiry. The student will understand the processes occurring on Earth both now and in the past, be able to classify rocks and minerals on a basic level, and be able to identify landscape features and associate them with known processes.

Schedule of topics (tentative)

Week / Topic
1 / Introduction
2 / Plate Tectonics
3 / Minerals
4 / Igneous Rocks/Volcanoes
5 / Sediments/Sedimentary Rocks
6 / Metamorphic Rocks/Geologic Time
7 / Structures/Crustal Deformation
8 / Earthquakes
9 / Mass Wasting
10 / Water
11 / Coastlines
12 / Glacial Geology

Examination Schedule (tentative)

Exam One: Introduction, plate tectonics, minerals, igneous rocks and volcanology.

Exam Two: Sediments, sedimentary rocks, metamorphic rocks, and geologic time.

Exam Three: Structures, earthquakes, and mass wasting.

Exam Four: Surface water, groundwater, glaciers, and shorelines.

Course Requirements

  1. Students must complete all examinations.
  2. Students are responsible for all information given in lectures, sections, figures or tables cited in class and other assigned readings.
  3. Classroom Conduct: Behavior that is disruptive to the instructor or the class will result in immediate dismissal from the class and a semester grade of "F". Disruptions include, but are not limited to, entering the classroom during lecture, talking, laughing, or making other loud noises while the lecture is in progress, and the activation of or the use of cell phones.
  4. The instructor expects all students to take notes during lecture. This will enable you to recall important particulars when reviewing the material and when studying for an exam.
  5. Class Attendance: Students are expected to attend all classes.
  6. Eating, drinking, or smoking will not be allowed in class.


  1. Four (4) exams, including the final exam, will be administered during the semester for credit. Each exam has a value of 100 points.
  2. Assignments will be given out during the semester. These are mandatory and will count toward your grade.
  3. Bonus points (up to 10 points per exam) may be earned and credited toward exam numerical grade at the instructor's discretion.
  4. iClicker points will count towards your grade.
  5. Grading Scale
  6. A=90%-100%
  7. B=80%-89.9%
  8. C=70%-79.9%
  9. D=60%-69.9%
  10. F=59% or below
  11. Point Distribution:
  12. Exams: 300 (one exam grade will be dropped)
  13. iClicker: 50
  14. Homework: 40
  15. Exam Format
  16. Exam questions are based on the material covered in the lecture and outside readings, if assigned. Exam questions are multiple choice or True-False.
  17. Exam Day: Student MUST BRING a #2 or softer (HB) pencil, an eraser, and an ANSWER sheet (SCANTRON) to class on exam day.
  18. Answer Sheets: All exams and answer sheets remain in possession of the instructor. Nevertheless, you have the right to come in and review your answer sheets. If you have a question or a problem with a test grade, you need to discuss this with the instructor within seven (7) calendar days after the posting of the grade. All answer sheets are destroyed 4 weeks after the semester.
  19. Posting of Grades: Grades will be posted as soon as possible on Moodle. Students with questions about a posted test grade must discuss it with the instructor within seven (7) calendar days after the posting of the grade, after which the exam grade is final.

Make-up Procedure

  1. Make-up exams may be given to students who present an acceptable excuse for missing an exam. The student must contact the instructor within 24 hours of the test in order for an excuse to be eligible for a make-up.Absences will be excused only for illnesses documented by a physician, mandatory attendance at an official University function, death in the immediate family or legal evidence of being involved in an accident, jury duty, court appearance, etc. NOTE: A regularly scheduled doctor's appointment is NOT a valid excuse unless it involves a life-threatening condition requiring special monitoring, procedures, etc.
  2. Make-up exams will be scheduled the week following the exam.

Academic Honesty Policy

  1. Cheating or any form of academic dishonesty will not be tolerated! Such conduct will result in a grade of "F" and the instructor filing formal grievance charges against each offending student as outlined in the university's Code of Student Conduct. Cheating is considered the most serious transgression a university student can make against their honor, fellow students, the university, and the public.
  2. Misuse of iClicker personal response systems is considered academic dishonesty (i.e. cheating). Anyone caught using two units will receive an "F" for the semester grade and the instructor will file formal grievance charges against each offending student as outlined in the University's Code of Student Conduct.

Attendance Policy

  1. Class attendance: Students are expected to attend all lectures. A student with an unexcused absence is responsible for obtaining any course handouts or notes for that lecture. The teacher is not responsible for providing the missing course information.

Office of Disabilities Services

  1. If you have a documented disability that requires assistance, you will need to register with the Office of Disability Services for coordination of your academic accommodations. The Office of Disability Services is located in 158 Shaver. The phone number is (985)448-4430 (TDD449-7002).

Lecture Outline and Presentations

Copies of PowerPoint presentations will be available on Moodle prior to lecture.

Final Date for Dropping Class with a 'W'

The last day for dropping Geology 101 with a 'W' or resigning from the University is April 4th, 2012.