Beulah Park District held its monthly meeting on Monday, February 6, 2018 at City Hall at 5:30 p.m.

Present: Robby Volk, Rick Alexander, Kris Martens, Deb Schlecht,Jim Nelson, Sonja Dutchuk, Lucas Duncan, Bob Mohl& Deb Bonebrake.


Agenda: K. Martens made a motion to approve agenda. J. Nelsonseconded. All in favor. Motion passed.

The meeting began with the lottery drawing of the seasonal campers at Beulah Bay. A number of visitors who had applied for seasonal camping were present along with two representatives from the ND Corps of Engineers. Following the completion of the drawing, the visitors left the meeting and started trading sites with those who were present.

Change to Minutes: A motion was made by R. Alexander to approve the revised minutes to last month’s meeting. Seconded by D. Schlecht. All in favor. Motion carried.

A motion was made by D. Schlecht to approve the Financial Report and the Profit and Loss Statements. Seconded byR. Alexander. All in favor. Motion carried.

A motion was made by R. Alexanderto approve the Vendor Report. Seconded by K. Martens. All in favor. Motion carried.

Staff Report:

Martens:Dutchuk provided his written report for each of the Commissioners. See attached report.

R. Alexander made a motion to approve the Rates for the Wellness Center. J. Nelson seconded. All in favor. Motion carried.

J. Nelson made a motion to use Dish Network as the TV provider at the Wellness Center. D. Schlecht seconded. All in favor. Motion carried.

Dutchuk provided 3 logo options. Everyone one agreed on the bottom option.

Golf Simulator after discussion has had, board decided to use the package with more options as the basis of cost for the bid package.

We would like to use the extra railing to make a gate to the Golf Simulator. Board was ok with plan.

Duncan:Duncan provided his written report for each of the Commissioners. See attached report.

Bonebrake:Bonebrakeprovided his written report for each of the Commissioners. See attached report.

Mohl:Mohl provided his written report for each of the Commissioners. See attached report.

Unfinished Business:

Legion Bus:Meeting the 16th to inspect.

New Business:None

Wellness Center:Volk stated gym flooring is done. Racquet ball court is done. Cabinets are in the Community Room and concrete grinding will start on Friday. Lockers are going in now.

Brenda Sargeant stated she would like to bid the landscaping.

Beulah Bay:Seasonal Site lottery was held.

Concessionaires Meeting is March 21st @ 1pm in Riverdale; with an alternate date of April 4th.

Schlecht planning for the Pitchfork Fondue on June 23rd.

Interviewing Campground Host applicants tomorrow at the Fit Club.

Spraying – Hire it out or have Bob do it?

K. Martens needs to finish measuring cabins to get exact price for siding.

Baseball/Softball Update:High School ordered Scoreboard – we are providing the electrical service

K. Martens is working on getting a cost to upgrade electrical at the entire Softball Complex.

This year Beulah is hosting the SW Regional – will be using Fields 3 & 1.

Next year Beulah is looking to host the Western Region

R. Alexander stated the Girls Fast Pitch Softball Boosters plan on donating $2,000 toward the Toro Drag.

Do we have break-away bases; is it something we would be willing to buy for all fields?


There being no further business, D. Schlecht made a motion to adjourn. Seconded by K. Martens. All in favor. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 6:36 pm.

Submitted by:

Deb Bonebrake
Office Manager

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