Japanese Language Program for Overseas Students(Outstanding Students)2015
Candidates Selection Schedule in Slovenia
Scholarship term: From August 19, 2015 to September 2, 2015
1. Program details and application formats
The program is intended for outstanding students of the Japanese language abroad. All information about the program, such as eligibility, expenses and allowances, and obligations of participants can be found in the ProjectAnnouncement file.
2. Timetable for Application & Selection
Beginning ofApril / The announcement of the program.April 21(Tue) / Deadline for submitting the necessary application forms (except the Medical certificate) to the Embassy of Japan.
Medical certificate, that is necessary for the application, can be submitted later, after the interview.
TheEmbassyof Japan will select preliminary candidates from among applicants by reviewing the submitted documents.
ByApril21 (Tue) / Details of the written examination will be announced to the applicants who passed the first selection.
April22 (Wed) / The written examination will take place at the Embassy of Japan from 14:00 to 15:30.
All applicants should take the examinations of Japanese.
By April23 (Thu) / Details of the interview will be announced tosuccessful candidates on the basis of written exam.
April24 (Fri) / The interview will take place at the Embassy, after 14:00.
By April24 (Fri) / Announcementof the final result of the candidate selection in Slovenia.
Successful candidate will be asked to submit the Medical certificate and other document(s) to the Embassy of Japan if necessary.
May 5 (Tue) / The deadline for submitting the additional document(s) to the Embassy of Japan.
By the end of July / The screening by the Japanese Foundation.
Japanese Foundationwill notify the Embassy of Japan in Slovenia of its final selection of thecandidates. The Embassywill notify the candidates ofthe result.
August / The selected student is to leave for Japan and commence the study with scholarship.