CSP Rohypnol ampoules

PSUR worksharing of Flunitrazepam (Rohypnol)

Covering period from 01/10/2007 to 30/09/2010 under work sharing agreement

Procedure IE/H/PSUR/0039/001

January 2012

4.2 Posology and method of administration (CDS 2.2)

Standard dosage


(a) Premedication: 1-2mg (equivalent to 0.015 – 0.030 mg per kg) intramuscularly, depending on the patient’s age and general condition. Rohypnol may be combined with anticholinergies, analgesics, neuroleptics or sedatives.

(b) Induction of anesthesia: 1-2 mg (equivalent to 0.015 – 0.030 mg per kg) by slow intravenous injection.

Intravenous injections should always be given slowly (approximately 0.5 – 1ml per minute [1 ml = 1mg]), as excessively rapid administration can lead to apnea; resuscitation apparatus must be kept ready at all times.

(c) Maintenance of anesthesia: If necessary, additional small doses of Rohypnol can be given by slow injection in order to maintain the desired level of anesthesia (dosage and dosage intervals to be determined on a individual basis).

Special dosage instructions

In children aged from 3 years and older for premedication and induction of anesthesia: 0.015 -0.030 mgper kg body weight by intramuscular or slow intravenous injection, see section 4.3 contraindication.


Elderly patients should receive half of the recommended adult dose.

Patients with hepatic impairment

Patients with impaired liver function should receive a reduced dose (see 4.4).

Patients with respiratory impairment

Patients with chronic respiratory insufficiency should receive a reduced dose (see 4.4).

Method of administration

The solution containing 2mg of active ingredient may be injected only after 1ml of diluent has been added. The injection solution should be prepared immediately before use. A vein with a large lumen should be selected for intravenous injections.

4.3 Contraindications (CDS 2.3)

-  Myasthenia gravis

-  Hypersensitivity to flunitrazepam or other benzodiazepines or to any of the components of the product

-  Severe respiratory insufficiency

-  Sleep apnea syndrome.

-  Children under 3 years of age, due to the benzyl alcohol content

-  Severe hepatic insufficiency

This product contains 30 mg benzyl alcohol per ampoule and must not be given to premature babies or neonates. Benzyl alcohol May cause toxic reactions and allergic reactions in infants and children up to 3 years old (see section 4.2 Posology and Method of administration).

4.4  Special warnings and precautions for use (CDS 2.4.1, 2.4.2)

Owing to the risk of necrosis, intra-arterial injection must be avoided.

Rohypnol should be given intravenously only when resuscitation equipment is available.

Concomitant use of alcohol / CNS depressants

The concomitant use of Rohypnol with alcohol or/and CNS depressants should be avoided. Such concomitant use has the potential to increase the clinical effects of Rohypnol possibly including severe sedation, clinically relevant respiratory and/or cardio-vascular depression (see 4.5).

Medical history of alcohol or drug abuse

Rohypnol should be used with extreme caution in patients with a history of alcohol or drug abuse (see 4.5).


Hypersensitivity reactions such as rash, angioedema or hypotension may occur in susceptible individuals.


Some loss of efficacy of the hypnotic effects of benzodiazepines may develop after repeated use for a few weeks.

Rebound insomnia

A transient syndrome whereby the symptoms that led to treatment with a benzodiazepine or benzodiazepine-like agent recur in an enhanced form, rebound insomnia may occur on withdrawal of hypnotic treatment. It may be accompanied by other reactions, including mood changes, anxiety and restlessness.

Since the risk of withdrawal and rebound phenomena is greater after abrupt discontinuation of treatment, it is recommended that the dosage be decreased gradually.


Benzodiazepines may induce anterograde amnesia. The condition most often occurs within the first few hours after administration of the product, and therefore, to reduce the risk, patients should ensure that they will be able to sleep undisturbed for 7-8 hours (see 4.8).

Psychiatric and ‘paradoxical’ reactions

Paradoxical reactions such as restlessness, agitation, irritability, aggressiveness, delusion, rages, nightmares, hallucinations, psychoses, inappropriate behaviour and other adverse behavioural effects are known to occur with benzodiazepines. Should this occur, the use of the drug should be discontinued. These reactions may be quite severe with this product and are more likely to occur in the elderly.

Drug abuse and Dependence


The chronic use of benzodiazepines and benzodiazepine-like agents even in therapeutic doses may lead to the development of physical and psychic dependence on these products (see 4.8). The risk of dependence increases with dose and duration of treatment. The risk is also higher in patients with a medical history of alcohol and/or drug abuse.

To minimise the risk of dependence, benzodiazepines should be prescribed only after careful evaluation of the indication and for a time as short as possible. The need for further treatment should be evaluated properly.


Once physical dependence has developed, abrupt termination of treatment will be accompanied by withdrawal and rebound symptoms. These may consist of headache, muscle pain, extreme anxiety, tension, restlessness, confusion, irritability and rebound insomnia.

In severe cases the following symptoms may occur: derealization, depersonalization, hyperacusis, numbness and tingling of the extremities, hypersensitivity to light, noise and physical contact, hallucinations or epileptic seizures.

Use in special populations

Impaired hepatic function

Caution is recommended when treating patients with impaired hepatic function.

Impaired respiratory function

A lower dose is recommended for patients with chronic respiratory insufficiency, due to the risk of respiratory depression.


Benzodiazepines should be used with caution in elderly, due to the risk of sedation and/or muscle relaxant effect that may lead to falls, with consequences often serious in this population. In elderly patients with organic cerebral changes and in debilitated patients the dose should be chosen with caution because of their increased sensitivity to drugs.

4.5 Interaction with other medicinal products and other forms of interaction (CDS 2.4.5)

Combination with CNS depressants may lead to enhancement of the central depressive effect (antipsychotics, neuroleptics, hypnotics, anxiolytics/sedatives, antidepressant agents, narcotic analgesics, antiepileptic drugs, anesthetics and sedative antihistamines).

Enhanced effects on sedation, respiration and hemodynamic may occur when Rohypnol is co-administered with any centrally acting depressants including alcohol.

Alcohol should be avoided in patients receiving Rohypnol (see 4.4).

See section 4.9 Overdose for warnings of other central nervous system depressants, including alcohol.

In the case of narcotic analgesics, enhancement of euphoria may also occur, leading to an increase in psychic drug dependence.

Compounds which inhibit certain hepatic enzymes (particularly cytochrome P450) may enhance

the activity of benzodiazepines and benzodiazepine-like agents. A possible interaction with potent CYP3A4 inhibitors (including, but not limited to, those listed below) cannot be excluded.

Azolantimycotics: Fluconazole, Ketoconazole, Itraconazole


HIV-Protease Inhibitors

Gemfibrozil (PPAR-α-Agonist)

Macrolide antibiotics: Erythromycin, Clarithromycin, Telithromycin

Nefazodone (SNRI)


Verapamil (Ca2+-Antagonist)

Grapefruit juice

Rohypnol may be given in conjunction with oral antidiabetic agents and anticoagulants.

4.6 Pregnancy and lactation (CDS 2.5.1, 2.5.2)


Insufficient data are available on flunitrazepam to assess its safety during pregnancy.

If the product is prescribed to a woman of childbearing potential, she should be advised to contact her physician regarding discontinuance of the product if she intends to become pregnant or suspects that she is pregnant. Although the placental transfer of flunitrazepam is small after a single dose, prolonged administration should be avoided in the last trimester of pregnancy. If, for compelling medical reasons, flunitrazepam is administered during the late phase of pregnancy or during labour, effects on the neonate such as hypothermia, hypotonia and moderate respiratory depression can be expected due to the pharmacological action of the product.

Moreover, infants born to mothers who took benzodiazepines chronically during the latter stages of pregnancy may have developed physical dependence and may be at some risk of developing withdrawal symptoms in the postnatal period (see 4.4).

Nursing mothers

Since benzodiazepines pass into breast milk, flunitrazepam should not be administered to breastfeeding mothers.

4.7 Effects on ability to drive and use machines (CDS 2.4.3)

Sedation (see 4.5), amnesia, impaired concentration and impaired muscular function may adversely affect the ability to drive or operate machinery. Insufficient sleep may increase the likelihood of impaired alertness.

Patients should also be warned against drinking alcohol beverages while under the influence of the drug because of a mutual potentiating of undesirable effects.

4.8 Undesirable effects (CDS 2.6)

It is generally expected that Rohypnol ampoules will be administered once. However, in special circumstances, the formulation may be used over a longer time period. In such cases, most of the side effects occur predominantly at the start of the treatment and usually disappear with prolonged administration.

Frequency categories are as follows:

Very common: ³1/10;

Common ³1/100 to <1/10;

Uncommon ³1/1,000 to <1/100

Rare (³1/10,000 to <1/1,000)

Very rare (<1/10,000)

Not known (cannot be estimated from the available data

Immune System Disorders
frequency not known / Hypersensitivity reactions, including rash, angioedema and hypotension.
Psychiatric Disorders
frequency not known / Confusional state, emotional disorder Libido disorders.
Pre-existing depression may be unmasked
Paradoxical reactions such as restlessness, agitation, irritability, aggression, delusion, anger, nightmares hallucinations, psychosis, inappropriate behavior and other adverse behavioral effects.
Physical dependence: abrupt discontinuation of the therapy may result in withdrawal or rebound phenomena (see 4.4).
Nervous System Disorders
frequency not known / Drowsiness during the day, headache, dizziness, decreased alertness, ataxia. Anterograde amnesia may occur with therapeutic doses, the risk increasing at higher dosages. Amnesic effects may be associated with inappropriate behaviour (see 4.4).
Cardiac Disorders
frequency not known / Cardiac failure, cardiac arrest.
Respiratory Disorders
frequency not known / Respiratory depression.
Eye Disorders
frequency not known / Diplopia.
Gastrointestinal Disorders
frequency not known / Gastrointestinal disorders.
Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue Disorders
frequency not known / Skin reactions.
Musculoskeletal and Connective Tissue Disorders
frequency not known / Muscle weakness.
General Disorders and Administration Site Conditions
frequency not known / Fatigue.
Intravenous injection can give rise to a tugging pain or burning sensation along the vein.
Injury, Poisoning and Procedural Complications
frequency not known / Falls, fractures.


There is limited post-marketing safety data available for children.

4.9  Overdose (CDS 2.7)


Benzodiazepines commonly cause drowsiness, ataxia, dysarthria and nystagmus.

Overdose of Rohypnol is seldom life-threatening if the drug is taken alone, but may lead to areflexia, apnea, hypotension, cardio respiratory depression and coma. Coma, if it occurs, usually lasts a few hours but it may be more protracted and cyclical, particularly in elderly patients. Benzodiazepine respiratory depressant effects are more serious in patients with respiratory disease.

Benzodiazepines increase the effects of other central nervous system depressants, including alcohol.


The patient’s vital signs should be monitored and supportive measures instituted as indicated by the patient’s clinical state. In particular, patients may require symptomatic treatment for cardio respiratory effects or central nervous system effects.

If CNS depression is severe the use of flumazenil (Anexate®), a benzodiazepine antagonist, should be considered. This should only be administered under closely monitored conditions. It has a short half-life (about an hour), therefore patients administered flumazenil will require monitoring after its effects have worn off. Flumazenil is to be used with extreme caution in the presence of drugs that reduce seizure threshold (e.g. tricyclic antidepressants). Refer to the prescribing information for flumazenil (Anexate®), for further information on the correct use of this drug.