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3rd Grade Unit 2: / Estimation and Problem Solving / Suggested Time Frame: / 14 Days
TAKS Objective: / Objective 1, 3, 6 / TEKS: / 3.1A, 3.1B, 3.1C, 3.3A, 3.3B, 3.5A, 3.5B, 3.10
Unit Overview
The student adds and subtracts to solve meaningful problems involving whole numbers and determines appropriate times to estimate.
Enduring Understandings
  • Estimation verifies reasonableness of solutions.
  • Mathematicians use a variety of strategies to solve problems.
/ Essential Questions
  • Why is estimation important?
  • How do good mathematicians choose the appropriate operation to solve problems?
  • How do good mathematicians choose the best problem solving strategy?
/ Mathematics Skills/Process Always Do!
3.14Underlying processes and mathematical tools. The student is expected to:
3.14Aidentify the mathematics in every day situations
  • Objective 6 is tested in all strands.
  • Engage the students with real life experiences
  • Students should not only solve problems, but create problems when given mathematical expressions.
3.14Bsolve problems that incorporates understanding the problem, making a plan, carrying out the plan, and evaluating the solution for reasonableness
3.14Cselect or develop an appropriate problem-solving plan or strategy, including drawing a picture, looking for a pattern, systematic guessing and checking, acting it out, making a table, working a simpler problem, or working backwards to solve a problem
3.14B and 3.14C Include:
  • Explore with concrete manipulatives
  • Draw a picture (pictorial)
  • Share thoughts with peers
  • Journal thoughts
  • Record or communicate with words/pictures/numbers
  • Justify answer
3.14Duse tools such as real objects, manipulatives, and technology to solve problems
  • Explore with concrete manipulatives
  • Draw a picture (pictorial)
  • Share thoughts with peers
  • Journal thoughts
  • Numerical representation
  • Justify answer
  • Work with and make connections among the different representations: concrete/pictorial/abstract
  • Use calculators
  • Underlying processes and mathematical tools. The student communicates about mathematics using informal language. The student is expected to:
3.15Aexplain and record observations using objects, words, pictures, numbers, and technology
  • Describe the process in words (written and/or orally)
  • Journal writing/drawing is imperative
  • Oral explanation is a must
  • Calculators
3.15Brelate informal language to mathematical language and symbols
  • Students write and understand words, numbers, and symbols
  • Journal writing is imperative
  • Oral explanation is a must (students should talk to other students, the teacher, and to the class)
  • Underlying processes and mathematical tools. The student uses logical reasoning to make sense of his or her world. The student is expected to:
3.16Amake generalizations from patterns or sets of examples and non-examples
  • Identify attributes of examples
  • Identify examples false to statement given
  • Examples may have nonsense words
3.16Bjustify why an answer is reasonable and explain the solution process
  • Students justify and prove their solutions in written/ spoken words, pictures, concrete objects, and/or numbers
  • Journal writing-may include process or explanations, etc.
  • Peer explanations
  • Classroom discussions

  • Estimation is not rounding; rounding is one way to estimate.
  • Estimations can be made using compatible numbers.
  • Addition and subtraction are inverse operations.
/ Relationships and/or Connections that should emerge
  • Rounding is changing a number so that it is easy to work with, but still close enough to use.
  • Estimation is a number close to the exact amount.
  • Add to join one amount to another amount.
  • Add to combine two parts to find the whole amount.
  • Subtract to take away—the answer tells how much is left.
  • Subtract to compare.
  • Knowing the whole amount and one part, subtraction can be used to find the other part.
  • Subtraction is finding the missing addend in an addition sentence.

Language of Instruction
addend / sumandos
compatible number
difference / diferencia
estimate / estimar
sum / suma
Concrete manipulatives such as cubes, beans and counters / Products students will develop
  • Book of 10, Investigations; Coins, Coupons and Combinations, p.8
  • Book of Magic Pot Riddles; Coins, Coupons, and Combinations, p. 24
  • Class chart of addition facts to 20, MLC, p.198

Mathematical Connections to Literature
By Gary and Gail Provost
Ming Lo Moves the Mountain
By Arnold Lobel
3rd Grade Unit 2: / Estimation and Problem Solving / Suggested Time Frame: / 14 Days
TAKS Objective: / Objective 1, 3, 6 / TEKS: / 3.1A, 3.1B, 3.1C, 3.3A, 3.3B, 3.5A, 3.5B, 3.10
Unit Overview
The student adds and subtracts to solve meaningful problems involving whole numbers and determines appropriate times to estimate.
Text Resources:
Mathematical Thinking at Grade 3
Combining and Comparing
Volume I
Count On It
Problem Solver
Measuring Up
Math Essentials
Vocabulary Adventure / Technology & Electronic Resources
For additional activities on addition, subtraction, and rounding/estimation, go to:

Other(i.e., Speakers, Field Trips)
  • Sam’s Wholesale
/ Method(s) of Assessment
AObservation evaluated by peers
BStudents engaged in learning activities
CDirect questioning
DObservation of performance or process
Teacher Checkpoint:
Constructed Response
  1. TEKSCheck
Assessment Sourcebook: End-Of Unit Assessment Tasks
  1. Open-ended
  2. Essay
  3. Research Paper
  4. Log / Journal
  5. Story / Play / Poem
  6. Model / Map / Video
  7. Oral / Visual / Multimedia Presentation
Selected Response
1Fill-in-the-blank test
2Matching test
3Multiple choice test
4True/False test
Collaborative Student Explorations
What number can you add to ninety eight thousand, nine hundred ninety nine to make all of the digits the same? Explain your process.
See Resources - A33.1A3E1
See Resources - A33.1A3S1 / 3.1C
The tops of the three highest mountains in the U.S. are Mt.Elbert at 14,433 ft., Mt.Kinnley at 20,320 ft., and Whitney at 14,494 ft. How do you write these numbers in order from greatest to least using words? Explain your process.
See Resources - A33.1B3E1
See Resources - A33.1B3E1

Third Grade Mathematics Unit 2 Overview

In this brief summary, the days will fluctuate according to your students, calendar, and special events.

Unit Two: Estimation and Problem Solving

Suggested Time Frame 14 days

Note: Place value concepts and addition and subtraction with and without regrouping will be covered over the first 12 weeks. A longer time frame will accommodate different rates at which 3rd grade students grasp these critical concepts.

  • Continue to use place value to read, write, and describe whole numbers through 999,999 (Units 1 and 2)
  • Continue to use place value to compare and order whole numbers through 9,999 (Units 1 and 2).
  • Continue to use addition and subtraction to solve problems (including regrouping).
  • Use fact families/inverse operations with addition and subtraction.
  • Round numbers to estimate solutions to addition and subtraction problems.
  • Locate appropriate tens and hundreds to round to on a number line.
  • Introduce the problem solving strategies “Guess and Check” and “Use Logical Reasoning”.

8/27/2007DRAFT 3