Lesson Plan for Bathroom Expectations
3. Examples/Non-examples (The teachershould model allnon-examples when possible.)
Examples of Being Positive
- Appreciating the opportunity to use the available facilities
- Patiently waiting your turn in line
Non-examples of Being Positive
- Complaining during planned bathroom breaks
- Telling classmates “Hurry up! What’s taking
Examples of Being Prepared
- Entering the bathroom for the purpose of using the available facilities to take care of personal needs
- Taking advantage of the times set aside for bathroom breaks
- Having a hall pass (if leaving class during instructional time)
- Entering the bathroom for the purpose of meeting up with friends
- Telling a staff member that your teacher gave you permission to leave class, but you don’t have a hall pass (if leaving class during instructional time)
Examples of Being Respectful
- Respecting other’s privacy
- Treating equipment and supplies with care
- Adjusting all clothing to dress code
area /
Non-examples of Being Respectful
- Teasing/harassing others
- Not flushing the toilet
- Throwing paper towels on the floor
- Leaving the bathroom with shirt untucked
Examples of Being Safe & Orderly
- Lining up quietly in an orderly fashion during planned classroom bathroom breaks
- Practicing good personal hygiene
- Spilling water on the floor and wiping it up
- Reporting a stopped-up toilet to one of the
Non-examples of Being Safe & Orderly
- Rushing to get a spot in line during planned classroom bathroom breaks
- Not washing hands with soap and water
- Spilling water on the floor and leaving it there
- Putting items in a toilet or sink that do not belong there