Sydenham Assembly Coordinating Group Meeting
The Grove Church Centre
2 Jews Walk Sydenham
Tuesday 2 November 2010, 7- 8.30pm

Minutes of meeting

Present: Cllr Chris Best, Cllr Marion Nisbet, Andrea Chaney, Nigel Desborough, Barry Milton, Alona Sheridan, Pat Trembath, Christine Thompson, Angel Hall and Paul Gale Local Assembly Coordinator

Apologies: Neel Dhakal and Paul Phoenix

1. Introduction and apologies

Cllr Chris Best welcomed everyone to the meeting and noted the apologies. In addition Cllr Best informed the group that Jean Beckford has resigned from the Coordinating Group and that Lorraine was now too busy to continue. It was agreed to ask at the next Sydenham Assembly if there were any other volunteers assuming everyone else wished to continue.

2. Feedback from the last Sydenham Assembly on 11 September

The Group agreed that the Saturday format was pretty successful and that numbers were good, however, a more formal evening assembly is required for items such as Mayor’s Fund. The assembly minutes were then checked by the Group prior to their availability on the website. Several amendments were made.

2.1 Response to ‘Our Lewisham, Our Say’

There was much table discussion at the Assembly and the Group felt that these discussions should be fed back to the assembly. In addition, it was felt that there should be more general feedback regarding ‘Our Lewisham, Our Say’. Cllr Best will ensure there is written feedback available for the next Assembly meeting.

2.2 Station Approach and Public Conveniences

Barry Milton is in contact with LOROL(London Overground Rail Operations Ltd) regarding adequate toilet provisions in this area. One of the areas where they could be placed is in the Ticket Office space.

2.3 Myplace Funding for the Youth Centre

Angela Chaney is in contact with Jo Hunneywell, Capital Project Manager. At present we do not know whether this funding has been cut. The concern is regarding the maintenance of the building. Overall, the Group felt that it was better to press ahead with the project, rather than the worry about a possible revenue future issue for the youth workers. Cllr Best pointed out that the two top priorities from ‘Our Lewisham, Our Say’ are young people and adult social care.

3. Devolved Budget and Sydenham Coordinators Report

Cllr Best told the group that the Assembly has an annual devolved budget of £3,200. This figure includes all the meetings (including Coordinating Group), the publicity, refreshments (if food ordered) and engagement work.

It was agreed that Paul check out if this included the delivery of the leaflets as this can cost several hundred. Everyone was very pleased with the last colour leaflet printed by PMS for £300 and agreed to work on the same again.

3.1 Coordinators Report

Paul Gale provided the group with a brief report based upon his work in Sydenham since his posting on 13 September. As well as area walkabouts and general liaison Paul has met with:

·  Friday 17 September - Sydenham and Forest Hill Youth Forum's, Annual General Meeting at the ‘Here for Good’ Centre

·  Wednesday 29 September - Lynda Howard – Sydenham Traders

·  Tuesday 05 October - Sydenham Town Centre Steering Group

·  Thursday 07 October – Walkabout TCM Julie Sutch

·  Monday 1st November – Pat Trembath – Sydenham Arts Festival

4. Bids for the £25,000 Mayor’s Fund for 2010/11

The deadline for Mayor’s Fund applications was 30 November 2010, the Coordinating Group initially discussed whether this should be extended. Cllr Best felt that the deadline had been well publicised and that new bids can look at applying for next year. .

The following bids were presented to the Coordinating Group for review, each bid was discussed in order to assess whether the bid matches all the criteria for both the Mayor’s Fund and for Sydenham.

Sydenham Arts Festival £10,000 – It was felt that this project addressed several ward priorities including vibrant high street and more activities for children and young people.

The Coordinating Group agreed that this project will go to the Assembly for decision.

Mayow Park £10,000 – This project addresses the assembly priorities of a cleaner and greener Sydenham and more activities for children and young people. The park is in Perry Vale, but many users are based in Sydenham. There will be an application made to the Perry Vale Assembly.

The Coordinating Group agreed that this project will go to the Assembly for decision.

Pat Trembath mentioned the Greyhound site and the possible availability of Section 106 Money towards green projects, the site will be finished by May 2012.

Sydenham Community Radio £5,000 – This project addresses the Assembly priorities of young people and vibrant high street. Cllr Best appraised the group that she had spoken to Simon Banks and that they would have to leave their site at 18 Sydenham Road, this proposal is related to a proposed move to the Opening Doors office at Sydenham Library.

The Coordinating Group expressed concerns as to whether there was a commercial plan for the project and also the need for clarification from Aileen Buckton re commercial rent. It was also asked whether there is a ‘back-up plan.

There then followed a discussion about the use of library buildings and the feasibility of keeping them open. At present Opening Doors use part of the building, it is hoped that by having several organisations based in the building costs will be lowered. From the present information Opening Doors do not pay a rent and it is hoped that new users will make a contribution in cash and kind. The Group stated that Simon needs to liaise with Opening Doors

The Coordinating Group agreed that this will project will go to the Assembly for decision.

An additional comment was that we need to know more about the financial viability of groups applying for Mayor’s Fund/

Sydenham Film Club £4,500 – This project addresses the assembly priorities vibrant high street and activities for young people. This project is supported by Anthony Scully from the Friends of Home Park and the Lewisham Arts Service, it will probably be split with Bellingham ward.

The Coordinating Group agreed that this project will go to the Assembly for decision.

Switch It Football £4,000 – This project addresses the assembly priority of activities for young people. Nigel Desborough told the group how impressed he has been with the scheme and that it involves ‘life,’ not just football. There is good mentoring and anger management and badges can be gained via Millwall FC. This is an exclusively Sydenham scheme and there has been a great deal of positive work with the estates.

The Coordinating Group agreed that this will project will go to the Assembly for decision.

Spot the Fun £4,600 – This project addresses the assembly priority of

activities for young people. The Coordinating Group had some concerns regarding this proposal. Firstly, it was noted that the proposal is not unique to Sydenham, indeed, it is being presented to quite a few wards within the borough. In addition the project briefing sheet refers to Forest Hill activities and not Sydenham. Cllr Nisbet also had concerns about running an outdoor project in February when the weather can be make activities very difficult. Other concerns included the fact that it is not a grassroots initiative and that the activities last for very short period with no apparent follow-up.

The Coordinating Group felt that this proposal should not be presented to the Assembly for the reasons outlined.

Future Sydenham £2,500 – This project addresses the Assembly priority of vibrant high street. The Coordinating Group felt that this was a proposal with real potential, however, the lack of detail made it difficult to support at this stage. There is no structure regarding project plans and no details regarding how it will work. The Coordinating Group felt that the applicants should present their idea to the Assembly and brief them regarding their ideas so that the proposal can evolve.

The Coordinating Group felt that this proposal needs more work for the reasons outlined, however, it is essentially a good idea and the applicants should aim to re-submit the bid in time for the 2011 – 2012 Mayor’s Fund available at the end of March.

Conclusion – There is only £25k available, the Coordinating Group will recommend that each project reduces the amount applied for by 25% so that all five projects can be funded.

The 51% voting rule will apply at the assembly and young people over 14 must stay for all the presentations.

5. Planning Assembly Meeting 2 December

It was agreed that the assembly will include the following items:

·  ‘Feedback Our Lewisham Our Say’

·  Feedback regarding last year’s Mayor Fund and Locality Fund

·  2010/11 Mayor’s Fund Bids (5 projects) – maximum 5 minute presentation and 5 minutes for questions

·  Future Sydenham

·  Coordinating Group volunteers (more members sought)

·  Information Section

A full agenda will be produced and circulated.

5.1 Publicity

Cllr Best particularly liked the recent Rushey Green poster, it was agreed to design something similar

5.2 Sydenham Assembly Leaflet

This will remain in its present format, but other leaflets such as Crofton Park to be looked at. The Group wanted new photos on the front and events on the back with just the address rather than a map of the venue as The Grove Centre is known. The text in the centre should include the information regarding the Mayor’s Fund.

5.3 Feedback from last year’s Mayor’s Fund

Paul Gale provided the Coordinating Group with a table detailing progress relating to the eleven 2009 / 10 Mayor’s Fund projects. It was noted that some of data was quite vague and that there needs to more comprehensive evaluation material available. Paul told the group that there is a Mayor’s Fund officer, but she has been off and her files cannot be accessed.

6. Update on the Locality Fund Projects

Five projects have been funded 2010 / 11 Locality Fund. Paul told the group that no payments have been made yet with one project awaiting payment from finance. The other projects are at different stages of the payment process.

7. Next Assembly Meetings

Thursday 2 December and then Thursday 3 March

8. Any Other Business

No other business

9. Date of next Coordinating Group meeting

Thursday 27 January from 7pm at the Grove Centre