Grading Rubric for DNA Model (8th Grade Science)

Name ______Date______Pd. ______

Advanced (4) / Proficient (3) / Basic (2) / Minimal (1)
Model shows an understanding of base pair basics / The model has two pairs of color-coded bases fitting like puzzle pieces. / The model has two pairs of color-coded bases. / The model has one pair of color-coded bases. / The model has four bases but not color coded nor matched.
Model has a legend. / The legend identifies all components of DNA. / The legend identifies four bases (adenine, thymine, guanine, and cytosine). / The legend identifies two or three components of DNA. / The legend identifies one component of DNA.
Model has sugar molecules, phosphate molecules, adenine, thymine, guanine, and cytosine bases / All six components of DNA are easily identified. / Four bases (adenine, thymine, guanine, and cytosine) are easily identified. / Two components of DNA are easily identified. / One component of DNA is easily identified.
Model has a double-helix shape. / The model has a double-helical (3-D) shape. / The model has a shape of a ladder (3-D) but not twisted. / The model is two-dimensional. / The model has no shape.
Model is accompanied by a written description (1 paragraph) / The description has a paragraph or more, which explains the structure of DNA in depth, beyond what is explained in the textbook. / The description has a paragraph, which explains all parts of the model. / The description has a paragraph, which explains how bases are paired. / The description is attached but not correct.
Model has a required length. / The model contains enough bases to code for 6 or more amino acids. / The model contains enough bases to code for 5 amino acids. / The model contains enough bases to code for 4 amino acids. / The model contains enough bases to code for 3 or less amino acids.
Model is neatly constructed. / The model shows exceptional effort. / The model is neatly done. / Neatness of the model can be improved. / The model is very carelessly done.

*******Important note: If any of the above criteria is scored BASIC or MINIMAL, the students will need to re-build the model.*********

DUE DATE: Tuesday, November 10th