Health and safety is of vital importance to our club. Poor standards not only affect the quality of life of our members, they also adversely affect the performance and efficiency of our performance.

General Objectives

The main objectives of the Wigton RUFC health and safety policy are:

  • To prevent accidents and ill health from our work and volunteers activities;
  • To identify and control risks through risk assessment;
  • To provide a safe place of work and safe working practices;
  • To provide sufficient information, training and supervision to enable all stakeholders to operate safely and contribute positively to their own and their colleagues’ health and safety in the club;
  • To comply with relevant Health and Safety legislation and meet our statutory duties;

Committee Responsibilities

The overall responsibility and accountability for the health, safety and welfare at work of all employees, volunteers and others who may be affected by the activities of Wigton RUFC, including, but not restricted to, visitors, members of the public and contractors, vests with Club Committee.

Each Committee Member is responsible for ensuring that a health and safety policy is developed and implemented for their areas of activity, and that adequate resources are assigned to health and safety at committee level.

The site health and safety manual should contain clear and concise procedures and arrangements as to the responsibilities, duties and standards required to effectively manage health and safety.

All work areas, activities and processes should be subject to a systematic programme of risk assessment. These should be effectively communicated to employees, contractors and others to whom they might apply. Written safe systems of work should be produced to communicate safety instructions to stakeholders.

Committee members will continually review and monitor the effectiveness of these systems and make necessary arrangements through audit and inspection to monitor compliance.

Member Responsibility

All members must actively support the policy by working with due regard to the safety of themselves and others. If they observe any practice that in their view does not conform to health and safety standards, they should report this immediately to the committee.

Wigton RUFC expects and encourages similar support from contractors, members of the public and other visitors to our facilities.

A good safety record is in the best interests of everyone and it is therefore, up to us, through our actions, to help the club and help ourselves.

Chairman______Secretary ______

September 2010